Anyone else think Boons are a bit op?

I've been playing the recent update and i have to say, the Boons seem very strong for survivors. One that lets you heal super fast and another that hides both auras and scratch marks, and with no downside given to the survivors at all. Sure, you can snuff it, but they can just get another back up soon after
If it was a kind of 'Reward and Risk' kind of thing, that would be fine
I played a killer match earlier and i lost a survivor because of the scratch mark hiding Boon.
What do you guys think? Should they be nerfed or changed in any way?
I think they’re fine tbh.
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Shadow Step is definitely fine, but Circle of Healing may need looking at.
The time investment survivors have to put into maintaining Shadow Step combined with the fact that scratch marks being hidden during chase isn't that devastating means it's strong, but pretty easily played around if you know what you're doing. Maybe don't run aura-reading perks for a bit and you'll probably be fine on that front.
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Boon totems are definitely OP. Too big of a radius, too strong and impossible to remove permanently. They need a hard nerfing.
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All they need is a limitation. I've seen some ridiculous arguments about it, Like someone suggesting a 2 second snuff should disable potentially 2 perks AND bring back a cleansed hex. Suggestions like these aren't balanced but i don't see a problem with actual balance suggestions.
Increase the bless time each time its used
Add a 2 bless limit per match
Make it useable only on dull totems
Give the boon a timer before it becomes dull again
Make the blessing conditional, such as a safe unhook
There are plenty of ways to make the perks still attractive to use without nerfing it so ridiculously that it ends up on the garbage pile with the rest of the perks that were going to 'break the game', just so we can go back to the regularly scheduled whining about the meta never changing.
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Shadow Step is completely busted. The game is built for killers to be able to track survivors by scratch marks and sound. Shadow Step and IW completely counter anyway for the killer to track them unless they stay within the killer's line of sight.
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While you're not wrong, I want to highlight that Iron Will is already busted on its own and Shadow Step only makes it very slightly worse. You'd get more mileage out of Iron Will and Lucky Break instead, those two perks together are insane.
Shadow Step on its own is not a busted perk. Shadow Step in combination with one or both of the ridiculous stealth perks in the game is absolutely busted- but the difference between Lucky Break/Iron Will/Shadow Step and just Lucky Break/Iron Will is, in my opinion, minute.
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Maybe to make people stop crying they could make it so after every blessing it adds more time, first blessing would be 14 seconds, then 15.. 16.. 17.. and so on
We finally have perks that have the potential the shift the meta that has stayed the same for 5 years and people are crying, honestly its expected
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The issue is that the meta is so so so so strong that any perk that even challenges it is bonkers busted.
What really needs to happen is that all meta perks need to be nerfed. Ruin, Pop, Corrupt, Dead Hard, BT, Decisive, UB ect ect all get tossed. Then we can start changing the base game and other perks can be viable.
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Fair enough, thats actually a much better approach
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This. The perks are in a good spot right now
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I think it's way too early to tell how effective or ineffective the two Boons are. Like anything else I'm assuming a lot will depend on how good the players are. For instance I got a 4k tonight against a group that included a Witch with both Shadow Step and Circle of Healing, but it seemed like they weren't all that great in chases so if they did heal it wasn't helping much, and I wasn't using any aura perks so the Shadow Step wasn't quite as effective as it probably could be. 🤷♂️
I will say that I get a couple of reasons why in principle why survivors can reset Boons but killers can't, namely that most Killer hexes start the match already in play with no setup required and they typically affect the entire map. These two Boons, on the other hand, require the survivor to actively set them up which takes them 14 seconds and then the effect has a limited range (just shy of a killer's terror radius). So being able to place a new Boon if an old one is snuffed out is intended to make up for those other limitations on them. And that's fine, provided that the ultimate specific effect of a given Boon isn't too powerful or too weak given that it can be reset that system can work.
So I don't think Boon perks being reusable is a problem. The devs will just need to keep a close eye on the stats and if it turns out either or both of the Boons are giving survivors too much of a benefit they can just tweak the impact of them down a bit to balance it out (e.g. reduce the radius of effect, reduce the percentage boost on the Healing, etc.)
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One that I liked was either:
The time taken to bless a totem increases the more time its activated.
When a killer snuffs out a totem, it is deactivated for x seconds before it can be reapplied.
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- pinpoint totem location for teammate to cleanse incase of Noed
- manytimes happen that you just sudden lose a chase then they can heal in 8sec with teammate. And this is only 2 Boon perks.
- survivor can recognize which Hex and play around it. Killer cant recognize what are the perks in a Boon totem. Not mention 16 Boons perk possible in the future.
- perk like We will make it active only 60sec for each unhook which is limited that cant heal your self. Or selfcare with its super draw back. Boon Coh does all the job, and given to all teammates.
- Dull can be destroyed to prevent Hex (Noed and Play thing). But cant to prevent Boon
- because now Killers have to interact with totem, while they have lager hitbox. Means totems now have to be in more open spot so Killer can fit in and interact. Thats a direct nerf for Hex supposed to hide in small tight space.
