Exhaustion (Rant)


I want to preface this by saying I'm not normally one of "those" players. I play both Killer and Survivor practically by necessity because I can't find Killer matches during the daytime and I can't find Survivor matches at night, and I want it known that for whatever I say here none of this is directed at the Killers I wound up facing in these matches. I almost never rage quit and have long stopped associating any sort of pride in this game; it is a high skill curve, low skill ceiling game and I don't lord over anyone. I know some tricks with both Killer and Survivor, but that's it. I am just an average joe that likes playing DBD for what it is.

Now, that all out of the way, I'm really ######### tired of the "Extremes" this game takes. It's very rare I find a match where the odds are even and both teams are struggling. When I play Killer, 19 out of 20 matches I will curb stomp Survivors to the point of it feeling unfair and me letting the last guy go, and then that ONE match where I don't win it's like I can't even FIND the Survivors. The only one showing their face will be the one member of a bully squad deliberately trying to get my attention and chase him/her around AKA a waste of time.

Then there's Survivor. Oh... #########... Lord... There is playing solo queue Survivor. To fully understand what playing this game on that team can feel like at times, let me describe my last three games and how my mood progressively went from mildly humored by my bad luck to aggravated enough to ragequit:

Match 1: Pinhead on Rotten Fields

I am here for one thing: Pumpkins. Those stupid Halloween challenges are up right now and in previous games I was able to go on total sprees kicking these things in. "Easy enough" I am thinking. Our Killer turns out to be a Pinhead, who I think is pretty fun to go against. I am not trying to bully this guy; I am not a teabagger and am a devout believer in not bringing Items into a match because Medkits are busted, Flashlights are annoying, Repair Kits are okay but feel cheap, and for some reason Blood Webs give tons of map add ons but not a lot of maps. Short and sweet: I am not an ######### in how I play. Something about the way I BREATHED in this Pinhead's direction incensed this Pinhead though, because that boi stayed on my ass for the ENTIRE game. We're talking I literally ran this guy around the map for 5 Generators, he briefly face camped me, and after being unhooked once he went straight for me. This guy hated my guts and I'm sorry for whatever I did to sleight him because that man hated my GUTS. So, basically, Match 1 boiled down to me not scoring many points or getting many Pumpkins because I was in constant chase. Fair enough, kinda've just a funny unfortunate circumstance and as a Killer main myself I can sympathize with wanting certain people dead. No problem... (Deep breath)

Match 2: Ghostface on Haddonfield

I like Haddonfield, but I did not send us there. Tried bringing us to Coldwind Farm, someone else put down a key for Haddonfield and I lost that trade. So Haddonfield it was. I spawn on the second story of a corner house, immediately look for a window, look down out there first one I find and see a pumpkin. "We're off to a great start", I think to myself. I slow vault the window and wouldn't you know it, guess who was crouching about right there at the bottom of the window? Ghostface. We're talking I literally dropped on this man's back and he turned around just as surprised as I was. So we chase, I take a hit just to get that pumpkin, I make the mistake of trying to window juke him at the House of Pain and both a disapproving head shake and a basement hook. I get left on the hook until Tier 2, get unhooked, finish a gen, try to save another survivor and low and behold, Ghostface was actually proxy camping him and yoinked me off of him. I get thrown on a hook and die. Okay, another bad match, still sorta funny but I am now out of time in my day because I have to go to work. "Maybe next time"......

Match 3: Plague on Swamp

Spawn into match. Kick pumpkin directly in front of me. Plague is already on top of me and goes for me over another survivor in a less defensible position. Something I have been leaving out of these last two stories that this third match shares in common is that in all three games, I had the Killer jump me within the first TEN SECONDS OF THE MATCH. Naturally, Plague barfs me up to full, sticks my ass on a hook, I get unhooked, get half a gen done before I have to flee it, find a fountain, Plague OF COURSE finds me, and downs me. At this point I'm literally spending more time on the ground, recovering, or on a hook than I am doing anything else in the game, so I leave. I'd had it.

