Where will this game be in 6 months ?

Wampa1 Member Posts: 175
edited November 2021 in General Discussions

With all the recent changes to the game some arguably controversial, what direction/changes do you think the next 6 months will bring…..


  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380

    The true magic of DBD is that it is always on a permanent decline, the moments of joy we all feel collectively are inevitably shattered by an always all too soon realization of how much is truly wrong. So, if i am being completely realistic here, the game will be worse. As it was 6 months ago, so too shall it be 6 months later.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    More mid to low tier killer nerfs (Ghostface and Legion are more or less confirmed to be victims). New killers that are mid to low. Powerful survvor perks that are neglected in favor of DS/Borrowed/Unbreakable/Dead Hard. Window vault validation. No BP events. Performance issues. Killer bugs ignored. Survivor bugs hot fixed.

    Many call the Bodhisattva clairvoyant. You shall learn the truth yourself with time.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I am not imaginative enough, but I do not have that Behavior magic within me, I have the utmost confidence the masters themselves can pull it off.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Still on Game Pass I hope

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    You know, predictions are kind of difficult if they are about the future...

    However it depends: If they are staying on course with their changes then it could be pretty sweet. The last patch buffed some Killers who needed love (Ghostface and Myers) and nerfed others that were highly demanded (Spirit). Sure people hate Dead Hard hit validation but for all intents it is just the right thing to do as much as it pains me to say this.

    If they go on with patches like this, the game is on a good course. Also it will get competition which should enhance the positive development even further.

    Finaly it depends on their licenses and other ideas they have. I personaly hope for one or two new maps and a bit of a rework to others.

    If they stray from this path...well, I guess buisness as usual.

    Why do you think that they will nerf Ghostface. Most people are whining about Cenobite so he should be the first to be guttes...oh and we need to nerf Pig.

  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 715

    Improving as VHS is stealing their audiences.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531


  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    Maybe sooner or later they’ll sell NFTs in game and then I, along with everyone else on Steam, will be banned.

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    Same place as it is now but with a couple more killers and survivors added.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    The Epic Games Store

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    Probably worse

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    Probably in better state than it was 6 months ago.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    I agree with this to the extent,healthy competition in the way of other games capturing the general idea and feel of dbd, forcing the developers to improve the game to compete can only be a good thing.Time will tell I guess.

  • alex511
    alex511 Applicant Posts: 56
    edited November 2021

    i think the game is on a downwards spirale sadly, if there be no significant changes like more gamemodes that separate swf from solo queue the playerbase will start declining imo, there will be new games like vhs that will take at least a part of the community, also the game is reaching character overload while it has too few (active) maps, same mistake was made with other games, Overwatch f.e., many devs don't understand how much more weight a map has over a character beyond some point, 30 is the magical number for whatever reason, when you go beyond that new chars aren't welcome anymore, there is a limit for how much a player is willing to learn, grind and memorize.

    Also the heavy amount of cheating that recently raised will be hard to handle, if they even try. I said in the early year that behaviour is gonna have problems and i feel like i have been right, i wish for a good future for this game but i can't see it coming. Also the recent reviews went from 85% to 75% within 2 month, it starts showing. I mean imo it isn't hard to make the game better but history shows that the devs just don't do it, what's very silly because it's their only product, who knows what's going on with them, i don't.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    First you adjust the autoaim to make legion's knife even more magnetically drawn to anything that isn't a survivor. Then increase the fatigue to 15 seconds. Addons can provide bonus penalties for using your power such as healing health states, powering the exit gates or causing the game to crash.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    People who think the game has gotten worse over time need to go back and watch old videos from the first couple years after it came out. It’s night and day how much improved between the original game and the current version, both in terms of the graphic overhaul, variety of characters and general gameplay. Far fewer infinite loops, fewer major bugs, all the killers are in roughly the same kill rate range of around 54% or so, etc.

    There’s always going to be some balance issues between certain perks and add-ons and characters and some minor bugs around, the game is too large for their not to be. But to claim that the game has gotten worse over time is just failing to actually compare side by side what the game used to be and what it is now.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    This will be interesting to watch,.IfVHS becomes popular it might snowball into other developers jumping on the bandwagon as we saw in the plethora of Battle royal type games that capitalised on this genre a few years back.

