Really every Match as a Killer when u Play against good Survivor and didnt Play Blight or Nurse

First hook = 2 - 3 Gen ready

2nd hook = another Gen ready

3 Hook ( when u even able to get it ) = Last Gen Ready

Really every Match ever against a Survivor Team that arent Potatoes it feels so scripted

U cant really Play as Killer except u are a Nurse Main or gets noob Survivors thst makes many faults or doesnt make Gens

The worse thing the Devs are happy whit it that Survivors are so strong The Answer from the Devs in the Last Q&A Stream about that Killers are so weak was " Then Just Play Survivor " 🤷🏻‍♀️


  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    That's honestly the best case scenario.

    I'm taking a short break, because this was about 75% of my games on Monday:

    • Game starts, Discordance pops almost immediately. Gen is done before I get there, survivors are gone.
    • Another gen pops within 30 seconds.
    • I catch a glimpse of a survivor dropping down into the main hallway of RPD, I pursue and they run straight to the office infinite, teabagging all the way. I peel off, and another gen is done.
    • I finally get my first hook, and gen #4 pops.
    • By the time the final gen pops, I've eaten every Dead Hard, Pallet, Iron Will, Borrowed Time, Styptic Agent and DS in the game. I've gotten at maximum 1 kill, if that.
    • Survivors teabag and flash me from the exit gates until I chase them out.
    • I check after the game and the survivors are a 3man SWF with about 5000 hours between them.
  • shane32
    shane32 Member Posts: 383

    Yup every single game get like maybe 3 hooks and they all escape. Same thing over and over again.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    Damn this is like the third thread I've seen in less than 10 minutes posted about how broken the game is now.

    I've had fun the past few games playing slug Huntress. I just literally slug people and never hook. It's a lot of fun as I enjoy throwing hatchets. Survivors at least get some fun as they have opportunity to heal each other (I don't camp the slugs), but they often get salty cause they want unhooks I guess. However playing Killer properly is often unfun, so that's tough luck I guess.

    I usually lose, but occasionally this does result in a 4K at 5 gens as well.

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567

    imagine having to cheat (sounds voip-y) in a game where, particularly if you've rigged the dice that many times, you only lose via catastrophic [eep]ups, often requiring several in a row

    after some of the games i've had today + seeing what 'more fun than ever' spirit's like finally vs eh 'equal skill' survivors i'm considering dropping killer except for daily/archive, which eh..... i used to only play killer, now.. any killer that has a decent chance vs good survivors gets crushed, pinhead's iri is next i bet and i'm certain it's just that nurse cannot be reduced further than 'ignore pretty much all chase mechanics twice every so often', the concept itself is insane so what can you even do with it without making her unplayable

    but for that matter why was 'long windup --> 5 sec of very fast information denied movement on both sides --> up to 15s cooldown or fairly high for a 110%' such an issue compared to 'warps through two walls and the ground itself onto you and ganks you because aura'

    deathslinger, wraith, spirit.. whether they were good or not and their individual players good or not, all nerfs bring you closer to nurse singularity

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    i cant blame survivors for wanting to play wit h friends and being efficient when playing Solo q is such a painfull experience.

  • botrax
    botrax Member Posts: 633

    The way the game is right now its better to just play survivor you will escape most of the time you can bring the perk you want and the difficulty will be the same