Spirit - Mother’s Glasses - Anybody use these?

dugman Member Posts: 9,713

I’m wondering if anybody uses Mother’s Glasses on Spirit? For reference when you use them scratch marks aren’t visible but if a survivor is next to your husk (within 2 meters) you get a killer instinct ping.

I’ve been trying to think of a good use for these, especially considering you can’t see scratch marks with them, and I’m coming up short. I guess the idea maybe is pair them with the Wakizashi Saya add-on that allows you to teleport back to your husk with the activate ability button when you hear a ping, and set this up by maybe phasing out at a pallet or vault to block it and if the survivor tries to sneak past the husk port back and hit them? But it seems like that would be really unreliable compared to playing her normally with the scratch marks visible and a different pair of add ons instead.

So out of curiosity, anybody have any luck with Mother’s Glasses?
