What would've been a better nerf for cowboy while retaining what made him fun?

Plus rant. After the nerfs and from what I've experienced and seen in game and on forums, pretty sure it's safe to say the majority of the players agree that the changes to DeathSlinger shouldn't have ever went through. The changes makes him feel horrible to play as with the ADS being slow and clunky and the increased TR giving survivors even more time to react. I've never had any issues or felt problematic when against DS, the biggest counters to DS was just staying out of line of fire behind any cover and treat him like a stealth killer. I've tried him once after the changes and it felt so bad and clunky I got fed up with it and just D/C mid game. Why would I ever play DS now when the other range killers such as Huntress, Trickster, and Demo (kinda) does a better job and feels more enjoyable to play as over DS?! He might've deserved some nerfs, but this is overkill.

Spirit the most hated killer in the game and the 1 nerf she got was a slap on the wrist she still plays the same just has better and healthier interactions between Spirit and the survivor. Mean while DS got the hardest kick in the balls getting multiple nerfs and feels horrible to play as now.

In my opinion the biggest flaw with DS was NOT the ADS speed, but after the survivor is speared. When DS walks backwards the chain pulls quite fast and the survivor can't really move anywhere. If only that was changed to have more interaction between the two after a speared would've been better imo. So I'm giving my ideas and feel free to share yours what changes would've been better while retaining what makes him fun to play as.

  • Keeps his old 24 meter terror radius, but has a 32 meter lullaby like Trickster so he can't cheese invisible shots when using Monitor and Abuse.
  • Keeps his old and fast ADS speed, but has a slow speed when setting the gun back down to M1.
  • Cowboy can no longer walk backwards after a survivor is speared, and has slightly more increased time before the chain breaks. Since he can't pull them towards him as fast and gives a chance for counter play from the survivor.
  • Movement speed while ADS.... honestly who cares what it is or was DS players never spent more than a second or 2 while ADS.
  • He can keep the decreased stun time after chain breaks since it'll likely happen more often.


  • ClumsyTrapper
    ClumsyTrapper Member Posts: 544

    I don't think a nerf was needed at all he was fine just a nice creative addon pass is what the cowboy needed. Instead he got billyed

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    He didn't need a nerf is the main issue.

    He was above average at one thing 1v1 and his only real special trait was he had stealth as a ranged killer.

    Now he's not above average at 1v1 and has lost his stealth.

    His nerfed destroyed the entire identity of the killer.

  • BBQ
    BBQ Applicant Posts: 39

    I'll miss my early days of using Deathslinger around this time last year. Back when removing your terror radius could counter BT.

    Back then if you ran insidious on Deathslinger, all you had to do is camp and hope the solos didn't have kindred, often someone would bomb hook only 10 seconds later and you could nearly instant down them off hook if you were a good aim.

    I think they went overkill with the nerf like many others do, and I personally haven't run him since the nerfs. They just needed to make the terror radius standard, not mess with his power. I was all about the quick shots and it was my favorite thing about him so my deathslinger days are over. Played a good 150 hours or so with him over the last year and at one point considered myself a deathslinger main.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    Deathslinger was perfectly fine, and I never saw people complaining about him.

  • DorkianBae
    DorkianBae Member Posts: 227

    You know what would of been a better nerf? No nerf at all because he wasn't overpowered.

    Spirit getting a nerf made sense, she was a top 3 killer... Deathslinger and Wraith getting a nerf is a joke and make this games balance laughable.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    I'm not compromising. Before Deathslinger's nerf, he needed buffs. No matter how good you were with him or how many hours you put in, you could never beat top teams while you were using that killer. Now, even disorganized solos can beat him, because he can't be sneaky nor quickscope, which are the only things that made him somewhat of a threat. Experienced players knew how to deal with him, and it showed. The nooby casual players who complained about him before still aren't able to deal with him now. And he could have been a top killer too; one or too more buffs was all it would have taken. This was a pointless, reckless change to a fun and decent killer.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    There were complaints though. They said he was "uncounterable" because he could quickscope, when it's obvious by watching anybody play him that unpredictable movement and los blockage worked on him just as much as it did on Huntress or Trickster. They also complained that his TR was smaller, especially when combo'd with M&A. Doctor with his add-ons can do the same thing right now, and nobody bats an eye. So that's how people having one perspective and wanting to balance based on emotions led to this unreasonable killer nerf.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    I seriously thought his only issue was his terror radius. Not sure what warranted so many changes

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Increase reload time on missed shots from 2 to 3 seconds.

    Increase his movement speed somewhat.