Killer Perks for the Anti-Hex Meta

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

The introduction of Boons has finally given Survivors a reason to look for totems and effectively ended the Ruin/Undying meta in the process (only a few fast paced slug heavy Killers can run Ruin/Undying now its suboptimal on most Killers).

Here are perks I have been getting consistent use out of that I overlooked before:

DEADLOCK: very very reliable slowdown. this perk will save you a minute or two of generator time regardless of how much map pressure the Killer you are playing has.

CORRUPT INTERVENTION: also very reliable slowdown that's universally good on all Killers. it requires some map control and good early chases to really optimize but its potential can't be ignored.

NO WAY OUT: notice a trend? the most reliable endgame slowdown. allows you to take chases after the generators have popped and still have potential to get kills from it. less snowball potential than No ED, but no risk the perk will be prevented or removed early.

All three of these perks focus more on reliability than a risk/reward playstyle. They won't necessarily carry a game by themselves but they will normalize your games so you don't get ROFLSTOMP gen rushed.


  • Vizikk
    Vizikk Member Posts: 115

    I've come around to excepting Ruin/Undying isn't going to be "meta" anymore and these recommendations are great but I can't help but to be honest. I really feel with Boons being, well, the way they are. Hex Perks are just going to be unusable for consistency sake. It's not like they were consistent to begin with, but this sure as hell doesn't help the situation.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    I'm skeptical that much will change on this front. While I do think boons are going to stay past the new perk hype (at least until they get nerfed), survivors already had plenty of incentive to look for hexes and you always had to prepare for short lifespan. Good teams already know where all the spawns are and you'd see the occasional totem-finding perk on those that didn't. As long as hexes are meta, survivors will be prepared to deal with them.

    All of those are great general regression perks, though I still prefer Pop over Deadlock.

  • Super_J
    Super_J Applicant Posts: 18

    I run Undying + Haunted Ground and it works every time. Survivors just can't help but cleanse a Hex Totem now.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Why not try a Hex heavy build to punish Boons?

    Hex: Haunted Grounds (Obvious punish)

    Hex: Undying or Thrill of the Hunt (Defense for our Hexes)

    Hex: Retribution (Seriously slept on and amazing with Haunted. Additional punishment for cleansing totems)

    Hex: Ruin or Devour Hope (To create urgency on survivors to cleanse)

    Blessing a Hex totem takes an excruciatingly long time so it's slowdown and even more time wasted. I know that it might still seem unattractive but idk. I feel like going all out Hexes somewhat counters Boons since Haunted and Retribution will actively punish any survivor who blesses your totems.

    Idk how I feel about Thrill though.

    Otherwise if I didn't run this wacky idea I'd probably just opt for Pop + Corrupt or Ruin + Pop. Deadlock is really good though too. Maybe Pop, Deadlock, Corrupt and Thrilling Tremors so you know where to direct your Pops.. That could be too much entity blocking though lol

    I really want to love Jolt but the value gained from it is just too random / dependent on the map and generator placement

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533


    i love jolt too, its mainly just an issue of if the Killer im running can actually use it since the perk doesn't work with special attacks

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I've experimented with these and they all have problems.

    • Deadlock can lead to a situation where you wind up with a lot of gens at very high progression at the same time, which can be even worse than one gen popping. Coordinated groups will play around it once they know it's in play and it can backfire horribly if you don't have a second means of regressing gens directly.
    • CI is a good perk, but very map dependent. Smart groups will either ignore it and go do totems (or just hide until it's over). It can also very easily lead to a terrible gen spread in the lategame.
    • NWO is it's own thing. Usually paired with NOED for maximum impact. It works well against altruistic groups, but against people who are willing to just sacrifice someone all it does is land you an extra kill, if you are lucky. It also necessitates camping and/or slugging, which is a style of play that annoys a lot of people.

    That said, I haven't seen survivors cleansing any more since the patch. Boons are usually lobbed onto the closest dull to whatever gens are being done, and those spots would probably have been checked regardless.

    These days I like to run:

    • Discordance. Unless you are on RPD, this will generally let you get to a gen being rushed and probably hit multiple people/down someone.
    • Plaything. Holy crap do I love Plaything. It either slows down survivors amazingly well, or sets you up for some spectacular jumpscare/grab moments. If I don't run this, I run Devour Hope.
    • Pop or Surge (well, Jolt now I guess) depending. If I'm a killer with an instadown, Jolt. Anyone else - Pop.
    • BBQ (if I want to farm BP, so usually BBQ) or Retribution (if I just want to win, ridiculously good synergy with Plaything).

    This is my pseudo-meta loadout when I'm anticipating a hard game. It's probably my absolute favorite loadout right now.

  • LordSturm
    LordSturm Member Posts: 493

    "...all it does is land you an extra kill"

    to be honest, any perk that gives you a kill is a good perk.

    "If I'm a killer with an instadown, Jolt."

    Jolt only works on basic attacks, so isn't it actually much less useful on a killer with an instadown?

  • LordSturm
    LordSturm Member Posts: 493

    It's a shame they nerfed Thrill of the Hunt for no reason so you don't get notifications anymore.

    What if Haunted Ground triggered on every hex like Retribution?

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    There are killers with basic attack instant downs. Ghostface and Myers are the specific ones that come to mind.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    Surge (Jolt) on Ghostface is pretty good. I run it on regular base and it helped me a lot, providing information and regression. The best feature is that if you have 2 survivors on a gen and stalk them you can down one and the other is not able to finish the gen even if you pick up your victim. This allows you to get your power back and then down the other survivor too after finishing the stalk. Also on maps like The Game and Haddonfence this can come in handy as you regress generators without being near them.

    I just added Hex: Thrill of the Hunt with Hex: Plaything to my builds. Plaything works quite nice as it blocks the Totem for some time, Thrill is a good combination as you just wast tons of time blessing this or cleansing your Plaything. Most survivors are quit desperate to get Plaything undone and I take it. Free slowdown.

  • LordSturm
    LordSturm Member Posts: 493

    Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I could only think of perks that did it.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    My ruins haven't been popping any faster tbh.

    If you really want to protect Ruin I recommend Lethal Pursuer; it minimizes the down time of your weakest power point and allows you to safely abandon your hexes

  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347

    just run a full hex build with retribution and haunted, thrill/ undying. Boons are broken especially at indoor maps and you know survivors wiill want to send you to these maps