New Killer & New Survivor - Chapter ?? [Personal Fan Idea]

Lodosslight Member Posts: 65

Greetings, in two or three months I am going to do a lot of studies of the type of Killer and Survivor for Dead by Daylight and I am starting with a Killer first, so it is a male, mid-age, and he uses super natural powers, although it "costed" him to have that power. Above all, I'll update the Killer in a month and hopefully, I get a Scanner so I can show my work of the Killer's design and if not, I'll eventually work on it.


  • Lodosslight
    Lodosslight Member Posts: 65

    Here it is everyone and right now, I am looking for my sketch book, so I can sum up the idea of the Killer's appearance. So, please enjoy the idea that I made and what kind of a Killer I thought of his mechanics and power. Moreover, the backstory goes to my boyfriend for helping me with the background, therefore I was not alone on making up this Killer. Above all, I hope everyone likes the idea that I am sharing and I am taking a small break while summing up ideas for the Survivor, since "this" took a whole month for me and my boyfriend . . . . ANYWAYS, I'll update the Killer's design soon(probably around January 16). [Credit goes to Guillermo & Christopher]

    -Personal info-
    Name: Victor Illistes
    Ethnicity: White
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Priest(Formerly), Practitioner of Hoodoo Magic, Killer.
    Age: 47
    Height: 6'2
    Weight: 164 pounds

    -Background -
    Centuries ago, in 1548 of England, a 9 year old boy named Victor Illistes's life would change forever.
    He was recovered by a Priest and a few Nuns to be brought home to the Church and to be taken care of in his young life.
    Although it took some time to get used to their customs, as the boy slowly discovered that the entire Church was very strict and harsh by seeing how they judge and point at the people for contradicting the word of the Lord.
    If it didn't get any worse, as soon as Victor turned 14 years of age, he was put under the care of a twisted pedophile of a man while forced to attend the same Church, acting as his "Father".
    The Priest would often capture and punish Children by dragging them down to his basement, and as Victor watched his Father punishing the Children through the keyhole of the door, he turned cold and would hear them crying while being stripped as they were being touched, leading Victor to question in his mind if following in his Father's footsteps to become a Priest...could lead to this.
    Victor was traumatized, but whenever he tried to speak out against him, the Nuns would bash and beat him with rusted chains and a hard wooden paddle to keep him silent from speaking ill of his Father.
    It was impossible for Victor to rebel against his Father, the Nuns, and even the whole Church itself, because Victor knows that whatever he thinks wrong, he knows that he will be punished badly for speaking against it.
    As many years went on, nothing more or less than a tormenting lifestyle, it began to crack down on Victor, making him lose his sanity.
    In his early 30's While wondering through the church, he stumbled upon a large, hidden door in one of the corridors.
    As he opened the door, a sudden whiff of a foul stench shot through Victor's nostrils, causing him to gag.
    It took a long moment for Victor to muster up the courage to explore the deep dark pathway, but soon enough he did.
    The farther down he walked, the warmer the air got, and the nasty odor began to thicken by the time he made it to the bottom of the stairway.
    He arrived upon a gruesome, unexpected sight...a large underground room with dim lighting, torches on the wall and Victor's face turned pale and froze with his eyes wide open, seeing bodies that were strung and tied up, mutilated, impaled, shriveled up, and even in pieces...nearly hundreds of corpses lying everywhere.
    Two things then ran through Victor's mind; one, his Father once told him that people who can to him for help were never seen again. Two, his Father wanted him to be like him, for all of this...and at that moment, Victor was about to break down into tears and agonize in his own screams of distress.
    As he was just about to let out a scream of terror, his foot bumped into a dusty, old book.
    He halted himself and picked it up, discovering it was some sort of a Spell Book, probably dropped by one of the now dead people.
    Opening it, and reading one of the enchantments, led him to find out a chance of escape, a chance of finally breaking free from the corrupt and cruel grip of that Church he lived most of his life in. The enchantments he uttered spawned three dark shadowy figures, all for him to command and order, so that they may help Victor in his vengeance against those that tormented him, but at a price...his own eyes. His eyes then splattered out of existence, leaving his sockets exposed, so he may never see the evil of his surroundings again.
    And thus began his own reign of terror, bestowing Hoodoo magic and his three Shadows, Victor went off to live a life of his own vengeance, killing anyone he believe tormented him.
    He started off by killing the staff of the Church, and last but not least, his father.
    Victor's revenge didn't stop there however, he began to lose himself in his quest for vengeance, killing innocent people he also thought were responsible for his suffering.
    At the same time, he coaxed quite a number of people to become his followers, wanting to have some aid, so he and his brethren would "cleanse" the world of evil even further.
    Anyone who dared confront him, or question his motives, were slaughtered without hesitation.
    This would last for nearly nine years, mastering the art of Hoodoo magic in the process, until one day, as Victor was dragging one of his victims down to his basement, ironically the same place his father would ######### children in, the person somehow managed to beak free of his bonds and run off.
    It would take a week or two to convince the Kingdom's law enforcement that a cult leader and murderer was on the rise.
    Knowing what has happened, Victor locked himself in the basement along with his three Shadows as a last resort, figuring out a way to escape. As his thoughts spiraled around in his distorted mind, he heard whispers, coming from the dark patches of the basement.
    At first he thought it was his Shadows, or one of the bodies that lay dead was somehow still alive. But then, one of his Shadows spoke of the whispers, saying that it was called "The Entity."
    While hundreds of Knights rallied right near the Household, searching for Victor, he was in the basement, seated silently, communicating with "The Entity." It told Victor how his killings and motives attracted attention to it, and as a reward, it offers him to become a servant, and to be welcomed in a realm where he may slay and slaughter to his heart's content, satiating his thirst for revenge. It would take a dozen minutes before the Knights came across the basement door, so they bashed and battered and banged the door. Finally, as the Knights destroyed the door, enabling them to pour down into the basement, there was silence...all of the Knights have discovered there was no sign of Victor, not even in the basement. Not a trace to be found, even among st the corpses that lay decaying on the filthy floor. And from that day forward, his cult vanished, and Victor has yet to be seen until this day...

