I am most excited for the new survivor Mikaela Reid, and her new perks!! she just might be my new main...Im literally going to play all day after work to level her up.
What are you most excited for!?
I’m excited for nothing right now.
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I'm excited for standing up for my principles and after 3.8K hours, never playing this planet destroying game again.
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She is just another survivor skin. What's so special about her, glasses?
Based on previous patch updates experience I'm taking break and wait till they fix all upcoming bugs and crashes.
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I'm excited to finally get some mods installed for DS3.
In regards to to the OP, I hope you have fun. Genuinely, I'm glad you're excited.
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I have my last cross country race today. Its a really nice, flat course, so I can easily end the season off with a personal record. :)
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I'm excited for Cliodhna's release in Smite. She looks like a fun god to play.
I've also uninstalled DBD and issued a refund request for the Pinhead DLC. I hope it gets accepted!
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The Deathslinger nerfs xd
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I’ve saved up 9,000 iri shards can’t wait for the patch :)
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I was exited, but the whole NFT thing flushed my mood down the toilet.
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Never heard of that game, whats it like?
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Im excited for Mikaela too since I like doing trophies, especially the ones with only 3 perks. Im excited for the new Tome and Halloween event as well.
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Lol/Dota clone.
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Ah, ok.
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I'm excited for her perks and Spirits new chase music.
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wait what new chase music?
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I’m most excited for VHS atm
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spirit got her own chase music.
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Smite is a fantastic game, I highly recommend it, F2P and the developers are very open, straight forward and very customer focused. You can play everything in the game without spending a dime. It's fantastic.
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Customer.. Focused?
Im buying it right now.
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I think this is the first time I've ever seen anybody call Hi-Rez customer focused.
BHVR don't you make me go back to them, don't you do that to me.
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Today is the Cold War update so I have alot to do
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it's true! Hi-Rez has been on a ######### roll with these updates the past year. And almost the entire community is pretty damn haply with the game currently. The meta is constantly shifting, there's never a dull moment :D
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I saved up by bloodpoints and codes to help level up Mikaela and unlock her teachables,
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Well, that's good to hear. I don't like MOBA's but I devoted a lot of time to Paladin's, and back before I quit that game I remember Hi-Rez being pretty not great. Glad to see they're being better.
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yeah i see everyone talking about this NFTs, im still confused on what it actually is someone gave a answer about a mona lisa but that still doesnt make sense to me, can someone give me a simpler answer to what a NFT actually is? I know steam bans Nfts but i play on ps4 so , and i never bought any killers since i dont play killer.
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It's a MOBA, like League of Legends or DotA, but it's from a third person perspective, rather than isometric. And it features a mythological theme, so you can play as a bunch of gods from various pantheons. They even have Baron Samedi, Cthulhu, and two gods from the Yoruba pantheon.
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Got Civ V and Yakuza 5 to care about more than this garbage.
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An NFT is comparable to a piece of paper that says you own a particular image. However, the piece of paper isn't legally binding, and the amount of power required to print it was about as much as an entire household consumes in 2.5 days. So in short, it's a massive waste of resources for something that only holds value to other people who buy into the NFT market.
If that sounds like a really bizarre concept, you're not getting confused, you have a proper grasp of the situation. You understand, roughly, what an NFT is. The concept itself is just a really dumb idea.
EDIT: I just realised that the entire concept of NFTs sounds like a ######### Dril tweet. 'Pay me 50 bucks and I'll write a tweet saying you own X'
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Thank You!
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i recomend boss wepons moveset mod i have so much fun using it
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Can I use this description?
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Eh. I was hyped but It kinda died since yesterday. Maybe I'll be excited when I see the patch notes again.
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Sure, knock yourself out!
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Well, this sums up NFTs pretty well. Upvoted.
However it is kind of a parody on ownership and how people regognize ownership of digital goods. NFTs show clearly that even thou you proclaim that you own something unless it is in an accepable way to most of the other people you deal with you are just a laughing stock to everybody else.
Honestly when you look at it this way...this whole NFT thing in DbD offered tons of educational value to people aside from being a motivation to look up blockchain technology (which offers some good ideas), the difference in proof of work and proof of stake (interesting concepts) and the values some people hold up (NFTs are a laughing stock). Also this shows once more that people do not like being lied to no matter who they are.
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I've been excited for it but i don't know what for in particular anymore. Maybe once i see the patch notes i'll remember...
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I'm ready to try out the new boon perks and survivor. If I wasn't saving my shards for that legandary skin for doctor I'd use shards but I'm ok with buying the new dlc.
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I hope that you continue to stay happy.
Keep beaming you little ray of sunshine... ☀️
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But Im painting Spirit giving treats...
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I am looking foward to the new update, survivor, tome and the event.
The fact everyone is running around squealing like Beaker from the Muppets makes it even more fun.
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well uh good luck with that
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No, sir.
Because the nerf of my beloved killer is coming in a few minutes.
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Itll be light work, the biggest hill is this one curb on the 2nd mile
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Which one; Slinger or Spirit?
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waiting on these patch notes!!
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I'm excited for Animal Crossing: New Horizons and their last major free update on November 5th. I can finally get Raymond on my island without spending ridiculous numbers of Nook Miles Tickets!
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Personally I can't wait to get started on Yakuza 6 after I finish with 5.
Seriously, 5's story mode is taking forever to get through.
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I was too but I can't find any info on when/if it will come to console. Right now it appears not.
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They don't have plans yet. The devs admitted they had no clue their game would recieve this much attention so it will probably come later depending on the games success
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Thx much appreciated.