Post edited by C3Tooth on6 -
Look - If it means I don't have to deal with
Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, Iron Will, and Dead Hard
Than im fine with it.
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Tbh I've been running spies from the Shadows, or sloppy with bloodhound. Both still allow me to run pop/corrupt, which is plenty of slowdown. Then I might just use spies and bbq for extra BP. Plus the Mangled makes the COH a little less worrisome.
My first match of the night was with my main, doctor. I ran an anti heal build with sloppy, Coulrophobia, Distressing, and spies. Even with 2 people running boons, they couldn't hide because of spies, and my other perks meant they only had a 15% healing speed increase. They spent most of the match injured.
However if you're not running or don't have these perks on certain killers, the boons can feel a bit overwhelming.
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What they should change, at least, is when you snuff a totem, it destroys the bones
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Not unless there's a squad running them. They're so easy to stomp and the range is too small for them to be able to be used conveniently. They're by no means weak, but in a solo situation the trade off isn't worth it.
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I think shadow step is okay, it only works well on indoor maps.
COH should be changed to maybe 70 or 75% healing speed.
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I agree 100%. Continually buffing perks to counter other strong perks just leads to power creep. Nerfs are the way to go.
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This. I really don't get the hate. I tried using them earlier and the killer just kept destroying them. It really isn't worth the time in my opinion. I'm not saying they are weak, but I don't think they are nearly as strong as people are saying.
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Boons were going to be an issue from the start. I’ve always played both sides but I’ve all but stopped playing killer for the moment. There was always an element of stress to the role but I just don’t care to deal with it anymore.
I’ve been running CoH and SS just to test them out. Boons in corn fields and multi level maps are ridiculous. Just played a match on the game against a Billy were another survivor was running both boons. He never got a hook. He couldn’t keep track and it took no time to heal. Before that, a Nemesis on rotten fields who could not locate the boon totem in the corn and survivors were losing him at the shack and in the field due to corn.
People can argue however they want but if killers start to dwindle as they play the role less then the game will suffer. This is just two boons. What happens when they introduce more? As is, they need to be toned down in some fashion.
they are fun to run though.
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Yeah you're better off running them in SWF. It's not worth my time to look for a totem to bless that can be snuffed in 1 second.
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I honestly do. To the simple fact that devs are hypocrites.
I'm just saying hex undying did that for killers at one point. And now survivors have that power and more, it honestly makes it worse for balancing and also the fact that survivors can do it multiple times.
I would feel like it would be fair if undying worked like it did in the past
Or nerf the boon totems where they can only have one use and they only reuse it if the killer sniff out the boon totem.
Or allow killers to destroy the totems after the sniff it out.
Don't get me wrong I do love the new survivor and I have a lot of fun playing her. But I'm trying to keep opinion fair on both sides
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The Scratch marks are not messing with me that much, but when the healing was there building pressure without gen perks is nearly impossible.
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Hex: Undying was much, much stronger than boon totems (hex perks affect the whole map and every survivor). Killers can can hear the loud boon totems and destroy them in like a second. I say they are fair atm
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Don't forget they nerfed Thrill of the Hunt so now Killers don't get a notification when someone is messing with a Hex.
And the few of you saying "I don't see a Issue because it only takes a few seconds to snuff out" is not a valid point because those Boons can be re blessed as many times as there are Dull Totems. So if a killer wants to keep those boons under control they have to use up their limited time that they need to apply pressure.
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I usually don't even feel the need to destroy them because they just don't feel that powerful to me.
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Boons are definitely strong, but I'm trying to keep in mind if a survivor wants to bring in both boon perks, that's two other meta perks they are NOT bringing. So potentially no exhaustion perk, no DS, no BT, no Iron Will, or no Unbreakable. Might be a fair trade off.
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basically they are op wont have any nerf cuz apparently having a safe zone is fine and healing in 8 seconds while being able to place totem where you want when you want indefinitly is like balanced for survivor dont ask me why they must be new
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They're utterly busted, but the majority players benefit from them, so they'll continue to be busted
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At first I thought they were too much but having played around 30 killer matches since the boon update I have yet to remember a match where I was like "aaaargh god damn boon crutches!".
Their effect is powerful but still manageable... At least that's my impression so far.
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I rum nurses calling and it negates it pretty well. As far as the scratch marks one, yeah thats rough when they do it in center building. It's like calling base in tag. Can be worked around tho
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The impression I'm getting is that Shadow Step is largely ignorable unless the survivor has Iron Will (and if it ever becomes a problem, just snuff it - you've already lost the survivor, so follow the sound), but Circle of Healing is on the crazy side. Somebody in this thread compared it to giving everyone Self-Care... which, sure, it's giving everyone Self-Care if Self-Care wasn't deleteriously slow and was actually a meta perk. It's basically an endless brown medkit for yourself and permanent We'll Make It on everyone else.
