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Boon Totems

Mystix Member Posts: 77
edited October 2021 in General Discussions

Hey guys, Hope everyone is well? I am sorry to see the people leave DBD but I am just curious what do people think on the Boom Totems? I think they sound broken personally what do you guys think?


  • nikodemo
    nikodemo Member Posts: 786

    People are just working through some things. It'll be over soon. Don't sweat it

    Anyway, boon totems! We'll see. It was OP on ptb. They got adjusted down to address some issues. Once we see them it the live environment we'll get a better sense of their impact.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,900

    I don’t really think boons will be that big of a deal tbh. They are strong but we’ve been asking for the meta to be shifted for a while.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    They're amazing. I can't wait for tomorrow. I'll finally be able to have tumblr witch and her booners and go from match to match being blessed.

    I'm gonna form a squad called Hoegwarts with my besties. I'm gonna be Hermione.

    But ya..... I don't think they're broken at all.

  • Mystix
    Mystix Member Posts: 77

    @nikodemo I agree I think we will have to see when it goes live, But I do think theh should have some sort of cooldown on them though?

    @TheGannMan That is true I mean they were really strong on PTB, I hope that doesn't go live with how strong they were.

    @A_Skinny_Legend That sounds amazing! I am glad you are excited about it and to be honest so am I, Just the thought of being a liller and having to do so much then thinking about Totems.

  • nikodemo
    nikodemo Member Posts: 786

    It'll spice up the game for at least a little while! I welcome the adjustment. Will be fun to have to think about a new variable that lets survs control some territory. I enjoy new wrinkles like that.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    They're busted. You'll rarely see a game without them. The range nerf means that they only cover a third of the map instead of half of it. People go on and on about the time investment while conveniently forgetting the fact that the game objective is still being progressed by three other survivors, so it's not that big of a deal. Especially in light of giving the other survivors six(seven? Eight? With shadow step) perks rather than two.

    Folks also seem to think only swf will take advantage of them: wrong. Every survivor sees the totem and will flock to it to avoid bbq and maximize heals. It's not even good sweaty survivor behavior, it's just very basic stuff.

    The nice thing about this game is that a relatively static meta means that power creep is not an issue. This patch is survivor power creep in a very raw form. I'm not certain the devs have the wherewithal to balance things out.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Infinite medkits are overpowered. that's all

  • Mystix
    Mystix Member Posts: 77

    I agree with everyone's commemts, I hope you all have an amazing day! Is anyone elze having bad loading times though?

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    I’ve been enjoying them, gives me something else to do besides gens, I just run around looking for totems to bless

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    can't really judge with half the boons turned off. not entirely a fan from the couple I played with them active. There ought to be a limit

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    And yet survivors had the option to do that with old undying run around and find totems to break but it was OP and got nerfed, now survivors have the same thing that gives them a buff if they run around to find totems to bless and survivors are happy to go around looking for totems to bless. If survivors are so happy to run around and find totems now then old undying should come back.

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    I have always ran around and did totems…. But I would priories gens unless ruin was up…..old undying was borderline obnoxious…. It’s fine where it is now… you complain we “gen rush” when there is nothing else to do… they add something else to do and you still complain… is there not a pattern going on here…………

  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848

    Two days ago boon totems were a big deal and then it's getting feedback two days laters. I'll see that I will buy Hour Of The Witch until my first paycheck :D

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    I'm just pointing out that survivors are saying they are happy to find totems to bless and having a 2nd objective to do now but they had that with old undying but because it helped the killer and not survivors it was OP and they didn't like it. But because boon totems help survivors they have no problem looking for totems to bless, it's got nothing to do with gen rush but the fact they added something else to do for survivors but because it favored the killer it was unfun and survivors didn't want to look for totems.

    Flip the coin and bring in boon totems that help survivors by looking for totems and survivors are happy to look for totems as it gives them something else to do, at the base both perks had survivors looking for totems but one was not fun for survivors and got nerfed the other one is fun for survivors as it gives them buffs depending on the perk but at the core it's just like undying survivors having to find totems.

  • Frys_Dog
    Frys_Dog Member Posts: 93

    Hello there! I've faced a few matches against Mikaelas, and i've tried 3 tipes of builds, one totem related, one aura reading related, and one mixed, and the result is almost the same with all of them. My first build, on Nurse is Hex: Third seal, to blind them and protect the totems, Hex: Plaything to make them oblivious and make me sneaky, Knockout to make them invisible to their teammates and Deadlock, to prevent genrush. Most of the plaything hexes did remain till the end of the match, almost every match. Same with Third seal. Average 3 to 4 kills and 9-10 hooks. The second one, on Huntress is Iron Maiden (to make them scream), BBQ (double BP and aura reading), Lethal Pursuer (to see their auras at the start of the match) and Shadowborn, because i'm dumb and now im addicted to that shiet. The result is the same, the aura reading perks did the same as usual, if you are aware that they have boons, you just have to stomp on them and that is the end of the boon, they will bless one or two more times across the match, but is not a big deal. And the last build on Piggy, is Ruin (:D), STBFL (it's a Piggy after all), Blood Warden (aura reading at the end of the match and sorry Dwight, the door is locked, but you can rest in this hook) and bitter murmur (aura reading at the end and when a gen is done), and it was just the same. Ruin remained almost to the end of the match, and the RBT make the survivors to lose time on one more thing.

    I don't think boon totems are a big thing to deal with, they were insanely broken in the PTB, now you can deal with them, not a big deal, but something to be aware of.

    Have a great day and much love <3