Petition for Halloween chapter rework

Just saw the Halloween kills movie and I loved it. Made me realize Michael in dbd is nothing like the movie-one. So here I thought how cool it would be if the devs made a Halloween chapter rework.
Make Michael more ruthless, update the map, change a bit of his addons and perks and maybe add a modern Michael cosmetic.
What do you guys think about it?
I will pass.
Reworks are nothing but downgrades that ruin everything they touch.
And the Halloween chapter, largely responsible for DBD's popularity, must not be ruined.
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Well not really. I don't know if you know but the Michael in game is EXTREMELY accurate since he is based in the FIRST movie. The new movie made him worse since he is basically Jason 2. A Jason clone. Michael is simpler and that is the version of Michael they got. Halloween. Not Halloween Kills. The new movie wasn't really that great so why would they adapt that version of him? Now reworking it, yes they should. But saying Michael is inaccurate is basically the saying Nemesis is accurate which both things are just completely false. If any petition is started for reworking because pf inaccuracy it is Resident Evil since that one got the absolute worst treatment.
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Oh, good tap dancing christ. Halloween Kills was awful! Tommy in it? It was just, no and the survs were full out blown and true idiots, no. Micahel the very first Halloween film set a president, he was an icon that is where a lot of good stuff and true old movie stuff came from, even Rob Zombies first adapatation and reboot of Halloween was better then the new Halloween reboots! and sadly I have t watch Halloween ends cos I watched the first 2 and I don't like to not end such just by 2.
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I'm not so sure about that one, most reworks they did now were pretty helpfull. Like the Bubba, Trapper and Hag one.
We won't talk about Freddy though..
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I don't really think the same thing. Yes, Michael is a stalker so in that aspect he is faithfull to his first movie. But he isn't only a stalker, he is pure evil, he is the boogey man. And that's what the new Halloween movies were about and that's what I think our Mikey is missing.
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That's your personnal opinion I guess, but REALLY. The Rob Zombie onces were trash. Like absolute trash. But that's my opinions as well I guess.
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Trapper and Hag were never reworked per say, they received buffs here and there. Some of which were good, some of which were bad, but in essence they are the same killers.
Bubba's was unnecessary. They could have removed his movement speed penalty while charging up his chainsaw, and make his add-ons actually work properly, and he would've been in a good spot. Now he is just annoying to face.
Freddy's is the most atrocious and infuriating change BHVR has ever done.
Reworks are not helpful in the slightest. They are a disease, a type of evil.
I hate all of them.
The Halloween Chapter must stay untouched, for its own sake.
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Michael Myers is a terrible Killer right now, very underpowered and in a horrible state. He needs a re-work to update his kit and make him good. He is the most famous Killer on dbd's roster and it's sad to see him being the lowest tier of trash
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A rework doesn't have to be a full revamp.
Trapper and Hag gained lots of little buffs which helped them a lot in the current meta. Yes, it isn't a full on rework, but they were changed nonetheless.
Bubba's one REALLY was necessary though, it was just straigth on annoying the play as him. He was just a worse Hilbilly. Now he's more unique and is mostly the same to face against.
On Freddy we agree though.
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A rework completely changes something, in this game always for the worse.
A buff makes something stronger, without changing it per say. Like Wraith, his changes were numerical (movement speed). A buff, not a rework.
If that is what you want for Myers, then perhaps it should be taken into account.
"Bubba's one REALLY was necessary though, it was just straigth on annoying the play as him."
Not, it was not.
Bubba's weakness came from his movement speed penalty while charging the chainsaw, and from his add-ons not working properly. This could have been addressed without creating that "charges' system, or whatever the hell they call it
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No thank you, Myers is already beautifully done and it seems like they are based on the first movie.
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Thank you!
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Mini-rework is a rework as well.
A rework comes with buffs and nerfs, and that's what I want.
Apparently we each played Bubba differently then.
I had occasional problems with the chainsaw not fully charging. Charging just not long enough, or too long. So the rework really helped there.
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Not for nothing. But its Per se. Not per say. I only mention it because this is like the third thread on the front page with someone using per se as per say, and also not using per se correctly lol
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I challenge you to play Michael Myers with ONLY Myers base perks + neutral perks, and no addons ((new players like me dont have a lot of addons stockpiled, nor do we have the amazing perks from other killers to hide Myers' weaknesses))
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Your opinion is wrong and I doubt you main Myers at all. He is completely underpowered by comparison to other killers. His perks are trash tier.
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Stbfl is not that bad.
Myers definitely needs some buffs to his base kit at least and many agree.
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All that Michael needs is an appearance update.
Update his mask to look more like the 1978 mask and make him skinnier and shorter. Michael wasn't a buffed giant in Halloween 1978 like he appears in dbd.
Haddonfield needs an update and it will get one. I just hope the map will become darker to feel more like a cold Halloween night.
Regarding Laurie.. yeah, I'd like her to look like Jamie Lee Curtis but that probably won't happen.
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I feel like the design of play with your food is dreadful. It is like a modern Yugioh card description. Condition on top of condition for a speed boost you lose whether you take advantage of it or not, big yikes from me.
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Mikey doesn't need a rework. His power and play style is VERY faithful to the character of the movies. When you play him you feel like you are Michael Myers.
What he does need is some buffs to his base kit to put him in a more comfortable spot. Not a full rework. They have the general design of his power down perfectly. All it needs is some tweaks.
Btw I loved Halloween Kills. It was Michael in tier 4. He was brutal.
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First of, Halloween has always been my favourite film after Jaws and I enjoyed Halloween Kills. A bit muddled in the middle but it did has some well-made, memorable sequences.
The issue with updating the Halloween Chapter with the 2018/Kills elements is that the contract/license with DBD may only apply to the original 1978 film. Gaining the right to use likenesses can also be a headache.
It would be great to see some alternative Michael skins and some Legendary skins for Laurie. But I feel the prospect is unlikely.
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True, the second Rob Zombie film I concur BUT the reason I liked the first RZ one was, there was more in depth about MM, the actor playing him was just awesome, it just gave a tad more insight into his childhood/life that the first original one didn't do but it sort of worked in the old one. But eh, I think he is all good :)
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Damn I actually agree with sluzzy for once
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Myers is supposed to be based off the first Halloween film because that’s the license they got. And he does it perfectly right now and only needs minor buffs and qol changes
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If anything he just needs a buff to where it doesn't take him so long to hit evil within 2. Keep him with the short lunge but up his movement speed without add ons.
Certain maps do him no favors trying to become a average movement speed killer if it takes you forever to get where the survivors are.
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Come on dude, you can't tell me you wouldn't want a "Halloween Kills' outfit for Michael, his mask half burnt and stuff...I don't see why they couldn't since they already gave him his hospital gown.
Also i want his stalk music back
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A skin is fine.