How long am I going to have to be slapped with matchmaking bans that aren't my fault?

I'm not sure why people defend these bans when they are legit being handed out like a cascade of skittles to people who aren't legit disconnecting on purpose.. taste the rainbow ppl, its all shades of brown. So sickening that my favorite game kicks me out for trying to play it, then tells me its my fault by locking my matchmaking queue. This matchmaking lock needs to be either disabled permanently or configured in a way that it can tell the difference between a rage quitting punk and a legit dc. Don't tell me its not possible because it knows the difference enough to let you keep your points/rift challenge progress when its not on purpose, but still locks you.


  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415
    edited October 2021

    The answer is NO. Because otherwise players will try to abuse the system. If you pull the plug you don't get a mmr deducted BUT you get your deserved punishment in the form of the panalty which increases and that's a good thing. If they would abolish this there would be someone in almost every game who doesn't like something and just pulls the plug. ( Don´t forget: If you play with McDonalds Internet... better you play another game, sry )

  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    Yes yes, I understand fully why its in place and I agree fully. There is absolutely zero wrong with my internet, trust me when I say this. There is something else wrong with the system. I will not continue to just accept these unfair bans. Why is everyone so cool with this? If I was disconnecting cause I'm just an ass then I wouldn't be here reaching out for solace..

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    For as many of these "my internet and home network and console/PC work perfectly and the game disconnects me all the time for no reason" posts as we get here a week, you'd think that every match would have two instant DC, yet that isn't the case.

    My internet isn't amazing or anything, but I can still count on one hand the number of times I've been disconnected mid match, which leads me to believe it's possible that the game isn't at fault. I don't even know of another person in my circle of friends who play this game that have ever been disconnected often enough to receive a penalty.

  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    Like there are legit dbd streamers pointing out the same exact thing on camera.. do you think they just have a junk connection? I highly doubt it.

  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    Well I'm happy for you, and thousands of others feel the same.. but there are also thousands of others who this happens to on a regular basis.. be happy your not one of them.. I mean, what else can I do to fix this!? I have an Xbox x series connected to my fiber optic internet with an eternity cable... there isn't even a higher upgrade to our internet.. we pay the price for the best available but.. nope! Guess I need something that doesn't exist yet to handle a 5 year old game right? When legit none of my other games act a fool like this? Wake up.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Some of them? Absolutely. I mean hell, I can link to videos from Eurogamer and outside Xbox and other groups that are better budgeted than most individual streamers who have all sorts of issues with their setups all the time. Hazard of having to keep so much running on one pc just to do the stream.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340
    edited October 2021

    Ok, so you threw money at a company. Have you tried actually troubleshooting or do you just trust your isp to do everything for you?

    The way you put it "eternity (sic) cable to fiber optic" doesn't explain much about your setup. Are you using an all in one access point from your isp, or do you have a separate modem and router? Xbox series x uses a few different ports for games, have you checked them on your router and modem to make sure they are whitelisted?

    Port 88 (UDP)

    Port 3074 (UDP and TCP)

    Port 53 (UDP and TCP)

    Port 80 (TCP)

    Port 500 (UDP)

    Port 3544 (UDP)

    Port 4500 (UDP)

  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    Not sure who your friends are but it doesn't matter how *often you dc, you get the penalty any time regardless. So maybe you and your friends just play once and a while.. I play this pretty much every day for 5 years and I've seen this unfair dc too many times to keep count bro.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340
    edited October 2021

    Actually it's a cumulative penalty based on completed vs disconnected matches, so if you play a lot on a stable connection and don't rage quit, you are unlikely to see any penalty on the rare occasion a legit issue occurs. If on the other hand you are consistently disconnected and don't do anything to fix it, you will see longer and longer penalties.

    Most of my friends, like me, are network technicians who spend our days fixing routers and switches and basically keeping the digital world spinning. That is why I speak with such confidence on this subject.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,317

    Here's the thing, if you are having constant d/c issues due to your own internet issues then maybe trying to playing multiplayer games is a bad idea.