    Weapon, Killer Power, Perks, Add-ons, and game play mechanic -

    Weapon type : Sacrificial Dagger - Left handed

    Unique Power: Specter Call
    You summon and send three Shadows in a 14-meter range to haunt and possess its victim.
    possess victims will start fighting themselves in a frenzy battle to claim themselves.

    token 1 - causes possessed player to be aggressive to other players by pushing and shoving to slow their
    progression to heal and fix generators.

    token 2 - token 1 carries and exhaust remains to the afflicted player by 10%.

    token 3 - token 1 and 2 carries, the survivor is now "weakened" to be sacrificed for a power boost for the entire
    session and increase mobility, sound sensory vision, miss attack recovery, stun recovery by 15% percent. Additionally
    increases Specter Call's range from 14-meters to 18-meters.

    01). Evil Whispers - Every time a Survivor is wounded, while in chase for a minute, the Survivor's aura pulses and each
    pulse grants you 4 seconds of haste and Survivor suffer blindness for 4 seconds.

    02). Chosen Blood - A obsess Survivor that has been hooked once, possessed 3-times, on the stage of weakened, The Blind Occultist
    can kill/sacrifice the obsessed Survivor and gain a 5% boost to movement, attack miss recovery by 5%, Spector Call 3-meter range further,
    and Pallets break 3% fast.

    03). Wicked Failure - In your terror radius, survivors suffer exhaust by sacrificing the "weakened" Survivor by 3%.

