Why does DS need a skill check?

This is gonna ruffle some feathers, even though it shouldn't. DS is still one of the most powerful survivor perks in the game. It's anti-tunnel and then some. But even in its heyday, I always felt it shouldn't have a skill check.
Pretty often someone will say, "Oh, missed my skill check." basically allowing the killer to tunnel them as opposed to not, because that skill check decides everything. Why is it even there to miss? It's not like gens or healing where it's like, "Hey, maybe these key actions should have some skill in them, instead of just holding a button down."
And that's the rebuttal I'm anticipating. "That's just taking the skill out of it." But I always have this to say: You're talking about skill in a place where there basically is none. It's not skill to tunnel or be tunneled. So why do survivors deserve to get tunneled because they missed one skill check, when they've already equipped the anti-tunnel perk that's supposed to work?
This kind of opens up a discussion in the random assigning of skill checks to some things but not to others. Sabotaging doesn't take skill checks, and neither does totem cleansing/blessing, doing a Freddy clock, waking someone else up, cleaning at a Plague fountain, escaping a trap, breaking Pinhead's or Deathslinger's chains, getting Victor off, and so much more. But glyphs, Pig boxes, Demogorgon portal closing, snapping out madness, and other actions do? What dictates it all?
I know that if DS had no skill check it COULD hurt killer players including myself, because there's never gonna be that chance of survivors missing their DS, but I don't think they should be able to miss it in the first place. It's like a survivor needing to hit a skill check to use Borrowed Time, or a killer needing a skill check for Pop. It's just not necessary. And with so few changes for survivors these days being actual qol changes instead of straight-up buffs, I think this would be a nice change of pace.
To screw up us last gen console players. Just yesterday I missed one because of a freeze.
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A few months ago I hit the skill check but got a freeze which caused me to “miss”.
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Because it's damn funny to see someone fail it who was cocky the whole round.
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But why should that be at the cost of everyone else who plays this game?
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Because it is worth it for the few laughs I get. Sorry everyone else that plays this game, but papa needs his schadenfreude.
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So killers can tunnel console players easier Jolt
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I mean.. Killer main here, and I was playing with every version of DS over the years.
Sure. Give the DS for free. Better yet, let them choose to use it on first or second hook, just pressing E during a prompt when they first get picked up. Anything's better than how the old days were.
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You can actually miss the skill check the first try and save it for the second hook. Just don’t attempt to hit it the first time.
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Newer survivors need Decisive Strike the most, yet are the most likely to fail skill checks. Devs are just cruel.
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To test your might.....
Or to gift us with gems like this one I encountered way back on the missed and famous RE chapter console update
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Since we seem to be on a track of buffing meta survivor perks (BT buffed to go off regardless of terror radius, DH now can eat certain killer powers) a change like this would not surprise me, really.
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I'm guessing because since it gives you a chance to escape the Killer's grasp, there has to be a trade off.
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I know. That's what I do if I'm using it - typically for a stun challenge. However, a "free DS" would need a way to keep that functionality, y'know?
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DS skillcheck is one of the most stupid things in DbD. Those players who can abuse the perk are not stopped by the skillcheck: they always hit it. Those players who are in the direst need of an anti-tunnel perk, that is newer players, will be screwed up by the skill check and therefore tunneled anyway.
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I feel bad for console players who attempt to make use of it and end up missing it because of lag / freezing.
I wouldn't be opposed to it being a simple press E active ability prompt for a short window when being picked up. This is more a quality of life change really. To those of you who relish in tunneling newer players who miss their DS: you're heartless.
I mean honestly, Dead Hard has an easier prompt than DS and that is a second chance you get multiple times a match so what gives?
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It doesn't, and it's the main reason I don't run the perk. Feels like a waste of a perk slot when many killers fear it so much that they will just slug you and go after someone else. If they removed the skill check or at least made the zone bigger I might use it more often.
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I can't run DS because I can't hit the skill check on console. I fail it more than 80% of the time.
Even normal skill checks are difficult on Switch and I fail enough of them to feel very embarrassed. I damn near throw a party if I hit an Overcharge skill check.
The skill check on DS should've been removed when they reworked it so that performing most actions disables the perk. All the skill check does is prevent new players (who seriously need the perk) and console players (don't we suffer enough?) from using it.