  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    For all the other defenders of this DC penalty with all your *explanations.. tell me this: why is it when I got this last matchmaking ban because clearly according to all of you it must be my internet.. why was my wife who works from home on the same internet able to not drop the call she was on when it happened? Why is it when we check our service flow there are no breaks? Why does legit everything else in the house that uses internet experience no interruptions at all? But it can't possibly be the game screwing up, right?

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340
    edited October 2021

    Because all of those things use different data ports in both your router and modem, which may or may not be experiencing issues. They use different protocols, and have different conditions for what constitutes a failed connection vs a background reconnect or missed ping.

    For example. Outlook only needs you to have internet for 5 out of every 60 seconds to work perfectly. DBD has a much lower tolerance for missed pings.

    VoIP, especially in the US with our ridiculously low quality standards stays connected really well, call quality goes to crap, but again, our standards are so low for what a good call is that most don't even notice.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It's probably your internet.

    Try to play when there aren't other people on the network. Even my friend who has 250 ms ping routinely doesn't get DC'd.

  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    In all actuality if they turned the penalty off id never have to worry about it again considering i don't play in any such ways that would cause a survivor to dc in the first place, I play survivor too and avoid doing the things that aren't cool. Love to see how yall will hate on me now.. but its dbd community so I'm sure someone will find a way right?

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Hate on you?

    I have been trying to help you, thankless task that it has proven to be. I even found the xbox routing table so you could check your ports, not a word of acknowledgement. You act like you're being attacked just because we're not all agreeing with you.

  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    I'm sorry, I'd just like to play this for one day without it slapping my face. Everyone has comments but I never get a solution. I was typing an appreciation for what you said earlier but I guess I took too long.

  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    Its the unsolicited comments I got on my last forced dc that caused me to post this. Nobody should have to deal with these things.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Then you will have to do some actual troubleshooting of your setup. Whining about the penalty won't make your game work. There isn't a massive wave of dbd server outages, and no reported connection issues with the Xbox series x, so the issue is in your environment. You want someone to hand you the perfect solution, but that's not how anything in life works.

  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    True... I feel like I'm at the end of my options though.. like what *more* can I do? I'm at the high end of whats available to me.. so with that in mind, do you find it fair that I just get disconnected while legitvtryingvto play the game and I need to just *accept* that as part of dbd life? Like "hey your doing well but now we're just going to randomly kick you in the nuts with a ban for no real applicable reason on your part.. were good right? Can you not see how that frustrates the ######### out of me?

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340
    edited October 2021

    As far as I can tell, literally all you have done is throw money at your isp, and complain here. Neither is actually troubleshooting your issue.

    You said earlier you were married, that would lead one to believe you are an adult, so I don't know why you are here complaining about what is fair, when you haven't done anything to fix your issue. If your car doesn't start in the morning, do you immediately jump on the Toyota forum to complain about how bad their cars are? Or do you try and figure out why it won't start?

  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    Yall know coconuts? The thing I'm talking about happened to him on stream recently.. same exact thing. I'm not alone in this and not just him, this happens to my friends too. Its all just swept conveniently under the rug by ppl it doesn't happen often too. Well I'm sick of being banned from queue for doing nothing wrong and whether you've experienced it or not its a real thing that needs to be fixed.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    Instead of a textbook response imma say that there should be atleast a ticket system for longer bans for people like this, MOST games have DC penalties and appeals

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Coconuts. Is that a person? Nope. In the neighborhood I grew up in coconut was considered an insulting thing to be called, so I definitely would have remembered someone with a name like that.

  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    I'm paying the price for a rule that doesn't apply to me, and I don't like it. There it is in plain English. Now if you can tell me I'm wrong for that id love to hear the logic.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    I mean, this game is an unoptimized mess. I do fine with current gen games on my game on ultra graphics or equivalent, but if a Blight shows up on RPD it's hell on my card for whatever reason, and a clickyboi with a macro can still kill a lot of mid-grade PC builds.

