Peak Dead by daylight stupidity

I just died in a match against a spirit. Now I know you're thinking "That's normal" no this is different she didn't use her power even ONCE. No phasing, just blood lusted me the entire chase, no breaking pallets no doing any mind games just blood lust. And i had headless chicken teammates so that cemented the loss completely. She didn't need a power she just needed a bad connection and a ######### map to win. I got to second state because my team was so interested in ######### walking around being scared of the non phasing killer. I hate this game
Walking spirit op
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You'd think I'm crazy but she just blood lusted me. And my team didn't do gens so ya know that's fun and she lag hit me through the same window twice
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You got me curious, what was the map? Wrecker’s Yard?
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Yamaoka estate. But for some reason the pallets were just non existent.
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M1 spirit allows no counter play, plz nerf!
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That map is pretty light on pallets.
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Yeah you all think your funny. It's always funny till it's you with the dumbass teammeates who can't do gens in 3 minute chases.
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Not even just that she ######### Freddy sniped me through the same window twice. And since she refused to ever break pallets she had blood lust 3 most the chase. Which on a map with no pallets sucks
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I would still think its funny. The balance in this game is a joke. Imagine getting bent out of shape about a digital game of tag.
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Spirit is spooky they gotta hide in a corner until someone dies lol
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The true power of spirit is the ability to never phase when everybody expects you to, truly m1 spirit is S+++ tier
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There are infinites where even in tier 3 is not possible to catch a survivor.
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Yes but this wasn't haddonfield or Badham now was it?
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I know 1 on lodge map.
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IT WAS YAMAOKA ESTATE and the RNG of teammates and Map design was completely against me.
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Omg I just got a Spirit like that yesterday on Raccoon ######### LOLice Depertbitch. My first game against Spirit since nerf and didn’t even get to see what her new power was like to play against.
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That's hilarious. Is this a form of protest against survivors now being able to locate where Spirit is as she phases? What's next, no blink Nurse?
But yeah, nothing is going to save you when you get scared teammates that don't do anything. You can loop a killer for three minutes or fifteen minutes and it doesn't make a difference if nobody's touching gens.
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Yamaoka is famous for their unmindgameable structures and surely a danm hard infinite ( didnt try it but surely killer gonna have a hard time to catch you)
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Yeah maybe if the RNG doesn't hate you and your team is good. The middle of the map had 0 pallets and my team basically threw what few pallets they're were pretty early. And then when I actually found a loop she just blood lusted me, and then hit me with her Freddy's claw power up.
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I laughed wayyy too much when I read your post. 🤣🤣🤣
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Around 0:55, Kate & Bill body block hook for me, so unnecessary, since I was so close to the hook, it was a free pressure for killer.
A single fail decision cost the game. Not talking about skill.
Post edited by C3Tooth on0 -
This sounds like survivor's skill problem, not dbd, not killer.
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It's literally all those problems wrapped in one.
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Is bloodlust problem? Not really, if most killers use their power, they lose it, if they destroy pallet, they lose it. If you got downed by Bloodlust 3 killer, then cg, you just had quite a long chase. Bloodlust just can't be removed unless they fix some maps. Bloodlust 3 takes 45 seconds and if you play smart, you can force killer to get out of it. Some loops are just not possible even with bloodlust 3 as long there is pallet there.
I hope you don't wanna tell me gens are too slow.
So it comes to bad survivors. I think soloQ should get buffs, but noone of those I woud use is going to help with bad overall decision making and lack of game knowledge.
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She's a 110 killer that isn't that hard to brake los on and brake chase and bl. As for the map its go plenty areas you should of been able hide is one of the most Emerson levels in the game. Its really not a killer problem its a you had bad teammates and Behavior keeps handing bad survivors stuff and thats the kind of player you create.
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I mean that's just a case of bad teammates. Even nurse can bloodlust you if your team isn't doing gens.
Just increase your mmr so you get decent teammates.
Easilly done by escaping through the gates. Which requires teammates to do gens to open.
Hmmmmmmm, you might have a problem
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Some Uroboros here?
Just get decent SWF, easy.
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I'm honestly in this situation right now. I do 3 gens got all the unhooks did a 2 minute chase and the team dies with 2 gens left. I know its an extreme case but I've had games like this and close to it yet mmr goes down and keeps going down because my teammates. Most the time
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Ah yes let me just ignore the problems with solo q by pretending they don't exist by playing with people i don't even know. You're so smart you deserve an award.
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The usual struggle especially for me. Since I despise dead hard and DS. So I can't just "Press A to win" when ######### falls apart. Sometimes I get godly teams who wreck a killer who already wasn't even good. But then I get a sweat bag killer with teammates who shine flashlights on walls. (Yes that actually happened)
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"I think soloQ should get buffs" - Dino7281
Yeah, it helps your argument, if you ignore what else I said before...
Edit: It's true that it's just way easier to gain MMR as SWF. I don't think it's because SWF are OP or anything like that, yeah free info helps a lot, that's true, but best thing is that you can choose your teammates, so you just ignore matchmaking and you are can actually rely on your teammates.
SoloQ needs buffs in form of info that is easily shared by SWF, so that gap is not that huge. Either some passive info, I can elaborate if you wanna, I made even post about it before, or just chat wheel would help. I am like 90% killer main, so those buffs are really not for me. I just want soloQ buffs, so high MMR is not SWF only.
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Use sprint burst and windows of opportunity. You will never be dead zoned again and always find safety.
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Not going to lie, from this and your other comments in this thread it sounds like you're overestimating your abilities.
You know, a 15 second chase can sometimes feel like 3 minutes, where's from your teammates perspective you died instantly.
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At least they were trying to help, but I can understand how that is frustrating.
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Yeah watching them fumble around while I got to second state proves your opinion invalid.
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Sounds more like your teammate problem than Killer problem
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It's literally both. Like even they didn't suck, why the hell did she hit me through the same damn window twice?
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I cant believe bhvr removed BK myers im so sad D:
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This would have to be accompanied by a massive buff to killers, which would cause all sorts of problems.
The problem isn't SWF in-and-of-itself. It's that, unlike a lot of other games, there is no MMR adjustment when you play in an SWF.
Usually, there is a scaling adjustment (say, 1.1x for a 2man, 1.3 for a 3 man, 1.6 for a full team) to ensure that these groups run into a proportionally better opponent, to offset the benefits. There are also measures in place to detect and punish people who tank their MMR deliberately to abuse less skilled players.
This means that there are more MMR appropriate killers for solo players to go against and everyone has a better time.
In DbD, especially right now (the patch broke something with MMR), it's kind of a crap-shoot.
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I don't think there would be any massive buff to killers.
Only change that I would make that would affect all killers, is buff base regression to 150%, but also nerf ruin to 150%.
But of course then you have buffs to weak perks and weak killers, but I think that would be good, so there is more variety in high MMR.
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I faced a hacking Oni. Every time he picked up a survivor he downed my Generators progress went back to 0%. I DC'd after that happened the 2nd time. Hackers are pathetic.
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I don't think it does. That's just your perception and that is easily skewed when you get emotional, which is clear from the fact you created this thread
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now i've seen [eep]ing everything
what the [eep] dbd forums
do not summon the terror that is bamboozle nurse
(as an aside, i was once called bad by someone that went from uninjured to downed in 20 sec vs my spirit on swamp near that ungodly mess of vaults and pallets under the... dock?, no phase on 1st or 2nd hit)