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If DS were to automatically go off because your systems can't handle the game that makes it worse for a whole other section of players lol
Post edited by Gcarrara on0 -
It only really makes the game worse if you are a killer that tunnels. I never tunnel personally, I always go after the survivor that freed from the hook, rather than the one that was just on the hook. If the just freed survivor runs from the hook right at me I will just slug them, gives the match some slowdown as other survivors run to heal them.
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If you need to rely on survivors missing skill checks to win your games that's more of a skill issue than a platform one.
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if you can't hit your skill check than that in itself is a skill issue. How much of a bail out do you need?
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Just don't tunnel
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Nah, i have seen this game run like water on Switch, this guy probably has an ancient console with dying parts. Thats not anyones fault
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The trade off is equipping the perk. Imagine if Borrowed Time or Ruin didn't activate every time you used them, because you had to do some unnecessary extra thing.
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Everyone's bringing DS anyways. This just allows them to use the perk that they brought.
Post edited by Gcarrara on0 -
I basically never see anyone fail DS. In my eyes the skill check only exists so that you have a choice in using it now, or potentially saving it for if they tunnel you off the next hook.
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The game could just let the player press a button, like with Power Struggle and Dead Hard. The skill check made sense with original DS and was iffy with updated 60-seconds-off-the-hook DS. The skill check is an unnecessary gatekeeper now that there are so many restrictions: "It has to be within 60 seconds of being unhooked AND you can't do anything AND you have to not experience any hiccups in the game's performance."
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I don't run DS... Try not to tunnel
But if they did remove the Skillcheck from DS I wouldn't mind
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hit the skill check
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Imagine complaining about someone who wants a perk to function properly.
Play better.
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Absolutely 100% agree that the skill check is unnecessary now... actually given the game's increasingly ridiculous performance & frame drops it's outright cruel.
They could at least make it take up 3/4 of the bar so if it were about keeping some way to preserve the DS check.
Ideally I'd prefer a few more changes too.
My thoughts:
*Buffed DS up to having 2 uses per match now too (1 per hook)
*Removed unhooking others / self-heals from deactivating it (just prohibitive)
*But INCLUDE blessing totems to deactivating it... like seriously #########... how did they.... ugh
*Most importantly DEACTIVATING the perk if gates are open because that no-wins situation was still the most BS thing even before the nerf
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The DS skillcheck is just a relic of its original design, and should be scrapped. Just make it 'press ability key' within X seconds of being picked up.
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why does ds have a use limit?
why does ds have a time limit?
why does ds have a unhooked condition.
Should always be on and uninstalls the game of everyone in the trial if I use it on the killer.
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Because they forgot to get rid of it after it got reworked
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Of course because removing the skill check would be such a huge buff
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Yeah either that or re-introduce that one (and very short lived) concept they tested with DS having an enormous skill check (almost the full size of the entire 'skill' check bar).
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I'd be all for getting rid of the skill check. There's no need for it.
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I understand that skillchecks are somewhat arbritary on what they are but on DS is totally justified and it creates funny situations. Please don't lobby to remove that skillcheck.
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I completely agree and have to add: I think some of the things you mentioned need to have skill checks instead. Plague fountains and mending, for example, are a form of healing. Why there’s no skill checks?
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I wondered the same thing, sometimes. The need of skillchecks for some actions feels pretty arbitrary, I don't know why you need skillcheck for breaking a demogorgon portal for example, being something similar to cleanse a totem, in pigsaw boxes it have more sense because is a "saw game".
And why breaking a cenobite chain doesn't need a skillcheck each? It have more sense and would be a good "minibuff" for the killer.
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So we can gatekeep anti tunneling,you clearly deserve to be tunneled because of console freezes.
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DS have a skillcheck becuz tunneling and camping are valid strategies so it have skillcheck so I wont be like a perk that allow you to knock people if they stun pallet you for free.
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BT have a risk if you rescue someone when killer is camping him you risk to get hooked.
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Those arent skillchecks they are "Are you there?" system.
The only one I consider skillcheck is the one from overcharge that you can actually fail or not.The others skillchecks are 99% sure you hit it.
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at the very least make the skill check slightly bigger, this is a perk that can only be used once.
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Screw divisive strick. Ash Williams need his perks rework
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They changed the way hook struggle works to make it more accessible for people with disabilities so I wouldn’t mind this change if it helps people on consoles
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No Sir, just because your old system freezes during the game, that doesnt mean anything