I don't want to play meta killers or use meta builds at all times.

Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

I can't be the only one who feels that having to play as certain killers or use exact perk builds to be any good at the game is very frustrating.

understand that some perks are better then others and so are killers but I like the variety but I see the same killers all the time. Doctors, ghostface and either of the chainsaw users. the majority I face are either stealth have an AOE attack or an insta down. Why does it seem that the team turns the licensed killers into weak jokes? There but it just feels like there's a trend of making them weaker either through updates or outright. Again I could be wrong there and yes I know that some changes are good ones too.

my point is that DBD presents itself as this horror mashup sort of thing but the whole game is built around specific killers and builds.


  • Lenox
    Lenox Member Posts: 234

    Same. This is pretty much how I play killer now. It's great.

    Survivor, however, I still feel the need to use meta perks as much as I did before. Which means a medium amount.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    The problem is if you don't run meta on the killer side gens just go by so fast its like 4 minute games. That's without gen rush stuff like bnp and prove thyself. Its just not a fun experience at all.

  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449

    So keep losing til your at the lowest of low mmr and you won't have that problem

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    But then I end up against babys and 4k at 4 gens and thats ok the first 2-3 times but then it's not satisfying at all of course I 4k they didn't even know how to drop pallets properly.

  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449

    Ok, so use whatever random build you want and stick with it. You'll eventually even out in your mmr to be at a range where it's not a struggle fest but also not stupidly easy. That's how mmr works

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Honestly I get super sweat fest like 7 games in a row and then like 2 non sweat fest then back to the sweat no matter what builds im running.

  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449

    Then by all means just keep complaining and refuse to accept any sort of answer to your problem while also not trying to find a solution yourself. You do you, bro.

  • Laurie268
    Laurie268 Member Posts: 573

    I wish I would see more ghostfaces, doctors and hillbillies but all you get at high mmr are blights with alchemist ring/crow and top tier nurses which wear you out mentally really fast.

    MMR has to be the worst thing to happen to this game, I don’t want to sweat every match. Games are supposed to be relaxing but this game just drains me mentally every time I play it

  • JAGØ
    JAGØ Member Posts: 12
    edited November 2021

    I am a Demo main and play killer only, I also don't care much for meta builds, for a variety of reasons.

    One of them being, that I am new to the game and don't own any of the meta perks. I use Infectious, Iron Grasp, Franklin's and Sloppy.

    Honestly I'm enjoying myself a lot, even though I am not very good, and their for won't win much (still silver rank). But I do see your point as in, the meta is stale and stagnant. Perfect balance doesn't exists, but it would be nice to have a bigger variety of impacting perks.

    However, I think you shouldn't be to stuck up with the meta. Just play the perks you're interested in and try to make the best out of it. ^^

  • themoobs1984
    themoobs1984 Member Posts: 619

    Just use what you want to use. Do you care that much if your build is "meta" or not?

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    The problem is I've tried your suggestions and run into the same cycle anyway so its obvious not just a don't do this and it will be better problem it goes deeper into gameplay,the way mmr works and so on.

  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449

    Then stop caring. It's a game meant for fun dude. Use what you think is fun and forget the rest. It really doesn't matter if you lose to well coordinated teams. And if you stomp a few noob squads, ok, it happens. You're gonna have middle ground, it's not always one or the other. And if you actually think it is, I strongly suggest recording all of your matches and re watching them after you've got like 30-40. You will see just how much your perception is skewed to the low and high ends of the spectrum while completely ignoring the middle. Because that's just a natural thing that happens. It's a negative and positive perception bias. But if you actually look at the overall average you'll find it's honestly fine and right in the middle

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    My advice is to think of DBD as closer to D&D than an E-sport. I'd say the fun and scares are so much more important than "winning". (to me, at least)

    BTW, if you want to play DBD more as a horror game, I recommend playing without spine chill or exhaustion perks. (or second chance perks, if you feel like you can trust your team)

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    So I've been playing a lot of Magic the Gathering: Arena lately and a thought hit me after 8 matches from 8 different players in a row running the exact same deck, the reason I hate metas in anything is because they're boring, you learn to counter them and then you're going through the motions with minor variation in rng. At least with MTG the meta shakes up a bit every 3ish months when a new set is released, unlike DbD at the same for the last 2.5 years I've been playing...

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    MMR is hidden for a reason to not encourage sweaty playstyle. Because if you don't know what your current mmr number you don't work hard to gain higher number.

    But for some reason I keep seeing that people on the forum playing to win even if it's going harder and harder instead of play in comfortable style with any killers in comfortable niche.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    They have their competence needs to be fulfilled. And this game used to validate them, they don't understand that those days are gone.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    Most people are not creative enough to come up with their own builds IMHO. They are either parrot streamers , are brand new to the game (less than a year experience), or haven't unlocked all characters. So you run into a lot of that. Ya. Be yourself!

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882
    edited November 2021

    I will echo what other people are saying. Don't play with them. Experiment with whacky builds and stop taking this game too seriously. If you lose it's fine and you won't gain MMR. Eventually it should even out to where you get a mix of experienced and not so good survivors. I don't know, maybe I'm just old enough to not care too much about my performance in the killer side of this game and just roll with whatever fun builds I can think of. So what if I didn't kill anyone? I got enough hooks and enjoyed my time with the chases/whacky build I decided to use.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    Don't use meta builds, your MMR score will decrease and you'll be put against worse survivors eventually.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    So use perks and killers you like.

    Or is that not an option?

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    It is more than possible to win matches against good players using random perks. Focusing more on skill and mind-games is far more effective than relying on a perks.

    Also, using less expected perks can really confuse killers. A recent Otz video had someone use Self-Aware so well, that Otz had to rewatch the game to figure out the guy wasn't a hacker! People get so hung up on "the meta", and yet there are so many videos out there which show randomized builds succeeding in ways people don't expect!

    Take your mind away from what has been drilled into the minds of many, and just play around! I randomize, and I've beaten teams with it! Granted, my lack of consistency has resulted in some horrendous losses too, but I didn't lose because of my setup - I lost because I made too many mistakes, or was out-skilled.

    Play how you want. If you feel you need to play a certain way, then what is the point in playing?