Survivors, would you use 1 time use Boons?

Be honest, if boons deactivated for the rest of the match after they were snuffed out would you use them over the other perk options?
I'm not even using them now. They still cant compete with the (required) meta perks to just play the game if youre not willing to be camped/slugged/tunneled, etc.
If they were one time use - and in their current state - they'd be DOA.
If youre making them 1 time use you'd have to buff them to Hex levels. Map wide, lower audio, etc.
TLDR: Unless DS/BT/UB are made as part of the base mechanics of the game I dont imagine anything will ever replace them...
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Nah. They would be super-weak and nobody would play them. So a "perfect" Nerf if you want exactly the same Survivor builds like always in your game as Killer.
I am not even using them now (I did not bother with Hexes for the longest time, I will not start using Totem-Perks on Survivor now, lol), but I would not even think about it if they are one time use.
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God no
If they were I'm pretty sure boons would be the worst survivor perks in the game
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Nope. The boons are fine. If anything, I'm dying more often because of them. My teammates would rather keep relighting boons over and over instead of doing gens. It's ridiculous right now
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I died because a David opened an Exit Gate to 99% and instead of staying there, he ran full Map (no Exit Gates nearby) to bless a Dull Totem.
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I don't think they should be one-time use. However, I think the killer should have the option to destroy the totem rather than just blow out the candle.
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Absolutely not.
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No, but I'll also stop using them as soon as I get the trophy for blessing hexes. In my opinion they're not worth running. Too much of a time sink for the value you get.
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Haven't played with them yet outside of the ptb but from a killer point of view it's obvious nobody would use them if they were only one use.
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Nope never if the dev did that boon would be worthless. They need a nerf because right now they are too strong and the only counter to boons are my fellow survivor
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Boons shouldn't be one time use unless they are map wide. A far better solution imo is give totem breaking some kind of cost to killer and if a killer wants to break dull totems they can choose to do so.
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Even after playing with them couple of days, im not sure if i want to use them all the time. Sure! Boons are strong, but not as strong as current meta perks. If they gonna be nerfed, then they will be picked as frequently as current MoM
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They'd still have a ways to go to reach No Mither level of bad, or even Autodidact. But they'd definitely be in the bottom 10%.
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No, i really dislike boon perks.
Right now the first thing Mikaela players do in every game is find a totem and stand in the area whenever she is injured.
Too much dependence on a totem that usually helps a lot in dangerous situations but still not worth it.
I prefer perks with tokens, i find them more worth running.
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No I won't. There are way better perks which would be better than a 1 time boon. 1 time boon would be useless.
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Make it Boons are one time use per totem and they are balanced
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Agreed. They usually hurt more than they help (at least in my games).
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No way in hell, not without some changes to justify that.
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Having to waste 24 seconds + time to find a totem if boons were 1 time use they would actually be the worst perks in the game
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Maybe a cooldown
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Sure. If they were lit automatically at the start of the match, map-wide, took time for the killer to destroy, and didn't sound like a damn wind tunnel. Otherwise, they would be utterly useless, why would anyone bring two perks into the game only to have them snuffed permanently in a matter of literally 2 seconds?
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exactly killers always complain about seeing the same perks when there are only 10 perks viable for getting wins. So Bhvr either needs to buff more perks or release new ones that can compete with the meta otherwise they’re aren’t worth using
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Boons would need to be more powerful or take less time to bless if they were one time only
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Nope. I would never touch that trash perks undless I have to do a stupid challenge or something.
We dont need another 2 useless perks among 50 other.