Game I swear if you give me RPD one more time

I'm going to uninstall and I ######### mean it. I'm stressed out to no end right now and just want to chill yet I've gotten RPD SEVEN TIMES IN TWO DAYS. GIVE ME THE MAP ONE MORE TIME AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS.
I'm sorry for the aggressiveness but my sanity is dropping because of this stupid map.
I'll trade you RPD for any map of your choosing.
Seriously, I've gotten RPD like five times since the map came out four months ago. I know it was disabled for a little while, but that's still super unlucky.
It's one of my favourite maps in the game as well.
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That sounds like a ######### deal. I need ######### peace away from ######### maps for once.
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Same here. And when I finally get RPD many people just dodge or throw the match because they refuse the learn the layout.
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At least I haven’t gotten Haddonfield in a few days. RPD just won’t leave me alone.
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as a killer, right?
wait are you getting rpd as spirit
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Out of the seven times, 5 survivor games and 2 killer games as Spirit.
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guess it depends what killer you go against but for me (aside from running around in circles for a year trying to find a gen i can only find WHILE IN CHASE) generally a lot more spooked to get it as killer
that said, before the spirit nerfs i ran m-d/yakuyoke and got rpd and the extra speed made phasing after someone almost impossible since if you bump in a thin corridor or get caught in a narrow doorway you lose a ton of momentum, what a nightmare
now they know where you are and what floor you're on, i probably would actually consider dcing out of rpd as spirit now and i literally never dc lol
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I should’ve DCed. I wasn’t having the best night with her tonight as that’s kind of how it is but it was probably RPD making my sanity drop below zero that made me not play as well even on the matches where I didn’t get RPD. I won about half my games tonight, which isn’t normal.
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i'm still getting my head around the finer intricacies of midwich but rpd legit feels like rocket science and you just do not have any time to think about convoluted routes and where to make any kind of proxy play to make up for the fact that gens are near-impossible to stall
nurse players i know have a field day with the map though, teleport from gen to gen + grab people + entire side of the map nurse is active gets super paranoid and stops doing gens, nurse never cares about anything it seems
ooh well..
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If only I was good at Nurse…
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someday that's all that'll be left
wraith is another nightmare killer on rpd if knows the map decently well + picks out a rare good 3-gen immediately and sticks to it
aside from a handful of god pallets there's no way to not take a hit given he waltzes straight up to gens often around corners
hag too of course
because heg
wonder if honing stone trapper would have any luck
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I can only afford so many rod badges as survivor pls give me your rpds
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I love when the map is RPD