Boons yet again make the game seem less scary

Everytime I play survivor the game gets less scary.
It was an all survivor day today, except for a few trapper rounds at the end, and I found myself unfazed by the thought of being injured or seen by aura reading perks.
There was once a tension about killers hooking someone, if they had BBQ you could be seen and hunted next so you hide your aura as best you can and hope you don't get spotted. Now I just sit in the boon radius and I don't even have to stop doing a gen.
Same goes for the healing boon, had several matches tonight where we kept two healing boons up and basically never really had to be worried about being injured. Killers have to drop chase to pressure gens so often that you are back at full health in seconds.
Its watered down the tension factor and yet again it feels like as survivor you have less and less to fear from getting injured and downed or even found.
I don't think they are a good idea in their current state.
Soon there is only going to be survival and no horror, in this survival horror game.
EDIT - before someone says "the more you play the less scary it gets". Obviously... but tension can also build fear and be scary. Tension in this game comes from the threat of being eliminated, that threat has to be extreme or there is no tension and thus no scare factor. Boons in their current state grossly undermine this.
Every time you experience something all over, it gets less scary. It's not due to noob totems.
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read the edit...
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You're overestimating my attention span.
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then you probably shouldn't comment it's kinda foolish to go in uninformed.
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I had already read and was writing while you were editing in the background. It's kinda foolish to go in expecting people to offer you twice their time and attention only because you don't use enough care when introducing a subject and then you need to go back to redo the whole thing.
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The only saving grace is that as powerful as boons are, most survivors cannot live without 4 second chances, and as a result, I haven't run into too many boons. When I have, it has been frustrating. But it will pass. Thankfully.
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mate I can't help you, you're just gonna have to be upset about this one and move on.
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Yeah it isn't a sky falling, game breaking thing but as killer its a bit tedious and as survivor it undercuts the terror factor. Neither of which I think is that great.
I'm absolutely guilty of taking advantage of it when when its in play though, but it does feel stupidly OP once its in play.
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If you have a comment relevant to the topic that'd be great thanks.
But for clarity sake... all I said was read the edit, which addressed his first comment. I never expected him to already have read it, that's why I suggested he do so giving him the oportunity to add more to his replies. Therefore he's actually (not literally because that's a misues of the word literally in this case), incorrect in making the assumption I would expect him to have pre-read the edit.
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This is still a horror game, but you have to play killer to be scared.
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That's ok its off topic anyway.
But Its not passive aggressive, there is nothing passive about that text.
It's directly pointing out what was said and the missuse of literally, which happens a lot.
There is no unresovled conflict here to engage in and you are welcome to comment on the topic at hand.
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It's going to get less scary each time you play. Nothing would make this game scary to me again.
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Game needs tension to be scary.
That's things that are undectable, unpredictable, good jumpscare to keep you on your toes and the constant threat of elimination. Fear comes from tension.
From people's comments and reviews, I'd say most people feel more tense playing killer than survivor and that's tension in the wrong direction for the game's theme. Boon totems don't really help with this.
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I was pointing out bad comments that were of topic. You didn't need to say "they're literally right though lol"
You can't go in swinging then get pissy if someone swings back.
If you want to make a comment on topic go for it, if you want to engage in tit for tat then I think there's been enough of that and as you rightly pointed out you don't have to waste you time engaing in it.
If you want to discuss how scary the game is and if boon totems undermine that, I'll welcome an opinion.
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Yup i found the game way less scarier the more i played it.
I love getting chased so i always make sure i know the tiles as well as possible to run the killer as long as possible, and with shadow step this can last really long as you can constantly disappear into thin air for the killer.
And yes i do use them both and can tell you that when more people use it in the match the more annoying it will get for the killer, it counters a very important aspect for the killer as tracking is much needed for them.
Was in a game with me and 2 others who were using both perks and all were placed close to strong loops, the amount of time you got away from the killer was just ridiculous.
The only thing that will scare me with this game is what the future boons are gonna be.
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That holds true for the same scary movie because its always the same. Same thing for a well played single player level, you eventually learn to predict the jumpscares and it loses its tension.
DBD is not always the same, the mechanics are similar but when the killer jumps out at you or how is different. The more unpredictable that is the more tension there is.
Boons aren't the cause but they are definitely no helping on the tension front. As two things that can add tension being injured and/or spotted by the killer are very quickly and easily overcome by them.
I think the cause is the watering down of unpredictable killers, creating tells they are using their powers etc, in the name of "balance". This kind of balance results in everyone playing the same M1 chase over and over again on the same tiles which is mostly predictable and hence un-scary.
I think it spossible to add more tension to the survivor game, and increase the scare factor, by just reducing the amount of information you have as survivor while maximising the threat of elimination. Its why I miss old moris, the threat of death was intense you really didn't want to be hooked or your game could be over very quickly. That tension creates fear.
