Slugging for the 4K
I don't get it. Is the extra kill that important to you? I think that's bad enough but what is with killers who slug the last guy just to watch them die on the ground? Why? What's the point? How is that fun for you? Standing there for however long while the survivor bleeds out?
I do no get it.
I don't get it. Is waiting at the doors to teabag that important to you? I think that's bad enough but what is with survivors who wait around after the game is clearly over just to press ctrl a couple times at the gate? Why? What's the point? How is that fun for you? Standing there for however long while the EGC ticks away?
I do no get it.
I'm not trying to insult you just make a point, there a moments where people's feelings from previous matches may infect the the current. You could catch a teammate's grief or even last games. The game is rife for bullying, if you find it getting to you, you might want to switch sides or take a break.
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Well i don't know either, never done it myself.
But maybe ask the multiple survivor butt dancing inside the exit gate for the whole duration of the egc and when/if the killer comes to push them out even dead hard to deny hit points.
Both sides do questionable stuff.
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if youre the mikela I dropped to get the others and ensure a min 3k... if I picked you up again you'd have wiggled off and likely made it to the gate before I could catch up. Or unhooked the other 2. Why risk it?
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Who said I tea bag at the gates? If I'm at the gates it's because I'm running through them. And who said things are "getting to me"? LOL You've resonded to nothing I've said. Good job creating your own straw man post to react to?
I asked a very simple question; how is it fun to stand there, doing nothing, while a survivor bleeds out? I then said, I do not get it.
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Different game. In this particular instance a Plague downed a Meg then went looking for me. I got caught healing the Meg, who got downed again immediately, they chased me around, downed me, then just stood there. Watching. Eventually the Meg DCd and I bled out on the ground.
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I think it may have to do with the experience level of the killer.
For newer Killers, it is indeed fun and important to get 4ks.
For those of us that have 4kd countless times and dabble in survivor enough to know how unfun it feels, probably not so much anymore.
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Doesn't answer the question at all but thanks for playing. Feel free to going back to your toxic gameplay. LOL
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Probably time to realize that you can be slugged/camped/tunneled/looped/tea bagged/clicked/whatever behavior people hate during any match - it's a part of normal/allowable gameplay.
To answer your question - Fun is subjective.
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The classic ignore the original post to bring up an entirely different problem, classic
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Thing is, I'm not even talking about the survivor experience. When I play killer and I slug it's to wait out DS or whatever and it's boring AF. I cannot imagine doing it for LOLs when the survivor is right next to a hook, there's no chance for DS, and just hooking the survivor kills them. Just standing there for a minute or whatever staring at the ground and puking on them. I just don't get it from a killer standpoint(working under the assumption there is no DS, no chance of escape, whatever).
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Different people, different mindsets.
Only thing I can say.
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I only do it if a team BM's, thats going out of their way to attempt to piss me off but with the time spent in this game, not much can.
So really to me its just getting the last laugh
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LOL I was literally right next to a hook. I was ready to end the game. Keep going though. You're on an incredible roll of being totally wrong. :)
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In this case, I would say you found a salty player that just wants to be a dick.
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Maybe that's what this was? Not sure what I would have done to irritate him though. I don't tea bag, I didn't have a flashlight, and I suck at looping so it's not like I ran him around the map pallet stunning him all day. LOL Whatever. I just don't get it is all.
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It's an unfun no-win situation for the survivor. Now there is no counterplay to that tactic with how keys and hatch have been nerfed.
Another killer sided mechanic.
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There are some people who just want to get those 4 kills or just simply do it to be ######### as well, it sucks but it is what it is.
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Yes it's definitely worth it, you know how much better it feels knowing someone isn't across the map crouching for 20 minutes while other crap is going on? Even survivors complain about that.
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Cool story
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My suggest is just let the slugged survivor bleed out. You are less likely to survive, if you keep trying to get the slugged survivor up. Wait 4 minutes, try for a hatch or door escape.
When a Killer is trying that hard to get a 4k, then you should try equally as hard to survive.
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And you made that clear in your og post where?
At this point it doesn't even matter how your trial was since you could add any circumstances to fit your narrative.
And yes he answered you any strategic point for letting the last survivor bleed out right here.
Survivor dropped with wiggle progress, no hook close by, survivor crawled to a hook dead zone and so on.
But at this point in the discussion i guess you are simply looking for confirmation that "killer are so toxic".
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That was so much more rare than killer slugging for a 4K. Now there is no way out.
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You hide until they die or get hooked, they don't sit there forever. You can't say that's not fair
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Yes. When the survivor is bleeding out on the floor is the killer not supposed to have the advantage?
Also, the killer is as unlikely to not slug for the 4k as much as the survivor is likely to do gens when the hatch is open.
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Honestly, sometimes it is. There are killers where I need that 2500 deviousness from nobody escaping to get a perfect point game. Also I'm not going to get all of my devout emblem, how else am I going to farm grades as fast as possible without double pipping every game?
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Advantage shouldn't be guaranteed. Now the 4th survivor has no way to win. Even if he had a key in his hand there is no way to use it. That's wrong. Why should the game design require the 4th person to surrender?
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How could you think that. The survivor should at any point in a trial have a chance to magically fly over the gates and escape. /S
Sorry for exaggerating but we are dealing with sluzzy here and I don't think a similar less over the top formulated thing could really be coming from them.
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You just keep putting words in people's mouths. It must be rough to not be able to answer any question with an actual intelligent response. I feel for sorry for you. :(
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I do see your point. I remember the devs mentioning something about how every time a survivor dies, the remaining survivors have a smaller chance of escape, I have heard of a sort of "Give up" option, but I think the devs are worried about deranking, but with the new MMR system, I don't think that would be a big issue.
