Just your friendly reminder that Yui is the best survivor

Can’t argue with facts :)
She isn't named Ashley J Williams. Therefore, No.
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Look who’s shitting in the tall grass
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Not after her face rework shes not.
Good thing Elodie survived the big wave of face surgeries untouched
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We all know the best survivor is Myers
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Not as long as Dweet exists!
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Her face doesn’t define her, being Yui makes her the best.
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I mean Myers is pretty hot
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Yui is supreme
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Feng is better.
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Bubba is best
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He’s pretty, but not the best when Yui is the best.
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Funny way to spell Felix
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You monster :(
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defend your claim
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Feng is better, again.
But Yui is good too.
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That i can agree on.
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Thats a weird way to spell Zarina
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She is one of the best.. but Leon took my heart first😟
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Her skins are pretty bad to me, especially heads.
I kinda like her but don't play her for that reason.
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Well at least you didn’t say Kate or Feng
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Leon is the hottest male character I’ll give you that, probably up there with Myers.
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Oh yeah I was wondering when you’d come.
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Nah Ace is better!
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Ace mains are sweaty
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As Leon main I love my yuis, they are S tier team players vs some survivors I plain refuse to match up with do to constant experience I have with them.
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I played with some good Yui's players too and sometimes i play as her.
But most of the time i don't survive with her so no idea if my teammates appreciated me enough ^^"
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I do trust me, I cant ever regard a time a yui did something to make me mad, they save people, they heal people even if they themselves , body blocking for you after unhook and they are 2 hooked injured vs the other selfish survivors with 0 hook no injuries either hiding or just gen obessed, even if a yui gets caught early or make mistakes they tend to some how make up for it. Hell ofc I myself will give it up for a yui anytime😘. If your buzz me you shall be saved.
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I agree with this statement, because of an event that once took place.
I was a feng main (I used to main survivor, chilling, I know)
RIGHT as the match started, I accidentaly selected a yui, a sad, perkless, level 1 yui.
It was badham against the nightmare, and I was doing a gen, when I saw a chest. Opening it, I get a god damn rainbow map.
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Claudette is the best, my friend. Always was, always will be.
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Claudette is awesome too.
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shirtless Myers when? 😔
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no nea is she is the most powerful survivor because (she is actually a killer and controls the whole trial)
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Yep, she is.
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Yui is good but not too.
1 - Zarina/Yun Jin depending on my mood
3- Bill
4- Adam
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waldoclaudette in the bottom left corner?0 -
Nope, right in the center :)
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I legit cannot find her
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Bill Bill Bill Bill
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Look in the center, I think thats claudette.
They should make survivors glow slightly, a backlight, games like r6 siege do that to prevent unfair camoflauging in the game, very subtle, but prevents people from just becoming invisible
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The actual answer of the other thread.
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This screenshot was taken in early 2019, back with the better MacMillan maps. That level of camouflage, on this specific map, doesn't exist anymore.
You can still be an effective Blendette...just not like this.
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Yes my 2nd favorite one, I was playing a tricky boi last night and getting kills, 2 jakes was locker obess not even trying to do anything to help team when i first hook claudio, lauri saves but never see her since then, on my inspection claudio is doing saves/heals//gens everything by herself so after killing the 2 jakes who was like clueless , I down claudio but when i pick her up i motion in a way that am giving her the hatch, lauri finally comes out of hiding and after I down and hook her for her cowardness claudio wins. Come on why are people still trying to wait for hatch to spawn even though its nerf.
You know I find out there is a slight chance a killer maybe very kind and after killing 2 people lets the other 2 even farm or so? me and a random elodie had this issue vs a myers, idk what happen me and this elodie sync great, myers am sure believe one was waiting for the other to be hooked on their last hook(we both was on last) then the other dash for the hatch so he was slugging, eventually at one point because elodie and i would hide and pick up and try force gen and loop pressure mr myers got nice and let us both finish and escape after our loyal 30+ attempt to heal, gen pressure/ try lure tatics . Kudos to that elodie and myers we all just see respect in each other, I do not give 2 cents about hatchs really, if I get lucky I find it cool if not oh well and most times I rather go by an exit gate farm from killer instead of hatch then pull that and get out, as before hatch nerf it seem to me most killers are smart to start just looking for it anyways when its only 2 people left. I had that instant with a trapper but i was on the far side ready to pull that exit gate because I knew he found the hatch already haha after he hooked the third person.
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Lets have fun guys these are my favs I have 3 categories of survivors but am posting only the good, the other 2 would be 50 50 and plain bad that I do not wanna team with, to not have any salt here am posting good dm me if u want the 50 50/ 100% bad list
Goods= megs/claudios/yuis/bills/steves, Adams,Zarinas, and Janes.
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I found the blendette! I only needed you to tell me exactly where to look! Right in front of me!
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He is perfect.
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No, just no. Her cosmetics are meh at best. Her perks are below average. Lastly her back story is painfully boring.