Survivors that complain about tunnelling, what do you think about this?

From the killer perspective, once a survivor has been unhooked they have at their disposal to use:
- self-care
- free heals from fellow survivors
- medkit (potentially with styptic syringe or bottled bt)
- we'll make it
- borrowed time
- boon totem for more free heals
- boon totem for hiding scratches
- iron will + lucky break to completely hide away
- decisive strike
- unbreakable
- etc etc etc
Soooo many second chance perks that essentially allow them to reset their health state ridiculously easily. And that just makes the killer's job a lot harder because now they'll need two hits to go down instead of just one. And that'll apply for their next two hooks. For each survivor!
So why wouldn't/shouldn't killers tunnel straight off the hook to prevent the survivor from exploiting this? A free heal, particularly when granted by a single boon perk that the killer can do nothing about will surely force the killers to change playstyle further towards the direction survivors don't like?
*yeah, I know killers can stamp the totem out, but that requires finding it, and it doesn't destroy the totem so it can be relit, and that one perk (out of 16 the survivors bring) provides a practical benefit to all survivors which allows them to forgo carrying a medkit, or equipping self-care, or wasting time trying to find another survivor to heal up. And multiple totems can be lit by different survivors! Where are the survivors who cried about Spirit's "no counter" now? This is completely uncounterable.*
I'm just wondering if/when there'll be a point when even survivors recognise the that they've got so many crutches to rely upon, that crying for more (and indeed being granted more) ultimately forces the killers down a path that they were unhappy with in the first place?
Either that or many will just quit playing, which in turn will harm the queue times for survivors too.
It's not fun being tunneled it's really that simple.
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I mean you've just listed why people tunnel. This isn't ground-breaking. It's easy and skill less which is what people have a problem with.
Also none of what you listed is the survivor "exploiting" anything. Those are the base mechanics. To imply being healed by a teammate is the survivors "exploiting" anything is new though
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Healing is a part of the game's base mechanics. Being tunneled isn't fun. It's a tactic that requires absolutely no skill and unfairly punishes the unhooked survivor.
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If you tunnel off of hook, you're taking this game way too seriously.
And can we please stop it with the "second chance perk" non-sense. Killers get perks, survivors get perks. Believe me, if perks were disabled, killers would be off way worse than survivors.
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To be fair, the only circumstance under which tunneling doesn't take skill is if you are tunneling a bot. Not my fault the survivor is easy to tunnel when they have a whole map of resources.
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Using perks is not an exploit. That is just a ridiculous thing to say. Killers have perks too.
Boon perks have not even been implemented yet, so you are making an issue out of your own fears of what it might mean. Frankly, I don't see them as a big concern. It will make survivors waste time to find totems and to place the blessing on them. If the killer stamps it out, the survivors have to find the totem again, and take time to place the blessing, again. This is time they are not working on gens. Not to mention, if they are injured, they have to run back to that areas, and it still takes time to heal, so more time not working on gens.
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Pls, if you want kills, you can use Noed Bloodwarden and play it fair.
Not Ruin Undying Pop and tunneling 1 out at 4 Gen left.
Give us fail hope. Not hopeless.
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It has always seemed somewhat unfair to me that what can take the killer tens of seconds of actually trying to outplay the survivors can be undone with like 16 or fewer seconds of holding M1.
I think there should be some revamping of healing in this game somehow because at the moment it's too easy.
Tunneling can be necessary at times so don't let any survivor tell you how to play if you wanna do it.
It is a ######### thing though. But this game is full of ######### things that need to be done because of bad design choices. I will tunnel at times when I need to, especially at high MMR, but I'd much prefer a game where this kind of tactic is unnecessary by design, and thus prevented.
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while the state of gens makes high-end killer perks pretty mandatory if playing normally, i don't think it matters if you don't have any perks if you catch someone or god forbid two people out as an instadown killer 'cause you really are well and truly doomed with no exhaustion off hook/bt/ds if they proxy you
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And its not fun being gen rushed simple.
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Not really, It's not fun when someone else is tunneled, but I love being tunneled. It means that killer is going to over commit on me and I can have good chase. I love to chase.
It's not really an issue for SWF. Just go for protective hits? You don't even need perks other than BT to deal with tunneling. Circle of healing will help a lot -> free recover for more protective hits.
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Ok? I agree but that's completley irrelevant to my argument.
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Whats your argument?
