Why boons are bad, and why it's not what you think

Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

This isn't about if I think they're strong or not, but why they're bad for the game.

They're bad because of the gameplay they promote.

Let's look at survivor first. Start in a match, bless my totem, then any time I see the killer or get hit I just run back to my little safety net because it'll be a lot easier now for them to lose chase. Just have to get rid of line of sight and then hide. Then rinse and repeat all match.

It doesn't promote any interaction with the killer. And once that shock and awe of having overpowered perks wears off, other survivors will start noticing too how unfun not having hardly any interaction with killers is.

It also doesn't promote skill. It's designed for the newer and less skilled players, that's why they're tuned to be so strong. It's also why they're so abusable by even decent players. It's promoting this bad escape based matchmaking they've created so that it's easier for less skilled players to escape because you now have this brain dead style of gameplay of, 'see the killer time to run to my safety net'.

It's a band aide to try and fix their bad game mechanics, instead of just fixing the mechanics.

And from the killer side it's even worse! I've seen so many people drop killer or even this game completely because of the state of it and where it's going. Making queue times even more wonky. And you think camping tunneling and slugging is bad now? Just wait until everyone is running these boons. Because you know the only thing that truly counters the strength these boons can offer? Camping and slugging. And once more and more killers realize this they'll start doing it even more. And that's extremely boring gameplay for everyone involved.

Boon totems aren't a big shake up to the game to make it fun and exciting. Just more of the same, with another added objective for killers. And a band aid fix for survivors so the devs don't actually have to fix their mechanics, and they can just keep focusing on sucking every single dollar they can from this game.


  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    Boons aren't that big a deal. They're strong, sure but the fact that you have to take the time to find a totem, then bless it, then use its effects means that there are so many reasons to not bother.

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567

    there is no time to find a totem if you have about 1000+ hours experience with spawns

    i bother because perma we'll make it + self-heal medkit speed in the outskirts of the map where killer will never patrol is obscene for 1 perk slot

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Gen rushing wouldn't exist if survivors "learned" how unfun not interacting with the killer was. I know, I know, some of you think gen rushing is just a myth, a legend that doesn't exist. But they are out there, and the last thing they want to do is get the killers attention. Trust.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    And survivors will have to travel to that area every time, which means they aren't on gens. Survivors not on gens are survivors that aren't a problem.

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567

    i spawn on one in over half my games why do you think hex perks being instantly deleted is such a meme

    the experience is knowing to look behind that random set of rocks that blocks your los to the totem you just spawned next to

    would a survivor not being on a gen for 30 seconds if it meant removing one of their hook stages still not be a problem

  • Another_LegionMain
    Another_LegionMain Member Posts: 399

    If survivors think having an infinite hex totem is fun I have an idea: Killer Hex Perks are infinite and can be reapplied to totems which are now unbreakable.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Noone has to help them heal, which means 1 extra survivor can be on gen whole time. So instead of 2 survivors not on gen, you have only 1.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Shadow step was only used for a day after it got into the game, after that I almost didn't encounter it anymore. I bet the same kind of thing will happen with the circle of healing, because there are just better tools for all of this that don't get destroyed in one second. So much crying about nothing.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    The entirety of survivor gameplay is designed around not interacting with the killer at all...the only thing I can possibly think of that requires survivors to interact with the killer is when a survivor body blocks for another, but just like chases it's pretty much optional.

    Main objective: Stay away from the killer and hold M1

    Secondary objective: Stay away from the killer and hold M1

    Interactions with other survivors: Preferably have the killer be far away from you and hold M1

    Chases are the biggest way killers can interact with survivors, and it's up to the killer to get them, and it's not advantageous to the killer to get them with several survivors. This is a core design flaw in this game, and at least one of my biggest problems with it.

    Boon totems are just another thing to add to the pile of things survivors get to do to help their team that barely requires any effort other than holding m1 and that definitely, 100% doesn't require them to interact with or outplay the killer at all.

  • Ilovezarina5
    Ilovezarina5 Member Posts: 149

    Lol lets try that, I wanna see killers wasting 14 seconds setting a hex

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    Shadowstep is a little more map dependent but I think it's just as good as CoH imo. I've been running a basic build of Boons, Iron Will and DH and I'm impressed. Shadowsyep helps with the tunneling a little bit