Yes, it can't be used wherever, it has setup time, and the killer can periodically turn it off. But survivors have way more freedom to move around the map than the killer does. The killer can only afford to go and turn off the boon when they're in the area and not chasing a survivor. The effect I'm noticing in CoH games (where the survivors were smart about it - a confused solo team with a good perk is still a confused solo team) is that spreading damage is failing to provide any slowdown, especially in scenarios where you're guarding gens or a hook and survivors want to bait you far away so that their teammates can swoop in and do the thing. Basically when you can get one hit on a survivor easy but two is a bad idea. Previously you had more wiggle room to turn the tides and get everyone who was still on their feet injured, then press the attack; now the whole team can reset insanely fast and it no longer ties up another survivor to help a wounded buddy (which is huge, especially in 3-man scenarios where players get stuck in a downward spiral of hooked/looping/going for the save, healing, and trying to do gens before the looper goes down.) But if the team is organized, any survivors that I'm not actively pressuring will heal up without delaying another survivor, and they don't have to stay injured until they run into someone else - where I might have stumbled upon them first and gotten a quick down. I'm more pressed to commit to 1v1s rather than smack everyone in range or ditch to check up on gens, because letting someone escape injured doesn't pay off the way it used to.
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Not if you had a really good 4 men swf team. They're stronger then hex undying, survivors can pick any totem to use the boon and also they can be use multiple times even if the killer snuff out them and they're not destroyed. They can even be placed on the same totem again. Old hex undying would've made it fair against them in my opinion rn, but in the past I agree it was to strong.
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I was playing solo survivor and we just happened to have 3 people with Shadow Step on Hawkins. The entire damn map had no scratch marks, it was disgusting.
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Maybe a feature that can allows killers to hex up there own totems, thus requiring survivors to not only bless them but to spend more time cleansing it. They could also add a perk that blocks totems via various means.
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It was 3 tokens to start with and that's your lot...I would be happier.
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Honestly there stronger than you might think in solo.
Been in several games where i was using both, and always close to loops where it breaks line of sight.
It didn't only save me on multiple occasions but even my teammates as they knew where to run when being chased and they lost him pretty quick.
Was even in a match where 2 other survivors were also using both boon perks, don't have to mention what a pain it was for the killer.
I believe that killer even got max 3 hooks that game.
And it's not that the totems were in plain sight or anything, he had the option to stop chasing and snuff it and then hoping to be lucky enough to find the survivor again quickly, or continue the chase and hope you can keep track of the chased survivor.
If the snuff a totem, me or another survivor was close enough to bless it again, making him lost the chase because he snuff the boon and it was back up before he knew it.
And all that while gens just kept going and the killer was just for ed to tunnel 1 survivor to stand a chance.
Imo boons should've never happened because the time a killer has is slim already and it gives them just another objective for some reason.
But as they will not remove them, then there is definitely something to be looked at.
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The only thing i think is op is that a boon can have more than one perk asigned to it
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I hate coming across boon totems but I've adopted a new build which should hopefully stop people running boons in the future.
Hex:Thrill of the Hunt
Hex:haunted grounds
Hex: retribution
Now survivors are looking at 24 seconds to bless a hex totem, and paired with the TotH blessing/cleansing slowdown of 50%,it takes 36 seconds for them to bless each totem, which will be applied to the first 2 totems at least. Then there's the aura reading from retribution, and the exposed from haunted. This should discourage boons to a degree. I'd recommend this on killers who don't need certain perks like pig or pyramid head👍🏻
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Shadow Step is fine but Circle of Healing? That is super strong. I never used the word OP on anything before but this is super close to being OP.
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See's that's what annoys me a lot. They nerf Undying cause it can be used a lot and don't get me wrong needing to cleanse 5 totems for it to go away is dumb. But then they proceed to do the same thing for survivor but rather then 5 times it's literally infinite and on top of that there can be 4 active at the same time.
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Finding them isn't the issue for me. It's the fact that the killer is always gonna be losing against boons.
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That's why I call the devs hypocrites. If hex undying returns like it was then it would be fair against boon totems.
Here's an idea for a nerf, survivors should have 3 tokens for boon perks. They could only bless a totem 3 times.
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Like all survivors should have 3 tokens or all of them collectively have 3 tokens? Cause if you mean each one that's 12 tokens in total.
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Fair point. Another idea is let the killer destroy the totem or let them place a hex on any totem they want.
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I think they mean each survivor has 3 tokens each which I like. It makes it that survivors will have to think a out how they will use their tokens and being limited they wont want to re light a totem right away
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I would make scratch mark disaappear faster not like no one
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They are definitely hypocrites cause a killer is not allowed to have fun like survivors can have.
Tho about the old undying i personally think it was fine as it was, the only thing that they should have removed was the aura reading and it was in a good state.
Yes if you were very very unlucky you needed 5 totems to cleanse it, but that was something which very rarely happened to me.
It was gone most of the time after 3 totems max, so imo there was nothing wrong with it.
But yeah the majority decides what gets buffed and what gets nerfed here unfortunately, whether it is a valid nerf/buff or not.
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Depends where they are. A boon totem on the second floor of Ironworks is much stronger than one in an empty corner of the map.