What do you think is the easiest build in Dead by Daylight?

For both killer and survivor, what do you think the easiest build to succeed is in DBD? It's an interesting question, as what defines "easy" might change from person to person. I've got a couple of builds for both killer and survivor that I think are up there, but I'm curious to hear everyone else's opinion.
Alchemist Ring and Blighted Crow
BBQ, Ruin, Undying, and Tinkerer
This is sorta the notorious go-to for easy wins as killer. Blight is insane at applying pressure around maps, which is even more accentuated by the ruin/tinkerer combo. Alchemist Ring is imo one of the strongest addons in the game, as it allows blight to instantly make up any distance gained after a hit, and blighted crow just adds to that even more. The only flaws with this build are that it does get hurt pretty badly by some indoor maps, and that Blight is a good bit tougher on console. To assuage that, we go on to the next build
Coxcombed Clapper and All-Seeing: Blood
BBQ, Pop, Sloppy and Tinkerer
For someone not as interested in chases and wants to play much more of the hit and run style, this build is the one for you. Totally map independent, equally strong on console or PC, this build is incredibly consistent and oppressive. Sloppy means heals take way longer, allowing you to find and down survivors before they can finish. Tinkerer and BBQ both give good information as to where survivors generally are, and then all-seeing allows you to pinpoint where exactly. Pop for game delay, and goes well with Tinkerer. This build is a bit more flexible, as you can slot in and out perks as you wish. You can go Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer for the tried and true game delay, or perhaps drop Tinkerer entirely and pick up Nurses to allow for more synergy with Sloppy. Even All-Seeing is negotiable, as with the recent nerf you might feel it better to run something like Swift Hunt. But allover, this build will basically always get you kills.
Sprint Burst/Spine Chill/Decisive Strike/Unbreakable
Commodius Toolbox with Wire Spool and Scraps
For the objective based player, this build will allow you to power out gens efficiently, while never being caught out. Sprint Burst and Spine Chill mean that you'll never let the killer get a free hit while you're working on a gen, so you can waste no time. And DS/Unbreakable, despite the DS nerf, is still an incredible anti-tunneling combo if the killer tries. If they down you off the unhook, they are forced into a lose-lose situation of either picking you up and eating DS, or slugging you and letting you unbreakable. And the item is negotiable, I prefer Commodius with charge addons for long, consistent value that can't be interrupted, but you can swap to an Engineers or use a BNP If you so choose.
Dead Hard/Borrowed Time/Decisive Strike/Unbreakable
Green Medkit with Gel Dressings and Gauze Roll
As opposed to the prior build, this is for the far more aggressive player that wants to be chased, and waste as much of the killer's time. DH allows for mistakes to be erased by using for distance at misjudged loops, or if absolutely necessary to dodge a hit. BT lets you unhook safely with the killer around, making the option to tunnel essentially equivalent to chasing you. And again, DS Unbreakable for the anti-tunnel synergy, and because both are just very good perks.
Those are my easy win builds, but I'm curious to hear others, or if other people disagree!
Unbreakable flipflop power struggle tenacity
Noed no way out agitation iron grasp
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Wraith: All Seeing Blood/Coxcombed Clapper
NOED/Undying/Haunted Ground/Devour Hope
Chance of triggering HG 2x for easy Devour Hope stacks.
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Infantry Belt, Glowing Concoction
BBQ, Deerstalker, Nurse's Calling, Bitter Murmur
Lullaby? No problem, just orbital strike auras from across the map.
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Items: ranger med-kit with anti-haemorrhagic syringe and abdominal dressing
no mither, selfcare, second wind (renewal) and inner strength (inner healing)
too op
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Bubba with bamboozle, all slowdown and double chili (optional). A chimp with head trauma could play that with one hand while high on medication.
For survivor, skeleton key with blood amber and extra duration, spine chill, sprint burst, buffed clairvoyance, self-care. Mmr neutral. True story.
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Killer: Camp & Tunnel
It doesn't cost them a SINGLE perk slot to do it! 😠
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As a 2k hour mostly survivor sweatlord I would say dead hard, self care, windows, decisive strike. Although I changed self care with healing boon now that ######### is OP I like it but when teammates keep cleansing totems it is annoying.
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Survivor: SB, IW, Kindred, Windows…Windows is amazing with no cd. It also helps you to see loops where pallets have been used, so you don’t run to them expecting there to be one there.
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The Shape,
Play With Your Food, Bamboozle, Fire Up, Bitter Murmur/Rancor,
Both Iridescent Addons,
Congratulations, you are now only competing against the clock to reach EW3 and nuke everyone you catch. Pallets and Lockers may vary.