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Yeah that's a great example of tension going in the wrong direction. Boons appear to make the game more tense for killer and much less so for survivor.
That in essence isn't great design overall. I'm not saying survivors shouldn't have strong perks but boons feel a bit of an overreach for just how much they make it possible to nearly ignore the threat of injury or being found, for the whole team.
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one of the biggest killers for tension was BHVRs god awful reworks of the maps. By this I mean the damn lighting, all the maps feel like they're daytime, and coldwind literally IS daytime. Which doesn't even fit with the games own title! But seriously, I much preferred the maps back in 2018-2019 when they were way darker and the fogs colour matched the map and wasn't a generic grey dust effect. How the ######### am I supposed to get scared when it's midday? Light ruins horror.
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That's a fair point.
But what makes something tense, usually, not exclusively, but usually the fear of a negative outcome.
The rest sort of comes from suprise and the unknown.
Unpredictable killers with a potential to surprise you and a high threat of elimination make for a good fearful recipe. These are the elements of a good horror film.
Problem is people cry no counter play when things are unpredictable and threatening so they get watered down and the more generic the experience the easier it is to get desensitized to it. It kind of compounds the loss of scare due to familiarity.
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Indeed and the whole team knows where boons are placed and can just run there if being chased and disappear again.
1 thing the devs really didn't pay attention to is when shadow step is place at a section that has a upper or down level, like a house or a double layered map like the game map, at those spots it will be the worst place for killer to be chasing someone.
The devs sold it as a little safe haven for survivors to have but clearly haven't thought things through as how it will negatively affect the killer.
I can understand as it was shown a lot of time the devs themselves aren't that great at the game at all, which is fine btw, but they don't ask the good players who really understand the game (lime the tournament players or well know streamers that are really good) what the best way is to balance this game or how to get this game in the right direction.
They are just like "i don't like this or that so we are gonna change that to make it easier for me" but never think about any consequentions of what might happen.
They're just like the Joker from the dark knight "do i seem like a guy with a plan?" And "I just do things"
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I agree some atmosphere was lost with how lighting and fog was reworked.
I like the corn maps though, the washed out sepia colouration has a real texas chainsaw massacre feel to it. Perhaps if the shadows were made deeper/longer, more of a setting sun.
Maybe if the sun set over the course of the match making it progressively darker, that would be pretty sick.
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Sorry but I don't think theres anything this game could ever bring that has me feeling like I did when I was new and inexperienced. The only thing that still gets me jumping sometimes is hags traps. You say it's not about how long you've been playing for and it's about "tension" but how am I meant to feel any tension as either killer or survivor when I've been playing this for years? Like yeah....there was a lot of tension back when I thought getting injured was a death sentence or that losing a gen meant game over. That's long gone with experience and desensitization no matter how you wanna slice it
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Oh yeah and survivors hiding behind pallets to smash them over your head when you are mindlessly patrolling, that still jumpscares me sometimes lol
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Never thought about it but ye reversed boon is noob.
Developers' joke was to call the most OP perks NOOB 😂
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Don't get me wrong I'm not disagreeing with the statment that the more you play the less scary it gets. That's very true and very applicable to DBD.
Ask yourself why is it hag can make you jump. It pops out at you and can be very unpredictable. Its a good jumpscare which peole always say are cheap but you inevitably get desensitized to the non-jumpscare aspects.
The more unpredictable things are the longer shelf life it has to be generally scary.
Also the point you make being injured not being a death sentence kind of plays into what I'm saying, its really not a death sentence but it really should be because that creates the fear of getting injured and the need to heal up or potentially die. Being injured isn't severe enough to make it scary.
So how does the game keep you on your toes, unpredictable high threat. Not really achievable with the very mundane m1 loop and mindgame elements that we are all desensitized to.
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Again the jumpscare goes in the wrong direction. Locker and pallet stuns can make you jump more than the killer popping out behind you.
That just feels off.
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I get what you're saying now, yeah people may say the jump scares are cheap but I'm glad they still get me coz they remind why I started playing in the first place. I usually main killer but last night had some friends wanna SWF and we tried out CoH and jeeeezzzz..... it really did dampen that "aarrggh i needa find a medkit or teammate" panicky feeling because I could just go to the boon. Killer kept snuffing it but I would literally just relight it every time I had a chance, must have done it about 4 times??? I'm not usually one to think things are too powerful in this game but man.....
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Yeah that's exactly my point.
If the boon was up it just sucked any real threat out of the game. We had two team mates who set up a boon each and we just cylced one to the other for auto healing. Any real sense of threat was largely gone and it made for a lackluster game experience from a survival horror perspective.