If you're wondering what the moral of this story is, it's that spawns are ######### busted right now and if the Devs are TRYING to get me to stop playing this game, they're succeeding. They can give me 900k Bloodpoints. They can release cosmetics and special events and what not. But none of that means jack ######### if its current mechanics ######### you from the start of a match multiple times in a row to the point of spending more time WAITING inactively than actually being able to do anything. That Pinhead match? I may have been tunneled the whole game, but AT LEAST I got to run around. But the next two? They're far from the first time this stuff has happened. ######### needs to change and I feel like if you aren't gonna take the time to fix spawn locations, you can at least incentivize Killers to go after other Survivors because the whole "tunneling" thing IS a problem. Might not be for the other 3 players, but it sure is for that 1 guy. And this doesn't have to be anything major, like, literally just make challenges or give more bloodpoints when Killers alternate between Survivors. No nerfs or anything required, just make Tunneling the less appealing option.


  • copperysinger5
    copperysinger5 Member Posts: 19

    I believe tunneling is to avoid annoying lopping and pallet slams that suck you in, and high beam flashlights in the eyeballs and, disappearing survivors. Through patches, developers program killers to be stationary half blind and stupid; it wasn't always this way. When picking up a survivor and to not be able to turn away from flashlights is unreasonable. They make the killers to be stupid narrow sighted and slow obey and be forced to wear certain perks. In this case, might as well play like something stupid but if they made killers more intelligent maybe you will see less tunneling. There is only so much playing as killer can do to win when BHVR updates constantly to nerf and cut off his smart winning strategies. The following is bhvr formula to dbd. Killer=played as a big stupid oppressed idiot... Survivors=let's teabag him as we slide through the exit gate... To answer the op of this thread, the killer player wants the ability to have an intelligent winning strategy but soon as we find one BHVR nerfs it with a quick patch. This is an annoying practice from developer to pretend to balance the game who are actually cutting off winning strategies for killers. This leads to some killer players resulting in what survivors see as toxic behavior. The killer has no beef with that survivor, so don't take it personal.

  • MrThorn
    MrThorn Member Posts: 7

    Annoying practice doesn't even begin to describe it.

    I said "Screw playing survivor" and went back to playing Killer. I have LITERALLY only been getting matches with bully squads and red ranks. What did they DO in these recent patches? I have NEVER had this much trouble and these idiots are gleefully laughing about bullying me to the point that I've legit just given up and stood in a corner, as if making another Killer main quit OR turn into a facecamping Bubba is a good thing.

    This is ridiculous, the game is legitimately only pissing me off at this point which means there's no point in playing it. But here's the kicker: I got on after work thinking I'd take it easy, maybe just grind out some archive challenges and let people go. I deliberately tried to not take the game seriously and I'm even putting down Anniversary Cakes as a peace offering. Instead they send me to Haddonfield, bring flashlights, loop me around basic loops in tactics I generally only see at Red Ranks and it's just like WHAT HAPPENED? I'm using a Backpack Nemesis build where I just pick people up and punch fast.

    I know the MMR update ######### people's games up but this is absurd.

    I've literally been put in a position where it's like "Convert to the Church of Facecamp Bubba" or stop playing and I'm heavily leaning on the latter. This isn't fun. If it were just ONE match it'd be fine, but it's EVERY GAME I'VE PLAYED THIS WEEK.

  • copperysinger5
    copperysinger5 Member Posts: 19

    I forgot to add. An example of those nerfs to increase the stupidity in killers would be... In the past, playing as killer clown I was very effective using the single tonic bottles to slow down survivors. Well BHVR decided 'hey look! The killer clown is being too effective with those bottles, let's patch the game to reduce the effectiveness of the tonic, slow the clown down and add an antidote speed up bottle using the same button so he can accidentally hit the survivors with it 'hehe' and what's actually a nerf, we will pretend it's a buff for the clown'...