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Well I'm glad you can find enjoyment in it, but I don't. I don't find it enjoyable not being able to play the game the way I want to because the killer hyper focuses on me.
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What does my comment say? Being tunneled isn't fun.
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Gen rushing is completely irrelevant, don't change the subject.
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Those who complain about tunneling are [Bad word] players who don't care about anything and most likely don't play killer.
Complaining about tunneling is probably a babie mindset. It's not Survivors who should decide how are they going to die. And if such players expect killer be nice and friendly and follow survivors rule book then they are delusional.
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Not really. Most killers get forced to tunnel, when they see 3 gens done in first 2 minutes. If they want game last longer than 5 minutes, they need to get 1 survivor out of the game and no it doesn't mean that killer is bad. If you get screwed by spawns, there is not much you can do about it with most killers, unless you wanna bring Ruin every game, or use top 3 killer.
I don't really like killers that start tunneling on 5 gens tho, just becuase there is no need for that.
Main problem is that most survivors don't know what is actual tunneling. If you don't try to prevent it, then it's not tunneling, when there is no other option to a killer. Killer just found survivor and he want to down him, nothing wrong about that. Why should he leave him, when there is noone else nearby?
I have actually got a kill on 3-4 hooks total and I didn't consider it tunneling. I often didn't know they are on deadhook, because I like to switch targets a lot with killer like Oni and I just don't bother remembering who did I just hit and who did I hooked. Alternative is that all survivors are playing stealthy and 1 survivor is not. So he is only one I see -> I chase him, if they would try to stop me, then I would gladly switch target, but they didn't and just cried about it instead.
I sometimes play on official discord and some survivor mains are so entitled. They don't even try to save their teammates, that are on deadhook chased by a killer, because it's easier to cry about it and blame killer.
I always try to go chase survivor that unhooked, but if you try to annoy me with BT hit, I am gonna wait 12 seconds and punish you for it. They had option to run away and heal.
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They don't have the whole map of resources. If you're tunnelling off hook, they only have the hook's immediate vicinity to work with, which is likely where they went down last time, too.
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If Borrowed, a body block, and DS don't get them to the next tile, you have to admit my hook placement was pretty sick.
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You can tunnel. They can heal. Both are game mechanics.
There's no exploiting.
Also self-care second-chance perk trollolololol.
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What if the rescuer doesn't bring BT, and the tunnelled doesn't bring DS?
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Yes, back to easy mode. They are going to die so ridiculously fast unless their team realizes and leaves them to rot on hook for the last minute.
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What if they did? What if they also brought 4x medkits and map offering?
Do you really wanna balance game about someone didn't do something important and ignore every other option survivors have?
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Did you mean to reply to me? I feel like this should've been towards someone else.
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That's what I call the perk tax, and it's why the survivor meta is so stale. Those perks aren't 'op second chance' crap as people like to whine on these forums: They're required to make the game playable when the killer decrees otherwise.
And it's awful design.
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Just first part was about you. That you said: "Gen rushing is completely irrelevant, don't change the subject."
Which I don't agree. It is connected for most killers.
But yeah, some killers are just dicks and it is their plan from start.
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So wanna talk about need for slow-down perks too? Or tracking perks.
It's not like killers don't have perk tax, in high MMR at least. Difference is that for killers it's X perks of 4 total vs X perks of 16 total.
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I only tunnel for 3 reasons only.....
1. Borrowed Time - If your taken off the hook and decide to be cheeky and body block your my target.
2. Key - If I see you bring in a key your going to die a slow and painful death until I'm sure that key is gone. (At least until the Hatch and Key fix happens then if you bring a key hey no problem)
3. If your that annoying toxic player that flashlight stunned me or just annoyed the ever loving crap out of me then you will be tunnel, then hooked, and finally face camped till your as good as dead.... after that I'll let all the other survivors go free just to spite you.
If you don't fall into those three categories then no tunneling from me.
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It's not X perks of 16 total, it's 4X perks of 16 total.
But yeah, the need for slow-down perks is also perk-tax. Killers do have more leniency in that it's not their entire build taken up by perk tax, and they have variety in which perks they can take to fill that role. But it's still not okay to have those perks be borderline mandatory.
But in that regard, tunnelling/camping and 'genrushing' sustain each other. Because without the latter, the former would be unpunishable, and vice versa.
Game needs fixin', y'all.
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Yeah, but I just don't think it is possible.
