So did everyone just forget about Pinhead?

When he first came out, he was literally everywhere. Now in a span of three days worth of playing the game, I've only seen him once. Did the "fun-ness" die down and everyone quickly realized he was kinda bad compared to others?
honestly yeah
Really dull killer
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He's only kind of decent when you make builds focused on the most boring aspect of his power (the box) and his 1v1 power imo feels very unrewarding considering how hard it is.
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Considering he takes more skill than most killers, not many people are going to play him.
Not to mention the NFTs are probably discouraging people from playing him to begin with.
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I refuse to buy him given the controversy surrounding his existence in DbD. I'd like to think others are doing the same... If people arent willing to play him it will hopefully be a sign to BHVR that we dont support such collaborations...
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There's a controversy?
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NFT scandal
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Cant talk about it here but if you google it you google it you'll fine it
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I've actually been playing against him a lot more recently, four times in two days! I'm glad, games against him are pretty interesting and lengthy.
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Pyramid head takes a good bit of strategy to work, kind of like Pinhead. So I can see why people stay away from him, when most of the other killers are pretty straight forward.
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Well yeah? Hes exceptionally boring. He lost one of his main allures (his voicelines) and became just another faceless m1-anti loop killer. The reason we still constantly talk about killers like blight and nurse is because they have incredibly interesting and varied gameplay. What does pinhead do? m2-into m1 with the occasional box usage. Hes faded into obscurity rather rapidly because hes boring as hell.
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"scandal". As I said last week, nobody is talking about that anymore. Which took a week.
We have 25 Killers, only natural that players dont use the most recent one anymore. I also did not touch him anymore since I prestiged him with all Perks. He is fun to play, but not as fun as the Killers I really enjoy.
Sadly, the only Pinheads I see nowadays are those who are using Engineers Fang...
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I see them fairly frequently.
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Like any scandal, lasts a week.
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I really hope so because he's like torture to play against
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He's a trash killer who has a single annoying meme build but otherwise is nurse but instead of damaging with a blink you maybe slow the person down for a second. Can you imagine if trapper traps just slowed? Or PH Judgment gave you hindered? His design is awful and clearly 'survivor fun' was one of his top goals.
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"scandal". As I said last week, nobody is talking about that anymore. Which took a week.
Not everyone's living on the forums like you do, just because no one's talking about it on here doesn't mean it's not being talked about at all.
People won't forget.
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I still see and hear a bit about Pinhead. Mostly complaints. He's gonna be on the nerf-happy players' monitors until Engineer's Fang gets nerfed, despite that being the sole add-on that makes him viable. After that, then he'll really fall into obscurity.
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He's really forgetable tbh lol
He's just not very good unless you are using enigneers fang. If that addon gets nerfed he'll just be a low to bottom tier killer tbh.
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25 killers in the game means you should be seeing any killer 4 out 100 matches
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This is normal.
A week or two...people get to grips with the new killer...get their Adept...then go back to their tried and tested favourites.
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Hes a bad killer so killer main drop him after 2 or 3 day
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That's definitely NOT how it goes lol, at least not anywhere beyond very low MMR.
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This is my biggest issue with him. I still need tier 3 hoarder before I can take him seriously.
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He is actually pretty decent but it's probably one of the hardest killers to learn.
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The problem i see its that u need the iri addon fang to make him good and slow down much more
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Well...I play him a bit less because I got the new Hillbilly skin and right now I am learing how to play Billy better. That takes times.
But I still play him at least once per session because is still pretty much fun for me and I can run some wonky builds on him. The chains are good and the box is a nice slowdown too so I can drop slowdown perks in favoure of more fun perks and I still run Hex: Thrill of the Hunt with Plaything on him.
That said I also did not face a Cenobite for quit some time. This is sad because I like playing against him too...
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he is a really good killer that is hard to play it say the best killer made gameplay wise since blight
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I'm playing mostly him these days and having a ton of fun, but I gess since his power is not straightforward as other killers' he's less appealing to the masses.
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I got moaned at by some when I said that he's a killer nobody had seen or heard of for 20 years. He's iconic aesthetically, but he's not that popular in today's culture. Freddy and Myers still are and always will be, but not Pinhead.
Played against one last night who was cheating. He was able to move like the nurse albeit not a blink, just flew forwards really quickly.
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As long as people paid for him they couldnt care less if he is played or not.
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If you could all stop playing him that would be grand.
Console players, you ever tried breaking chains next to a pallet, fun right.
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He’s a pretty fun killer to play and can be strong in the right hands.
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He isn't bad, he is just difficult to use. No point learning something that is 100% guaranteed to be nerfed after all the moaning about addons and perk synergy along with the kill rate shown by the devs.
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I've actually been playing against him a lot.
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Cant speak for anyone else but as for me i like using pinhead but im playing other games. Im just not happy with dbd and havent been for awhile. Im tired of putting up with it so im playing something else.
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It's probably due to all the NFT stuff going on, I've seen him a few times and a Chatterer today, but not as often as I used to see him.
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I’ll play him whenever I play dbd at least once. He’s definitely one of my favorite killers to use.
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In the extremely unlikely event that I can actually hit someone with the chain using a controller, they more often than not, easily break the chains and escape. I don't think he is worth the time investment to get skilled with him.
Love to face him as survivor though.
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What's the point in playing him after he got censored?
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Killers are too afraid of humiliating themselves by missing skill shots
People are just playing bubba and only going for point blank saws
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Original Pain is a great counter to Borrowed Time, makes survivors hella salty.
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Essentially something on how NFTs deal damage to the environment because of how they're produced. Even though the people caring probably think "green energy" is unironically a great idea and won't damage the environment in the process.
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I'm a killer main and Pinhead is my main. Love him. His design is exceptionally fun for me.
I waited a long time for him and I think he's really lovingly made. So glad he's here!
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I was planning to main him just after release but I just don't enjoy playing as him. The big issue I see/feel is that his power just isn't great. It takes too long to startup, too long to recover from and the chains break on everything, including your own body.
It's as others have said, he's basically a worse PH or Huntress.
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How? I think original pain is not very good cause it’s very situational. How do you use it
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I own him but don't play him because of the NFT stuff. Sadly I can't get a refund.
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It's because Twitter told you they're bad for the environment, right?
EDIT: never mind, this is just going to get off-topic.
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I don't use Twitter.
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I love Pinhead...but.
- His M2 is so niche that it's barely worth using.
- His voicelines were removed without any compensation.
- He is hard countered by some maps.
- He requires addons and very specific perks to really feel 'right'.
Then again, at least he's in a better spot than Trickster. It says a lot when the last two killers available are mostly poop tier.
No, no he isn't.
Nurse is a good killer that is hard to play.
Huntress is a good killer that's hard to play.
Pinhead is like Trapper. He's a meme killer that's also hard to play.
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trapper now is def not a meme killer lol and huntress hard to play? maybe on console