Also, in some scenarios, I believe avantage should be guaranteed, just not victory. It should depend on the follow-through, in most cases in the form of slugging.
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If thats the case they're just not confident/competent. Nobody who is good at this game bothers to BM (tbagging at gates or slugging to bleed out etc). Its just for those that dont usually make it to the end and I find that hilarious. Can you imagine how badly the majority of their matches must go that they have to act like that the few times they get a win!?
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False. Jaded killers, who are also very good at the game because, you know, these are not mutually exclusive concepts, will BM survivors as payback for the injustices they have and still receive simply by virtue of being a killer.
And I am positive there are jaded but good survivors who play the exact same way.
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Lets try this in a more generalize way. Say the killer doesn't slug for the 4k and kills the 3rd. Survivor either opens the door or finds hatch.
They escape, all good gg.
Its when the last survivor feels the need to jump a pallet over and over until the killer comes close just to give a couple teabags before leaving. You can see this act starting to build some resentment, yes? These feeling would carry over to other matches and affect survivors that possibly wouldn't be that rude.
Of course this isn't entirely the survivors fault. Killers can BM too and those actions could cause survivors to bm at exit gates.
Its a vicious cycle that feeds itself.
Hope that better answers your question.
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I usually only do that when I need my 4th BBQ stack. But even then, I try not to leave the slugged survivor on the ground for more than a minute or so.
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I mean i could say the exact same thing to survivors who stay until egc timer runs out to try and t bag at the gate
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That I get. It's not for fun though, it's for strategy. I've been experiencing a lot of, what I call, pointless slugging when I play survivor lately. Like the type of slugging that is only done for the killer to show me that "they got me" or something. When, in reality, I'm just taking my headset off and going to the bathroom or whatever while they enjoy whatever mastabutory fantasies they're going through.
And, yes, survivors can do the same but that's not what I'm talking about. Though you could turn this entire thread into "Why endure boring gameplay, for no strategic reason, when you could just end the game and move on?"
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You could. Has nothing to do with this post. But you could.
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I mean I don't condone Killers who slug for the 4K, I find more engaging gameplay in the interaction of racing for the Hatch with the last Survivor, but ultimately everyone is free to play whoever they wish. They may be doing a challenge that requires them to get x quantity of Kills or just need to get 4 kills in one match or simply want to get the 4k because they feel like it.
Is it boring? Yes, definitely. I like more engaging gameplay between both sides, but that's just my personal preference.
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I've never seen an experienced or skilled player do it. the ones who do it exploit everything to scrape by their kills...
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More points, better emblem score, I think increase in MMR rating?
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Yeah, that's a lie, or cherry picking.
Or maybe your anecdotal experience means very little in the great statistic that is all DBD games played. You can literally watch streams where high level players do this.
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Do ScottJund or Otz do it? Does Coconut? Name a streamer of "high level" that does this if youre so sure?
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Slugging is a core mechanic.
Many Killers and especially Survivors (and frankly perhaps some Devs also) dont "get" this.
The best way I can try to communicate how integrally and profoundly core it is:
Every single time youve been hooked (unless you were, rarely, grabbed), you were a slug, first.
If you get 3 hooked, you were slugged first, 3 different times.
For a Killer to get 3 separate hooks on 4 Survivors, thats 12 sluggings, first.
People arent getting how profound that is.
And thats not even remotely getting started of how this core mechanic is crucial to Killers as to how they can pressure Survivors to deal altruistically with slugs and diminish pressure on gens.
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Those three? Probably not. At what point are you going to accept a valid answer? Go to youtube (Or twitch, for that matter), and in the search bar type 'DBD Streamer BM'. Watch a few videos and come up with whatever excuses you need to harbor that absolutist belief that high level play doesn't contain BM, but keep it to yourself after that because you're still clearly wrong.
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Again, I'm just saying that those that act like children in the way described, do it because theyre just not good at the game... If they consistently 4k or escape then there'd be no point in such BMs as they'd be used to it. It would be normal. Its that simple. If they go out of their way to BM its because "winning" is new for them.
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And again, you're entirely wrong. Repeating yourself doesn't change the facts that BM is clearly evident at high levels of play.
Spoiler alert: Just like it is in almost every professional contest, not just video games /gasp.
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And again, you keep saying the same thing without submitting a single example of it happening.
How is it anyway associated to high levels of play? A slug bleeding out? 4min afk. Such skill! Great entertainment!
A survivor teabagging at the gate? They pressed a button! Oh lawd!
Its not skill. Its not entertainment. Its a child with a dopamine rush because they're not used to winning/surviving.
ACTUAL skilled players say "gg" and move on - regardless of outcome...
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Sometimes I like hearing a good complaint/rant. I find it therapeutic >.<
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Just speaking for myself I don't slug for the fourth unless I happen to see the fourth person right away after I down the third, in which case why not start that chase right? But otherwise, yeah, I'm not going to spend 10 minutes going back and forth looking for the fourth survivor who's hiding from me, maybe getting that third person back up, looking again, and so on. I'd rather just hook that third survivor and hopefully beat the other one to the hatch when it spawns.
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Now you're redefining skill to something that again, is not mutually exclusive. You can be good, and teabag. Full stop. If you take my search phrase and actually plug it into youtube the first video is of Zubat teabagging a killer. After that there are several videos of several streamers of other notoriety all engaging in questionable behavior, to the tune of several hundred thousand views.
I'm not going to write out a math proof for how quadratic equations work just because you don't believe they do and demand the effort from me. They're old hat, just like your argument.
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Oh I misunderstood, my bad! I meant I like his rant videos about BHVR, etc. not when he rants about players, etc