Thing is, if players want to be dicks, they will find a way to do it.
"It's not their entire build"
That depends on killer. High tier killers can get with just a pop, but lower you go, more you need.
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Then they accept the risk of their choice. Same for killers who don't use any slowdown.
Dbd's design flaws are historically band-aided with perks. It shouldn't be like that, but this is what we have to work with.
Loading into a trial without both bt and ds is the most handicapping decision a survivor can take, aside from using meme stuff like no mither. The killer wins the tunneling gamble once to know they can push a 3v1
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Because deadzones don't exist....
@topic Did you honestly call Self Care a second chance perk?
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Just to correct - Of total 24+ if they are on coms.
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either is getting 3 or 4 gens done in 5 minutes if u are not nurse or spirit, potentially blight.
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If you get tunneled you are going to complain. It isnt fun for anyone, and if you say it is, you're lying.
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Well, if being stunned by a flashlight, which you can avoid by looking at a wall, is annoying, what else is "annoying" to you? Looping? Doing gens?
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OP sounds like they have no idea what they’re talking about. Tunnelling is borderline impossible to stop, lol @ the idea that self care helps??
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Gen rush doesn't exist lol
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Mf unrioncally said that ppl run self-care in 2021... bro we can tell you're out of touch with the game
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@PlaysByShady play survivor more consistently so you’ll see what it’s like when it’s done to you. I cut that ######### out right away after that.
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The whole rulebook argument is stupid. Not every survivor is the "evil 4,000 hours knows every loop and will run you for 5 gens" type.
Being tunneled isn't fun, and complaining about tunneling isn't a "babies mindset"; survivors who just want to play casually and not worry about meta perks or how long they can run the killer for get tunneled off-hook because the killer's afraid they'll get genrushed if they don't.
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What does this have anything to do with my comment?
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neither lose the survivors for few second and see him/them already healed, or 3 gens popping the first few minuts almost always, but here we are...
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4 slow down is also a carry.
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This entire debate is very silly, because it tries to apply moral weight to playing a competitive (and I know calling DBD competitive is a meme, but I am not talking about MLG esports competitive, I am talking about how it is a group activity where one's success comes at the expense of someone else's, a flipping game of UNO is competitive) game with pretty extreme consequences for misplays.
The Killer's goal is to efficiently remove the ability of survivors to do gens so they can kill them. That is it. Any action that does not accomplish this goal is, large or small, throwing. You can say tunneling doesn't require skill or isn't fun, but because the killer is obligated to force the survivors into using their time inefficiently, it is inherently selfish to demand the killer doesn't do it. It doesn't matter that its a bad time for you, it is a bad time to get flashbanged and lose your auto-sniper in Counter Strike, doesn't mean your opponent is obligated to avoid doing so because it hurts your feelings.
Likewise, the survivor's goal is to efficiently complete gens and deny the killer the ability to pressure them. This is why the entire concept of 'genrush' is sorta a meme: The survivors not only don't have objectives other than gens, trying to do gens while you can't stop them is entirely what they are trying to do as a team. To continue the Counter Strike example, acting like survivors shouldn't slam the gens if you are over-commited to chasing someone and you aren't applying pressure overall is very silly and is akin to asking the enemy team to throw a bunch of rounds for you when your losing in counter-strike so you can get more chances to beat them.
The problem with DBD is optimal strategies tend to involve denying any sort of interaction that the other side values, more than 'your a dick if you do X.' It is a competitive game your playing with strangers, its literally a prisoner's dilemma scenario, and with MMR if you try to play nice you WILL get rocked. The killer legitimately doesn't have time to give the survivors every chance to save their teammates and keep playing. Even ignoring the power of forcing a 3v1, you need to maintain pressure and the only way to do that is to be near where survivors are going to be, and you KNOW survivors are going to try to go for the rescue to avoid the 3v1.
Camping and tunneling are deeply part of DBD's DNA. It was literally a dev goal during the beta for hook rescues to generally be a bad idea unless the killer was known to be far away, the killer was intended to use the survivor as bait and basically to have overwhelming power to stop unhooks, with the reward for a successful unhook being huge and hooks sorta low key being balanced from a time efficiency standpoint for the killer around being a 1-2 hook kill. The entire hook interaction decision matrix comically favors defensive play from the killer as a result: it literally disables the solo killer longer than the time it takes for one survivor to rescue one incapacitated player to hook someone, and the hook only rewards you compared to a slug if it gets a kill. You were never intended to consistently get rescued, but once SWF was added the rapid elimination of 'classic DBD' became understandably unappealing: It was NBD to just re-queue solo after dying hook 1, but in SWF you really can't do that and sitting through an entire match after first hook sucked, so they continually nerfed hooks and camping (often creating slug metas by accident when they over-nerfed defensive play, like when BT was first introduced and killers literally couldn't stop the sloppiest hook rescues on the planet).