    The pretense that the game is entirely fair and predictable in load, especially when Steam's been getting hit with attacks and unscheduled maintenance more and more: it's just dishonest. On the other hand, no, DBD - despite having the potential for access to tools which could differentiate between different types of DC - has never gone out of its way to acquire or develop those tools, and even if BHVR had them they wouldn't be super reliable. They're not a 'small indie studio' anymore, but by no means are they giants of the industry with access to the best of the best.

  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    A rule that I can't avoid no less, its forced upon me no matter how well I play.. and tbh it seems to apply a lot more frequently when I am doing well. Go figure.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    It does apply to you.

    You have shown repeatedly that you don't think you should have to do anything to actually troubleshoot and repair the issue causing you to disconnect. Your frequent disconnections, caused by an issue with your setup that you don't want to fix, make games worse for those you play with. That's literally why the penalty exists.

    Fx your setup.

  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119
    edited October 2021

    So your saying that even though I've been a hard-core console gamer since I got my coleco vision 2 bit piece of crap in 1980, I somehow cannot possibly understand how a multi-player game should flow or work. I've beaten more games than the months that make up your life.. never have I *ever... run into a video game that straight bans you when your playing properly outside of dead by daylight. Next time you want to flex, save it for someone it will actually impress dude.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340
    edited October 2021

    Oh noes a hardcore console gamer, oh my!

    Seriously? That's the funniest thing I've ever seen typed here. You had me thinking you were serious for a minute there, lmao. Awesomely done Poe post, I totally fell for it.

  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    The penalty exists for ppl that are trash and don't give a care about us that actually do care.. ######### man, watch some current videos dude.. picking me out like I'm the only one pfft.

  • DaWeezerd
    DaWeezerd Member Posts: 256

    Upgrade your computer then, you must be running the game on ancient technology.

  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    I just miss when dbd was actually fun. The ones who know will know, I'm not trying to impress the rest.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    I love the idea that someone is being "picked out"

    On a post.

    That they created.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,143
    edited October 2021

    Well you don't care for your potential teammates.

    What you have done wrong to get punished is queueing for a team game well knowing that your system is prone to kick you out for a still unknown reason.

    But you still insist to keep trying ruining a trial for 4 other people with every (even unintentional) DC.

    Let me tell you a story, when I was still living with my parents I wanted to play in a fixed team in games like league of legends or rainbow six siege or going raiding with friends. But my parents would cut me off at random times for dinner or to help them with something so i never knew when I had to stop playing.

    What do you think I did because I felt a shred of responsibility?

    I DIDN'T play in groups. Sucked for me but that's how it works. Either you ignore being a potential burden for everyone else or respect the responsibility and step back.


    Also let me preemptively answer the potential question (even if you directly won't ask it):

    "Why should I care for anonymous randoms on the internet?"

    Well if not then why should anyone else care for your problems? Maybe break the cycle and a bigger and better person.

  • CrustyCake
    CrustyCake Member Posts: 38

    Have to tried turning it off and then back on again? Make sure to wait at least 30 seconds between, very important.

    Have you tried to uninstall the game COMPLETELY, temp files, saves, from your XBOX cloud account, ANYWHERE the game could be associated with you? Your game progress is saved on their servers, so don't worry about progress loss.

    Please list your troubleshooting steps taken, so that we can confirm that it is the game, not your XBOX/internet.

  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    Why don't all the haters on this thread go look at what Scott Jund just posted one hour ago, long after I even started this. Maybe you all think I'm trash cause I'm nobody or whatever, maybe a pro level player talking about the same thing will mean something to you. Thank you to the few who feel me on this.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Remember, it's always easier to blame "haters" and the game than it is to actually troubleshoot your own issues, but it never actually solves anything any more than appeals to (fake) authority do.

    But hey, who knows, maybe if you name the right streamer in range of your Xbox, it will hear you and magically fix itself.