Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Just need to vent about the game

Another MMR post, yea another ######### MMR post. Do these devs seriously think that this system they made is adequate enough to ruin the ######### game over implementing. I cannot begin to understand, this thought process behind letting this MMR system into this game. It is lazy, it is exploitable, it is ineffective and it is not good under any circumstance, at all. I have had to sweat my dick off so ######### much to the point I literally just give up, I don't wanna play the game if it's gonna be so bad I have to get humiliated for games on games on games just for 20 good matches, for the whole ######### cycle to begin again. It's ######### pathetic, that I sit here and take this ######### when I know damn well there's better things for me to do and the game isn't even fun enough to justify it anymore, ######### this stupid ass system and everything it was supposed to do. I don't wanna run gen perks anymore, I don't wanna worry about their perks anymore, I don't wanna worry about items, I just wanna play the ######### game. I had so much more fun before the MMR rolled out, not because I stomped, because the games were ######### normal. These games, are not normal. People are so shameless in the ######### that they do and it's even made me ######### shameless, I facecamp and I proxy camp and I tunnel all because of this MMR system.

Maybe I just need to take a break for a while, maybe that's it. I don't even know, I just like the game and I wanna enjoy it but, looks like invisble numbers wanna creep into every game I love and make me this hateful dickhead.

Sorry for all the words that are gonna be censored and senseless whining but, I just needed to say something, this MMR system is just the antithesis to what DBD is and it's pissing me off so bad I just can't keep it in a nice little bottle, I'm sick of being toxic in game and I'm sick of being so rude to survivors, even they understand how bad it is. I'm sorry y'all, maybe I just need a break.


  • Rhoska
    Rhoska Member Posts: 273
    edited October 2021


    "Maybe I just need to take a break for a while, maybe that's it."

    Advisable, given the above.

    The game wont go anywhere, and some time away will drop your MMR a bit too in proportion :D

    Seriously though, there seems very little consistency in it, in most brackets. SWF also make a mess of the system.

    Upon your return, try to not care about winning/losing too much, or what the toxic SWF do.

    Instead set yourself some own goals and achieve those.

    Like focus on getting all the T3 items from the Tomes, and focus on those challenges in them. Or getting a character prestige 3 bloody skins.

    Also swap from Killer to Survivor everyso often for a breather. Killer is much more stressful than Survivor.

  • Never before have I made a forum account for a game but sweet unholy heck this game currently sucks. 5 games in a row I was tunneled and then mori, this isn't fun anymore, I get no blood points and not a thing gets done about it. The icing on this game sucks cake is getting unhooked at the end game and being LITERALLY frozen in place next to hook. And of course I got downed and rehooked. The bugs and glitches are one thing but combined with the tunneling it makes me not want to stream and unpload videos for such a broken game. I've bought dlc, I've supported this game once, not anymore.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Sounds like it is time for a break, my friend.

  • Rhoska
    Rhoska Member Posts: 273


    "5 games in a row I was tunneled"

    Little Tip: If you are solo-Q and getting tunneled a lot, take precautions that you are not the first the Killer takes interest in, and whom is often the one they tunnel hardest. It can be better to play more cautiously and surrepeticiously to specifically avoid Killers attention. You may also not realize it, but especially as solo-Q, you may be putting yourself more "out there" than you think.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    The biggest downfall about SBMM is that if there aren't any high-ranking Killers or survivors currently playing within your region, then you'll be facing off against people that you have no business playing against. This has been my experience from the get-go. I'm as casual as casual gets, and almost every single time I play killer, not only am I having to sweat my ass off, but the survivors are far more experienced than I will ever be.

    I wish this game had a bot mode because I would strictly play that over a non-stop stream of sweaty matches.

  • Ifyoutunneluninstall
    Ifyoutunneluninstall Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2021

    In response to the responses, I solo que a lot and have no real self help perks as I am heavily focused on keeping teammates alive and running the killer to which I find success, this however does make me a huge target for the obvious reason which I get, but to be that petty as to face camp and or tunnel just because they ran you effectively is as weak as it gets. Now instead of grinding for the new survivor I instead have to go for whoever has DS and possibly even deliverance. The MMR makes it hard enough with it mostly being random from my experience instead of similarly skilled players. My playstyle is purposefully drawing attention and running as I dont trust randoms to do it effectively. I don't want to switch playstyles to be more focused on my own survival as I try to play for the team but I guess I'll have to switch up my layout

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Not all games have mmr decay over time, and based on the anecdotal evidence provided here, this is not one of them. People returning after year long breaks are still high mmr.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    I'm curious how many kills would you say you average a match

  • Foxy_Teltac
    Foxy_Teltac Member Posts: 277

    Exactly, here's the perfect MMR system for DBD if we tried to keep it realistic

    Killer: Hooks and Perk Utility

    Survivor: Pallets dropped in chase, Gen progress and Perk Utility

    These can't be that hard to gauge right? Like this can't be that unrealistic to do, Bloodpoints and Tokens already account for these things, why the hell can we not have SBMM do it

  • Ifyoutunneluninstall
    Ifyoutunneluninstall Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2021

    People are sincerely lucky I dont run this game, today has been more tunneling. Here is a great way to stop tunneling, simply take all blood points and take give them a matchmaking ban. This last time was the worst I've seen yet, a pig tunneled me until my trap activated. How (Bad word) terrible to you have to be to do this (Bad word) stuff. Tunneling is ruining the (bad word) game and it seems worse of late. With that, I'm off to go play something else. Goodluck to anyone that still plays, may the entity bless you with better luck