Fixing this requires a lot of dedicated effort, and frankly a lot of the things that could fix it were put into perks. It would also require a lot of things survivors don't like, for example making it harder to actually rescue people if the killer is defending the hook (ex: removing fake unhooks, which directly encourage more camping despite seeming like a camping nerf). A huge problem with DBD's design is basically any time a major game balance issue comes up that could use a basekit rework, its made into a perk of some sort. Also, to be very frank, most survivors are outright terrible at rescues and basically leave their rescuee victims to die. Like it is kind of funny that this was such a problem the dev diaries basically stopped because people kept complaining about it when in reality most killers do not hard camp and it actually comes down to people just expecting the killer to let the rescue happen no matter how unsubtle you are about it and expecting them to just leave the victim alone while you hide, as well as people's instinct to do 'instarescues' which are a terrible idea and should earn you a slap to the head because you didn't have the good sense to maximize the full minute you get to do a rescue for both damaging the killer via gens and ensuring the unhooked victim has the best chance to escape.
It is also critical to remember something: As a killer, chases are kinda boring. The epitome of fun for a survivor for a killer is mostly rote because mindgames don't work at high end and it mostly just comes down to you forcing the hit (which is why the BL removal test was such a disaster). For killers, most of the fun is in a greater meta-strategy of time management and controlling and predicting survivor behavior, and catching a survivor with their pants down near a hook because you saw into their mind and predicted the exact angle and timing of a rescue is probably one of the highest points of killer play. Trying to force killers to give up that strategic element of gameplay to just engage in more chases with you is never going to work and will result in this game going the way of Evolve, because its shutting down the main interesting thing about killer gameplay.
Finally, there is just the core fact that both side's objectives directly are based around minimizing the other player's ability to interact or play the game, and to minimize the effects of their actions to an extreme degree. This isn't super uncommon in gaming (Think most shooters where dying takes you out of the round!), but in DBD its really bad because your consistently able to do this successfully, and if you fail to do this you generally lose pretty much then and there, especially as a killer. I am not going to say killer is weaker, because it isn't, but it is definitely the role you have to have less 'chill' in because if you give up an inch of power you basically are screwed vs people who know what they are doing.
While I am not sure VHS is going to be successful, a lot of the ideas in it are clearly a direct attempt to itterate on some of DBD's design (ex: Enrage dumpstering W meta so if you just constantly challenge killer at objectives and refuse to respect them you die, the survivor objective literally requiring killer interaction, killer hits locking down all survivor tools so you can't just swarm the killer and disrespect them, side objectives that serve to close out the game if one side turtles, a focus on slugging rather than player elimination as the victory condition which DBD often defaults too anyway, and a much greater willingness to let survivors take quick hits and force them into deadzones, ect.). I would not be shocked if DBD starts to implement some of these things (enrage and the concept of the hit blocking all M1 actions especially may solve a LOT of DBD's problems regarding survivors just chronically disrespecting the killer), but I also am willing to bet most of these will become perks rather than the sorely needed updates to basekits that default to encouraging interaction.
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I dont really get your point with "carry" after that.
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I'd argue with the "a whole map of resources" part. I assume if you have them down they either made a bad mistake or had no resources available in the area. Either way, theres no sport in tunneling them. To me its the equivalent of someone going hunting in the zoo.
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You definitely put words together. This sounds like a sentence that would be made through one of those conversational AI bots.
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nobody has any perks --> first down = dragged to an ideal proxycamp spot --> no bt/ds/exhaustion/unbreakable so you have to let them die on hook - anything else barring extreme bodyblocks just saves the killer a ton of time tunneling them out and anyone that tries is screwed too and joins the campathon --> survivor sided question mark
seriously, imagine getting someone in the basement lol
second chance perks are really, really, reaaaaaaaaaallllllllllyyyyyyyyy good, and a big part of the survivor-sidedness of the game