Hope to find some friends to play :] (CP enabled)

cornflakesmilk Member Posts: 13
edited August 2022 in Looking For Players

Hi, thanks for dropping by !!

I don't usually post in forums, but solo queue has become quite painful these days, so I hope I can find some people to play with, improve at the game on the whole. Some details below:

*sorry that the post might be long, but I think these details should be shared so we can keep trouble minimal :)

[Platform] Switch. (mobile too!)

  • I don't mind any platform, as long as you don't mind mine :) Cross-play enabled!

[Play] Survivor main. Once in a blue moon killer for rituals (usually fail though lol).

  • I got into DBD through Youtube. A streamer I watch plays DBD, and as a resident evil gamer, it appealed to me so here I am now!
  • The occasional goofing around with nice killers and dorky survs are what's kinda keeping me play :D Of course, a satisfying match can really make my day.

[Looking for who?]

  • I try my best at every trial so no one feels shortchanged, but I guess I am kinda casual?. So, someone who is acceptable of mistakes and no insulting is a must(you can point out my mistakes, that's a way to improve so yup lol)
  • I also want to hone my looping & decision making skills. I watch Otz, Ayrun, Naymeti etc, so I understand the lot of theories to being a good surv/teamplayer etc. and execute their advice, but recently I feel like I am in a slump :(, and well, reading the textbook and applying the theory is different, so yeah
  • Anyone who is reasonable, respectful of others and can enjoy the game!!

[A little about me(if it matters lol)]

  • Female gamer here, so it would be nice to meet fellow girls, but everyone is much welcomed!
  • I am in my mid-twenties, so people around there would be great but really no preferences.
  • My native tongue is English so English would be appreciated.
  • Regarding online timings, as I reside in Japan, its GMT +9 here.
    • I have a 5 day work week, so I'll be on mostly weekends, and sometimes weekday nights(9pm onwards) too. Am quite the night owl, so I stay up late to game like 12 midnight to 7am, which is 11am-6pm EDT (sorry if I'm wrong)?
    • My commitment level is casual, like when work gets busy or personal matters kicks in, I will not be able to play much. Hence, people who aren't tight about schedules. Like if I go online and you are online as well, then let's play a little if you like, or not too, no forcing 😉
  • I created a Discord so it will be the main medium to communicate! and as for VC....I am quite shy but I am open to it, so please give me a little time to warm up.

Drop a comment if you're interested and I will add you back on Discord asap <3

Thanks and apologies for the long post 🙈

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • lilly158536
    lilly158536 Member Posts: 1


    I'm a female gamer as well and really like dbd.

    I play on pc and xbox.

    You can add me: flowerpower4794 :)

  • Bubs20
    Bubs20 Member Posts: 3

    Hello, are you still playing DBD? Id like to have someone to play with. I play on PC and im not a mean person. I dont care about skill or anything, just as long as we are having fun. Just add me and I will gladly play!

    Discord: Bubs20#9600

  • cornflakesmilk
    cornflakesmilk Member Posts: 13

    Hello lilly158536, thanks for commenting!

    I was pretty nervous as I know most people will be turned off by long posts😂

    I tried adding you on Discord but it says no user found, however, I did find you in game, is it alright if I add you there then?

    Btw, my Discord is fleshfruits#7741, feel free to add me if you wanna coordinate or anything ;)

  • cornflakesmilk
    cornflakesmilk Member Posts: 13

    Hello Bubs20, thanks for commenting!!

    Thanks for being open about skill level too, I hover around Silver ranks(Silver I now), just to share :)

    Sent you a friend request over at Discord just now! See ya around!

  • DoctorAida
    DoctorAida Member Posts: 2

    Hi there! I'm a new player here, and I like the game a lot and try to play as much as I possibly can in order to improve.

    I'm a female gamer and I'm 31 years old😊. Yeah, I'm kind of a grandma at this point.

    I mainly play as survivor, and as of now, still can't loop more than 20 seconds even if my life depended on it! (which it does, *sigh*)

    I've played maybe 5 games as a killer, and it was a tea-bagging farm fest. My grandma brain thought they were glitching, I just stood and stared for more than I'd like to admit. After I realized what happened, I was too embarrassed to be a killer again🤣

    I'm slowly improving. I would love to play with friends and VC! It feels so lonely in solo queue.

    I play on Ps4 and mobile, this is my discord: Alaya.md#9394

    And my game ID: DoctorAida

    Hope to see ya!

  • cornflakesmilk
    cornflakesmilk Member Posts: 13

    Hey DoctorAida, thanks for your comment!

    You're not a Grandma, we all age XD I added you back on Discord(fleshfruits), check it out when you're free.

    Agree about the looping, its so hard, like I nail it at times but my controller gives up on me at times too lol And yes killer, I tried Trapper and Nurse, and the Nurse game was whew, all the gens popped so quickly and I only saw 2 survs throughout the game haha At least they were nice and gestured for me to hit them but I just let them leave, embarrassing stuff X)

    See ya soon!

  • Aya0289
    Aya0289 Member Posts: 6

    I'm not a grandma.. Or even a female for that matter, but I usually solo-queue 95% of the time since I lack friends who play this anymore.

    So I'd be up for having people to play with now and then. I have this for PS4 & PC, but I play my console much more often since that's where all my progress really is, and didn't start playing PC until after playing PS4 version for 2 years.

    Feel free to add me:

    PSN: Matty0289

    DBD Tag: Matty0289#e366

    My Discord is Aqua#4251

    So feel free to add me as friend there for easier communication.

  • cornflakesmilk
    cornflakesmilk Member Posts: 13

    Hello Aya0289, thanks for commenting!

    I added you back on Discord just now, thanks for the ID. Will add you in game later when I am home.

    I also do not have people who play around me, everyone is more of the Animal Crossing and Pikmin kinds(I enjoy those too of course but yeah XD) Yup, sometimes solo q get lucky and it's alright, but sometimes you really wish you have someone on the team you know is not a potato haha

    See ya around and thanks again ;]

  • KAZ3
    KAZ3 Member Posts: 4

    Add me too i want some friends to play with my discord The Manager#9039

  • LightningBlaze03
    LightningBlaze03 Member Posts: 8

    Hello! If you're still looking for new people, I would like to join you. I'm also looking for new friends to play with. I am very active in the game if I'm with a SWF.

    Steam: 188085901

    Discord: LightningBlaze03#8964

    DbD Name: LightningBlaze03 #5083

  • KAZ3
    KAZ3 Member Posts: 4

    How old are u

  • LightningBlaze03
    LightningBlaze03 Member Posts: 8

    @KAZ3 Are you asking me or the OP?

  • WoLFYx_X
    WoLFYx_X Member Posts: 8

    Hello! You might have already found a group to play with tho' but I am also up for some swf sometime. ^^ Don't have that many people to play dbd with nowadays and killer gets pretty lonely after awhile.

    I am not a native English speaker but can speak it pretty good tho'. I reside in Europe but I'm pretty flexible with the hours when I play.

    Here is my Discord and dbd friend code if you want to add me and play. :)

    DBD: Wolfy#d4f9

    Discord: WoLFYx_X#0999

  • LightningBlaze03
    LightningBlaze03 Member Posts: 8

    Hello WoLFYx_X, I'll add you add as a friend. Hope to play together sometime. :)

  • Blackwolfss
    Blackwolfss Member Posts: 27

    Anyone here plays in EU?

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