Do BHVR staff never play killer games?

I had a game not too long ago, 4 Mikaela Reid survivors, I was playing on Demo also whom I have not played since the MMR so I thought my rank would be very low.
I got absolutely trashed, I managed to sweat on 1 survivor and mori them in the end but she ALMOST got out. 4 Mikaelas, 4 boon totems, I nearly never saw scratch marks and survivors kept getting healed up left and right in seconds. (Oh the only way I mori'd her is that I camped her hook until she reached second stage then let her get rescued just to down her at the gate miraculously and eat her [BAD WORD] face).
Excuse me, but how am I supposed to keep pressure on these survivors when, if I LOSE a chase, the surv just runs to the boon and heals up in 12 seconds.
Shadow-step is literally Distortion, Self-Care and Lucky Break in an all-in-one package! Dull totems can be infinitely re-blessed! Boon totems can cleanse hex totems! Snuffing out boon totems don't give you BP AT.. ALL!..
I think most of them are survivor mains. That's not a joke either.
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Just to clarify, Shadow Step doesn't heal survivors, that's a different boon perk. It's just that when the survivor has both Shadow Step and Circle of Healing then their one Boon totem they make does both. (Each survivor can only maintain one boon totem at a time.) But yeah, when you've got four survivors all putting up that same Boon totem with both effects then that's a lot of the map where they won't leave scratch marks or have auras.
I guess if you are seeing this frequently maybe try:
- Don't bother using any perks or add-ons that rely on auras. No Nurse's Calling, no BBQ and Chili, no Surveillance or Thrilling Tremors, etc. If you don't use auras in the first place then that part of their Boon is useless.
- If you need help tracking without scratch marks, consider maybe trying one of the aura-less tracking perks like Stridor, Whispers, Spies from the Shadows or Bloodhound. Obviously auras are more accurate but these other perks don't use them so aren't impacted by the Boon. (Bloodhound is one that's interesting to me here also because, if they're trying to use the Boons for healing, the Bloodhound perk might help you stay on their trail before they can get a chance to heal themselves with the help of that Boon.)
- Another option is go for abilities and perks and add-ons that Expose the survivors or down them in one hit. If you can down survivors in one hit it won't matter as much if they heal back from injured states.
- Another possibility is try something like Coulrophobia or Sloppy Butcher of Dying Light that makes it take longer for them to heal. Since you know they're going to be enticed to run to their Boons to do self-healing you can make that action take longer than normal, which means they're spending that much additional time self-healing versus working on generators.
- Finally Hex: Haunted Grounds might be worth considering as an anti-Boon perk. Survivors will definitely be looking for totems to bless and will be even quicker than usual to trigger Haunted Grounds, so you may be able to get a couple quick downs early in the match with it. Maybe even pair it with Undying, especially since every time you snuff out a blessing you recover a dull totem that Undying can use as a jump target for other hexes.
I'm just spitballing out loud, but off-hand those are the things I can think of that might be worth experimenting with. 🤷♂️
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They do, just only against really bad Survivors.
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Well, to be fair, 80% of the players should be survivor mains or the game doesn't work very well.
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At the level where gens are consistently blowing up and face planting walls is a common occurrence. It's the only explanation for the game balance unraveling when playing well.
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Yeah but the devs of the game shouldn't have a main.
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The testing performed is for confirming a certain effect, not general playtesting for performance purposes or fine tuning
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I’m convinced they don’t play it. Inner Strength is pretty much useless now. It should be buffed with at least 3 tokens.
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Im pretty sure Not_Queen was a nurse main and a pretty good one to.
But that was...Quite a few years ago lmao.
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the problem is when you balance the game for baby survivors. 🤡
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Im surprised the gm did explode with 4 Mikaela's.
They do but only bot matches.
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Test play and debugging is the player's job.
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The only good killer on that staff was Mclean, he's gone. And we've all seen what the other devs do in this game.
I've said it before, you don't need to be good at your game to balance it, but you do need to listen to people who are good at the game. They do neither.
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Sorry I meant Shadow Step is Distortion and Lucky Break in one package, and Circle of Healing is a glorified Self-Care, but I doubt any Mikaela would run CoH without Shadow Step.
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They just dont play it.
They adjust with stats and comunity "feedbacks".
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You assume they play their game at all. They balance around numbers they run rather than experience.
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they have and here is the gameplay of them doing so
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Some people might think he is being hyperbolic. He isn't.
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In that situation not much since you're inexperienced with Demo.
But there is likely LOTS of things you could of done better and a lot of opportunities that you missed simply because youre playing a killer youre not used to.
Boon totems take 16 seconds to Bless, and can be snuffed basically instantly. A survivor blessing a totem twice is just short of half the progress of a generator. And thats not taking account if its a hex totem which takes even longer, or the time it takes to find/reach said totem.
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If you haven't realized by now that the devs will always favor survivor because that is where the most profits come from idk what to tell you.
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Image 80% of the killers left the game for like 1 or 2 months. I would like to see how the devs could start thinking about what is fun for killer and what also can be fun for survivor
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Ok.. then go upstairs and snuff it out. Realize that its much faster for you to go up there, and snuff it out than it is for them to go up there, bless it, then go back down.
The entire process of doing so probably takes them 30-40 seconds just for 1 Boon Totem. Thats time spent that isnt on gens which could of otherwise been about 50% of a gen.
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You said yourself they were wasting time abusing main building, so if they go there you know at least one of them isnt on a gen.
Sounds like to me you dont know how to manage your time properly
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I know this was 4 years ago, but this was pretty painful to watch.
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Honestly I've been having a pretty good time with Hex: Plaything and Hex: Retribution which gives 75 seconds of aura reading now if getting 100% value. I haven't really noticed shadowstep at all, maybe thats because people are only running circle of healing perhaps?
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Hoe 75 seconds ? Retribution gives 15 secs when is cleansed no?
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Yeah, so 75 seconds assumes you get all 4 Plaything breaks with Retribution last. But normally I only need 2-3 Plaything breaks before the game is over.
Lowkey, plaything also blocks totems for 90 seconds too, maybe thats soft countering the boons?
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Is there a perks that make a noise when a survivor is cleasing a totem?
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It's not supposed to be fair. It's supposed to be fun, only for survivor.
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IMO I think the devs should be more focused on fixing the codes to their game and taking more community feedback rather then playing
The devs don't have the time to get to Rank 1 every month so it's fair to say that they aren't as good as someone who can spend 8 hours playing
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Thats the problem of Games companys they Buff and Nerf things just because some "NEW" players start crying about it.. And since Devs don t play the game like some other streamer that play both sides and use that has they Job and even some those streamers are "Whispers" are saying that the game is unbalance especially for Killers, Devs don t give a f***
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“Pretty good job so far”
I hadn’t seen that yet - it’s great 😂. Thanks for sharing