To console players

Turn off crossplay or avoid playing dbd in general.
Having your console bricked in hopes of finding a match quicker is NOT worth it. I know some hackers are trying to do this to protest against the NFT situation but this is the wrong way. I'm against it too. But destroying another player's private property who had nothing to do with this isn't smart.
So I repeat, to console players of any variety, please turn off Crossplay to save your console from getting bricked.
Edit: This is just a warning, if you wish to not believe this than you're certainly free to do so. But, I mainly said this to protect people who own the PS5, the reason why is because it's extremely hard to get another one of these. So far there has been no reports of Xbox or PCs. I'm still searching around to see if this is legitimate, but I wanted to make this post anyway to be safe for everyone on consoles.
I do not own a console, and I'm not an English native speaker, so... Sorry for the stupid questions, but what does "bricked" mean? Like, console players can't use their console anymore at all?
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Yup, exactly
And don't apologize, it was not a stupid question
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Pretty much this it makes their console into a paperweight
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I'm on PS5, and if I turn off crossplay, I don't find a match.
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Thanks for the answers, guys. That's terrible...
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Ps5 can match with PS4 players with cross play off but matchmaking will take a long time
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Yeah pretty much this I'm on PS5 and only get games if a PS4 friend is the host of the lobby
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Hackers willing to "harm" bystanders typically aren't your kind of activist person, they're more for the self-interest part of it.
They're the "activists" in protests that typically turn things into riots/looting.
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I don't want to sound like a pessimist, but I think it's better than losing your ps5 completely, especially how difficult it is to even get one now. Please be safe
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Yup, exactly. But there have been hackers who explicitly state that they're doing it against NFTs
Personally I believe they always cheated in the past and they're just trying to use it for a "just" reason as an excuse to fish out people to support them.
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Whatever's happening right now seems pretty scary, no clue who got the idea of destroying peoples' expensive property because of this NFT garbage.
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I have been playing on PS5 and when I host with crossplay off with friends we don't get any lobbies but when a PS4 friend hosts with crossplay off we get a lobby instantly
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Just some hacker that most likely did it in the past and wanted an excuse to be more horrific with it with an attempt to receive a backing
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This makes me afraid to even play the game on my Xbox now.
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Yeah, they're just using the NFT's as a convenient shield so they can troll in broad daylight and show off about it.
DDoS a server, don't brick the end-user if they're not your target.
Activism that targets bystanders isn't activism, it's terrorism.
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I’m a ps5 player and I’m able to get into PS4 players as killer and survivor
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I'm honestly afraid what happens to PC Players given this is what they can do to consoles.
I remember reading about Pulsar losing routers just to play the game.
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DDOS is even extreme because you can still hurt a bystander. Hacking in general shouldn't be used to fight because most of the time innocent people get harmed for just playing. They didn't pick a side, but they're getting hurt anyway because of reasons.
I hate NFTs too, but I refuse to harm anyone else to stop a partnership
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I am playing on console, and I am worry about what you are talking. Could you please tell me how the game turns my console to a brick?
Is there something like hackers / devs take the control of my device, or it will be explored because of over-processing?
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Pulsar lost routers to this game? Bhvr needs to drop chapters and focus on security
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I remember reading him saying about it.
@Pulsar can you confirm it?
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Not saying you can't I'm just saying that Ps5 crossplay off takes a lot longer because ps5 player base is small where as the PS4 player base is larger and that the spaghetti code thinks we are sometimes not crossplayable when playing with friends
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I tried that once and sat waiting for a match for 30 mins.
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Yeah, I've lost two.
That's DDoS'ing though. It isn't on BHVR.
Also the group that did it is being sued by the government because they tried to do it to some dude who lives on a military bass (I think). That's what I heard through the grapevine at least.
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Take a break for now and play Friday the 13th if you have it
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I concur, however DDoS/DoS targeted at a router vs. the server sending a signal to a router is different.
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Do you have any concrete evidence from anywhere that this PS4/PS5s are being "bricked" by hackers via the game DBD?
I mean CONCRETE evidence, not anedctocal or speculative.
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I am also interested in this as I keep hearing a lot of "Well I know a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy who said that he played DBD and then his PS5 stopped working".
I don't know what a hacker could possibly do that would cause your console to brick and the only sources talking about this are people who knows a guy who knows a guy who...
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How on earth can you trash someone's console?? I'm a million miles away from being a hacker lol. Some evidence to suggest that its possible would be handy also.
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BHVR should've added a console-only crossplay option by now. We've been asking for it since crossplay was first announced, and the prevalence of hackers has only made it more necessary, but they've completely ignored both issues.
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Is it any surprise that eco-terrorist destroy other people's property in the name of saving the planet from the evil horrible sun? Please, energy consumption doesn't even necessarily mean air pollution. WE HAVE SOLAR PANELS. Get a life or a better cause you bunch of losers.
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This! They should've had it like that from the beginning, PC players have way too many advantages given the state of the game on console.
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I'm against NFTs, but at least with those scammers they're not actively going out of their way and targetting innocent people and frying their systems.
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For the record I'm talking about the eco-terrorists not people with an meh opinion and don't destroy other peoples stuff.
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Yeah... Thinking about it, my definition of brick and others might not be the same...
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I'll nutshell it. I'm no means a hacker or anything either.
But, you can overload a system with information that causes it shut down permanently. This is the BARE BONES minimum explanation, but some programs exchange information constantly to allow it to run effectively. People can take this and overdrive it to the extreme.
Now, someone who actually studies computers probably got an aneurysm from my explanation and I apologize, but this is stuff I vaguely remember from high-school
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It's not impossible in the sense that it can't be done but it seems highly unlikely to me. I could see that kind of thing crashing your game as the game gets overloaded but to do something like that to fry the CPU on the console would take at least a little bit of time as everything overheats.
Right now we have one thread that was completely and utterly derailed by moronic console v PC fanboys and...that's all the proof we have that this is happening.
If console players want to be overly cautious about this and kill crossplay for the time being, I can't really fault or criticize them for that decision. This just seems like a ton of fear mongering with no actual proof or information aside from the one person claiming their PS4 was toasted by a hacker on PC.
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the main advantage I think PC players have is being able to stretch their screen, adjust brightness, and that flick thing where they can direct their camera towards you in milliseconds
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Nah, the main advantage they have is that the game doesn't turn into a slideshow everytime something happens.
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I tried to do a quick search and couldn't find anything on the matter.
The closest thing I found anywhere was this post:
however, unluckily even in this post there's a lack of evidence / troubleshooting, so even giving the benefit of the doubt one can't really know what happened and if the console is in fact bricked (assuming it doesn't even turn on, it's probably not even bricked, but broken, which would be even worse...).
Since OP is allegedly reporting statements from hackers, can we have some more info?
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Another guy just posted that his and his friends consoles were bricked if you didn't see it.
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yeah I didn't see it, could you please post a link here? Thank you
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I'm not so link savvy but it would probably be on the first page.
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I'm willing to sacrifice my console. I'll test it with cross play on and if it happens to me. I'll be sure to message you
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Right, how could I forget, my apologies I forgot the most important detail
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Higher fps. Playing on both the PS4 and Switch, the advantage the PS4 has with a slightly smoother framerate is huge. I can't imagine the advantage a decent PC with a good framerate has.
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Lmao are hackers really trying to justify that by saying it's a protest? If so that might be the weakest excuse I've ever heard in my life.
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especially if they have a monster PC that can run dbd to the best of the game's abilities, of course there's the occasional lag even with a monster PC, but that's just ######### updates
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Yeah, some of them are.
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PS5 players unite! All 10,000 of us!