    Heres hoping that the developers listen to players and make the right adjustments/improvements to the game to compete.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited November 2021

    Most likely this cycle will continue until a real competitor shows up. Vhs is possible but others have tried before and all have failed. I just hope bhvr doesnt add loot boxes

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    In my opinion Overwatch died mostly because they started to manipulate the que for quickmatch and where hellbent on making it competetive even for the casual player. For me the breaking point was when I could no longer play Doomfist on a regular base and had to play Tank or Healer in a quickmatch.

    I only wanted some wonky fun, unbalanced bs and a good time with my friends. Those limitations killed the game for me. I never played competitive very much and only wanted to master my one character. As such I did not care much about other characters, because you know, Doomfist was here and I loved him. Free for all and mayhem (no cooldowns) were the only other modes I enjoyed on the side but both for the same reason: I got to play my Doomfist.

    I do not agree that too many characters can kill a game. It realy depends on how good those characters are and what they bring to the table. I like different Killers with a different feeling and horror icons in my game. As such they can add more characters with ease and I will enjoy them.

    However I agree that new maps would be more helpful for the game. As in my Overwatch example I would get to enjoy Pinhead, Ghostface and Billy on a new map. I would not get as much enjoyment from a new Killer. As such a new map is better for me and my preferences.

    I think that the reviews got that bad because of the NFT thing. Lets not forget that many people posted bad reviews just because of this making the Hellraiser chapter the worst rated chapter of DbD even if its content by all means was good. Pinhead was well made and true to the scource material (unlike Freddy). Even "Binding of a Kin" with the Twins, one of the buggiest Killers, has a better rating.

  • alex511
    alex511 Applicant Posts: 56

    That's right but i would say it has been a very bad year for the game.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    I’m with you on some of the points you raised.I started playing not long after this came out,the graphics were primitive, playable characters limited and the layout of some of the maps poor I’m taken back to infinite looping by survivors on some maps.That said it is still going strong after nearly six years just hope the devs can keep up with the competition and keep this game relevant and playable.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,598

    In a worse state, unfortunately.

  • Guest1567432
    Guest1567432 Member Posts: 728

    VHS will come out and it might take players for a couple weeks. BHVR will do what they do best drop BP codes and cosmetics. Might be an "event" also. But it won't be anything earth shattering. Bugs and imbalance will still be here. VHS just doesn't have the licencing to go up against DBD. Does a player want to play as some of horrors biggest killers....or a fake stuffed dinosaur? Not hating on VHS btw I think it is a good concept.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    This sounds about right to me,I totally get that the licensed killers concept is excellent but I hope these licences don’t start to slide if the games popularity wains.We have already lost a killer two survivors and a map through losing the Stranger things licence.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    Totems will still be bugged.

  • scubasyd
    scubasyd Member Posts: 74

    Idk I can’t believe the mmr is truly based on whether you kill or survive. The old emblem system was better and didn’t encourage selfish gameplay. Then they trick everyone with the bp rewards grade system and most people think that nothing changed. Well now my games are camping tunneling and other players who won’t save me and creep around the map. Used to be my favorite game and I’ve stopped. Hoping the game goes downhill to encourage the developers to change it back but i doubt it and they just keep pumping out cosmetics( which I’ll admit are some of the best lately ) and I’ll try to move on to other games

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    I was of that mind but I hope with the prospect of what appears to be similar type games like VHS it might encourage healthy competition forcing the developers to improve the game.Look at the rivalry between Cod and Bf,both started out as completely different concepts,both with faults they have bounced off one another through the years and made competingly better products,it has got to the stage it’s hard to tell where one ends and the other begins,but imagine if one had stagnated and did little other than cosmetics where would they be now.The simple truth if the game starts to go downhill and doesn’t improve people will simply stop playing,especially with other developers trying to attract them with similar type products.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    I think the cheating is a bit more under control since the last patch,either that or I have just been lucky.