A Long Rant to Let Out Frustration

This post is long overdue with the experiences I've been having lately (especially yesterday) and instead of getting better like I hoped it is just getting worse.
MATCHMAKING: How surprising! I'm starting out with something 80 percent of the community hates. As survivor I keep dropping because my MMR is based on whether I live or die, not my performance during the match like my emblem. Furthermore why do I feel like I get matched with survivors who have the lowest MMR on planet Earth (like just starting out survivors) but the MMR of my killers stay the same super high number? Don't even get me ######### started as killer! I constantly have to sweat my ass off to even tie and I just want to play for fun. I'm good, but I'm not the best at countering certain loops. I'm tired of getting my ass handed to me while trying to learn how to play new killers as well. I can't even eat the loss cause I have to lose 5 ######### GAMES to even get to a point where I can have 1 normal game. Then the cycle ######### restarts. This whole system is a joke and I never thought we could get something that is less effective than the emblem matchmaking but I would love that back right about now.
SURVIVOR: This is the majority of what I play so this is gonna have the most complaints (yes some of them are just my experience and they are smaller things that agitate me)
I'm so ######### tired of survivors bringing the killer to me when they run. I've had countless matches lately where I have watched someone get chased and intentionally drag the killer to me or one of my friends. If I happen to be in a dead zone at this time I get screwed and end up hooked first and typically dying first
Piggybacking on top of that, it always seems to be a ######### Mikaela doing it. Holy ######### do I despise people who play her. They always seem to be ######### teammates, not able to run from the killer, never doing gens (whether this is because they are looking for a totem or just being a twat) and always dive bombing hooks (especially without Borrowed Time). If it wasn't for me being a greedy bastard and wanting my emblem I would let all of them die like they do to me.
What is with all the damn camping lately? Honestly like I've been camped back to back in games and have noticed a significant increase in it lately. It's bullshit. And why do survivors not know how to play against it?
Can teammates start being useful? Yeah I'm looking at the SWF groups out there. Because I swear if I have one more game where I have to do all the gens (at least the ones we make it to), get all the hook saves and try to find the totems for NOED I'm gonna lose my #########. GET OUT THE BASEMENT, STOP SEARCHING CHESTS, GET OUT THE DAMN LOCKER. HELP US!
This one is a personal complaint based off killer variety, but I'm tired of playing against Nemesis, Blight, Trapper and, Wraith. How is it I only ever see 4 killers out of the 20 something we have? You're telling me no one plays anyone else? Bullshit.
Overall I don't even wanna play survivor without a 4 stack anymore. I would rather jump off a cliff into a box of nails than have to deal with the stupid randoms I get. I think I can actually feel myself losing brain cells at this point trying to deal with them.
KILLER: Not a lot here, probably just the usual.
Map pressure. This is something that I think needs to be looked at collectively. A good chunk of maps are too big for a good chunk of killers to apply appropriate pressure. It sucks because if you can't get certain perks you are really limited in which maps you can succeed on.
Speaking of perks, I hate that if you run anything other than the 8 main perks for top tier killer gameplay, you don't stand a chance against a good team of survivors. I'd like to be able to enjoy a game with different perks, but I can't because if I don't run gen perks the game is over in 5 minutes.
Trickster and Huntress: I need a legitimate diagram of these hitboxes because I have watched other people throw knives/hatchets over things and get hits when mine will clip the wall every single ######### time.
I feel for you dude. This is what my survivor matches look like now. And my killer matches have always been horrible since MMR came out basically unplayable because I refuse to use Gen regression.
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I'm just so over this game and watching it go down the hole. I can't remember the last time there was a good quality of life update for this game, just dedicated to that. New content/reworks don't matter if matches, matchmaking, balance, etc. is miserable
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Same here I play 2 man swf and it always feels like we get a killer around our skill level but our other 2 teammates are bottom of the barrel always in the corner of the map self healing or something stupid. I’m about to start quitting every time I load in and see a Dwight or Claudette theyre the usual culprits
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I can see the Claudette's in my game not doing ######### either. But I never see Dwight anymore. Like ever
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People warned me the Jake masks would be the hardest to get for Leatherface, but Dwight was the most elusive by far.
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I dont think MMR would be so bad if the game had some semblance of balance. The "nuclear" options that both sides have is absurd. You cant possibly balance a game when things like mother daughter ring and ranger medkits exist, not to mention perk selection. Solo surv needs to be buffed to line up with swf, then killers buffed to balance. This needs to be done with the highest level of play in mind, if its balanced at the top it will be balanced all the way down.
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Just shrink the maps or change the map generation algorithm to where it's like, survivor team average MMR >= 1800 means 40% less pallets or something. You get what I mean. So many balance issues would be fixed by making the maps smaller or making balance tweaks specifically towards high MMR survivors.
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You also don't wanna just balance around high level play. I know a couple of other games that do that *cough Rainbow Six Siege cough* and it makes it miserable for people who just wanna play for fun.
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MMR would work. If DBD had
1.Balanced Maps
2.Diverse Meta
3.Many viable killers
4.Exciting high rank gameplay
It has none of that and other issues
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I agree with that. Apart from the issue I mentioned above where I seem to drop no MMR at times for killer despite losing match after match or not getting survivors of my MMR level
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This has mostly been my experience as well, where it feels like my MMR isn't going down after a string of 3 or 4 escapes while the queue times are insanely high for killer play. I've just stopped playing killer altogether unless I get a daily. Survivor is extremely relaxing and the queue times are instant. Even in solo queue, I'm escaping around 60% of the time even while messing around the whole time trying to farm protection hits for MoM, kick pumpkins, and bust totems.
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As survivor I'm not a good looper, I'm a fantastic gen jockey though lol. I think I deserve my low mmr there but keep getting really good killers most of my matches.
As killer I really feel your pain. I have to painfully lose so many matches before getting one equal match. Even if I play fair, like I try to do, I may get a 2k and the other 2 on final hook. Then I'm back to lots of painful losses, rinse and repeat.
I really wish I could toggle of 4 people SWFs, only 4 though and not 3 or 2 person teams.
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Killer games have been a nightmare for me. But on the survivor side it’s about the same as the previous system.
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I know my MMR is dropping based off the win conditions the devs have given me. If I am still being queued with low MMR survivors but high MMR killers, how does that give any indication of my skill? If it was my skill the killer should be low MMR as well. Just because you don't have the issues doesn't mean they don't exist and it isn't an excuse for you to undermine them. Good day.
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Mmr doesn't belong in dbd with its current state