    Common -
    01.) Burned Book
    "A Charred Book, barely understandable and it is enough for them to tell me."
    02.) Odd Shape Rocks
    "As I touch these rocks, they do feel odd and I shall use these for my incantations."
    03.) Eyes of a Bird
    "Squeezing the life out of a feathery friend made his eyes pop out, hearing it pop . . . it was pleasant."
    04.) Old Practitioner's Sash
    "As I grew curious to my new friends and the book itself, I found the recent owner's sash."
    05.) Rusty Dagger
    "This shall do for my start to sacrifice and casting spells."
    Uncommon -
    01.) Skin Book of Witch Craft
    "This is covered in skin and it feels like leather and yet, lively . . . . my friends tell me the power of its worth!"
    02.) Totems of Giant Heads
    "These egg shape rocks with a peculiar touch as I cross the tip of my fingers around it, a nose? . . . .mouth? . . . angry eyes?"
    03.) Eyes of a Serpent
    "This snake that wrapped itself around my foot . . . . I wanted its eye to carry out my practices even further."
    04.) Blood covered Priest's Sash
    "My Father's sash and his blood is on it, I remember how I killed him and this blood . .. .it urges me to "cleanse" even more."
    05.) Silver Dagger
    "This is fine and it shall sever the life of my victims at ease."
    Rare -
    01.) Book of Shadows
    "Hmmm . . . .it is a fine book and as I open it, I can hear whispers besides my friends talking to me, how fascinating."
    02.) Black Idol's Chanting
    "These idol is apparently meant for chanting and I can feel a faint power coming from it."
    03.) Eyes of a Nun
    "A Nun that would beat me senselessly for speaking back or telling the truth and now, she rots in her own misery."
    04.) Warlock's Sash
    "Interrogating a Witch was quite fascinating and the texture on it seems interesting and I can barely make out the shape. . . pentagram?"
    05.) Black Dagger
    "Hmmmm, this feels different from the other dagger . . . . yet, it feels just right and very sharp."
    Very Rare -
    01.) Book of Rituals & Death
    "Brilliant! this book shall make my chanting steady and gruesome to make my victim agonize!"
    02.) Screaming Statue of Terror
    "Oh my, this statue is screaming faintly and the power is immense, this will easily shatter my victims!"
    03.) Eyes of a Child
    "The innocence of a Child does not last forever, so why should they be spared?"
    04.) Black Priest's Sash
    "A high priest explored my father's dungeon without asking permission, I made his end quick and with this sash, I shall take more lives."
    05.) Witch's Dagger
    "Is this a bone and a dagger? hmmm, I can not make out of it and they tell me it is real fine, so I'll go with it."
    Ultra Rare -
    01.) Book of Hoodoo
    "Perfect! my friends can overcome my victims possession and I shall be able to control their power at ease!"
    02.) Chalice of Blood
    "A chalice filled of every victims blood is enough to remind me of my years of success."
    03.) Eyes of Father
    "He will forever see what he has done to me and everyone around me, filthy bastard!"
    04.) Occultist's Sash
    "I can feel blood and sweat as I wear this, it feels comforting and yet, hungry to suffocate someone slowly."

    Game play mechanic -
    He can not see, although he hears and through his view, you see outlines of objects and as you hear
    things, you can see glimpse of red pulses from the distance and as you get close to the Survivor, you see red
    outline of the Survivor. So, he can only see an outline of what is around him by 3 or 4 inches and everything
    is pitch black. Above all, he has bat vision with his high sense of hearing.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143
    You should never have a perk that specifically boosts a particular killer power
  • Lodosslight
    Lodosslight Member Posts: 65

    @TrueKn1ghtmar3 said:
    You should never have a perk that specifically boosts a particular killer power

    Well, that is your opinion and I respect, although there are a number of perks for Survivors that are pretty over power as well. Moreover, I am not done implementing my ideas on this thread and besides, this is fan-creation >_>;

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143
    I'm just saying that if a perk affects a specific killer's power it is useless on any other killer.
  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564
    Yea mate sorry but the devs won't add a perk that only works on one killer. That's what add-ons or for, to change up the killers ability. As someone who has all the perks on a few of his killers it would be annoying if I can't use certain perks on my Myers or Pig.

    Keep adding to your chapter because it seems very interesting
  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143
    Also check my chapter out "the murder"