What's the best place you've ever been?

AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

For me, I went on a trip to Seattle a few months ago. Having never left the Midwest, it was a completely new environment to me and I loved it. Just the drive there made it worthwhile, I had never seen a mountain in person until that point, I had never seen a city of that scale in person, and I had never seen greenery like I saw once I got into the Pacific Northwest and out of the corn hell that made up half of the drive.



  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380

    My elementary school from back when i lived in WV. It was sat on top of a fairly large and steep hill, and during the winter you could look out across the very small neighborhood surrounded by forestry, coated in snow. Even as a very young lass, it was staggeringly beautiful. Don't think i've ever been that enraptured by any other location, the untouched snow was just another level of beautiful. I Highly recommend a vacation to Morgantown or any of the other small towns in WV, its an absolutely gorgeous state.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,590

    Ohhh that's a hard one for me. I've travelled a lot and seen many Countries so to choose one solely would be way too difficult.

    I do love Maui, Montreal, Barcelona, Rome & New York though, they're definitely amongst the favourite places I've visited so far at least.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,073

    I haven't visited too many places outside my country, but I loved Prague, amazing place to visit.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    I've heard really good things about Appalachia in terms of natural beauty, I'll definitely have to visit there someday.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Canada or Scotland. Both those countries are of astounding beauty and culture, with lovely people there too!

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,265

    I have not experienced much in my life and have only visited Sweden a few years ago.

    I was there a few days before Christmas, the streets were decorated and the whole atmosphere was very different for me.

    I walked with a hot drink in my hand and i enjoyed every moment.

  • Disney land Paris

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,590

    that actually sounds really nice!

    I spent Christmas in Hungary one year and it was just so different, the way it was decorated, loads of Christmas lights and markets etc. It was really lovely.

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member Posts: 5,105

    Actually my pick in seeing the thread is Pidgeon Forge/Gatlinburg, Tennessee, because it was so absolutely beautiful up there in the mountains. When I went on family vacations there many years back, it was only during the summer, but I'd absolutely LOVE to see it this time of year when the autumn colors start showing on the trees. And while the tourist part of the area is fun, there were so many absolutely fantastic small, local artisan shops dotted around the area as well!

  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545

    Haven't been to many other states and I'm deathly afraid of planes but my favorite place I've been is Pennsylvania. I used to go there every summer as a kid to visit family and I have a lot of memories from my childhood there I cherish. Went there recently to visit my best friend and she took me to a lot of amazing scenery spots.

    Bucket list places (if I ever got over my phobia of planes) however are England, Japan, South Korea. I have a close friend in England and they show me pictures of when they go sight seeing all the time and I'd love to be able to hang and sight see with them.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,755

    Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga TN

    I would like to see Ireland someday.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    It was Tuojiang Town in China (translated from my language is Ancient Phoenix town).

    Im South east Asian so I wish to visit Europe one day.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    The mountainous regions, south of Poland.

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,679

    Ahhh the Midwest. My birthplace.

    Hard to say, but so far I guess I'd say either Hawaii or Italy.

  • MckFinn
    MckFinn Member Posts: 60

    Went to Atlantis in the Bahamas a while back. Had a lot of fun swimming and going through a slide with sharks surrounding it. Way cool, great vacation

  • Animal_Mother
    Animal_Mother Member Posts: 149

    I've been to almost every state minus Alaska and maybe a couple New England states. I backpacked through Central America and several countries in Asia probably 20 years ago. I found Taiwan to be a pretty fun place. I had a planned trip to spend a month in Taiwan last April, but they enacted some travel restrictions just days before my flight. I'll make it back there one of these days.

    I've been there maybe 3 or 4 times. I remember first going in the early 80s. Before it was Dollywood, it used to be called Silver Dollar City. I still have a few coins from there stashed in an old piggy bank. Autumn is definitely a good time to go.

  • Foxy_Teltac
    Foxy_Teltac Member Posts: 277

    Downtown Savannah Georgia, extremely nice place with tons of different cultured restaurants, went there today and had some greek food

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    New York city by far. It's really intimidating at first but if you get used to it, it becomes one of the coolest places in all of the U.S imo.

    Especially times square