What are some of your favorite maps/realms?

My favorite realm would probably be Crotus Prenn Asylum.
My favorite maps are Disturbed Ward and Midwich.
What are some of your favorite maps/realms?
I love Ormond after it's visual rework
I love the windy snowy atmosphere, with the wind constantly changing direction and the snow crunching sounds when you traverse it
It's one of the most visually stunning maps I think! The gameplay's also not as bad as it used to be. It's still tough for killer due to it being a big map but I have fun with it!
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For pure atmosphere and appearance disturbed ward by far takes the cake. For gameplay literally none of them
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Old autohaven was like my absolute favourite for either.
Now? I don't even think I have one since I dislike most of the visual reworks. I do however love Midwich and Mount Ormond.
They're fun and visually appealing than the others maps for sure these days.
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My favorite maps... well, I like playing on Coal Tower because it feels so balanced, but I'm a silly bean and my favorite maps are the ones with props that make it fun to meme on. Dead Dawg Saloon, Father Campbell's Chapel, Gas Heaven even if that map is hell to play killer on... drawing any of these maps means there's potential for fun and games that can be realized at any point in the match.
I also really love Hawkins because of the drop and the sheer hilarity potential of falling on a survivor or having them drop onto you, and Midwich is beautiful and atmospheric and somehow I've never minded drawing it on either side. I've got a fondness for indoor maps that the community doesn't seem to share; they're all really cool to navigate and a lot of detail was poured into them.
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Unironically, my favourite map is (was?) Hawkins, I genuinely think it's one of the more unique and fun maps to play on. So long as you're not playing a Killer like Blight or one of the chainsaw lads, anyway, it's pretty rough for them...
Other than that, I quite like Dead Dawg a lot, and I'm really warming up to Lery's.
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Macmillan Estate is probably one of my favorite maps - gameplay wise - as long as tiles don't chain
Grave Of Glenvale, Ormond, Lery's Labratory, Coldwind Farm, - design wise
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Wow, I was figuring the common answer would be haddonfield considering how often I get sent there.
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Dead dwang saloon is my favorite map i think this map is the most balance of all the map. You have good structure for loop enough place to stealth if you want the mao is small enough for the killer to be able to go everywhere whitout the need to cut the map in half or anything like that.
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I love how they remade the last three realms
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Thinking it over, I like most of the indoor maps compared to the outdoor ones.
- I like Hawkins, although unfortunately that one is going away. (If they eventually reskin it into a different theme that could be cool.)
- I also like Midwich. There's a lot of little Easter Eggs on that map and I like the breakable walls on it.
- Lery's is fun too. Again, I like the aesthetic and the layout is decent (unless you're playing a ranged attacker maybe.)
My least favorite maps are the corn maps. Corn blindness sucks. 🌽🌽🌽😡🌽🌽
I'm also not sure if I like Racoon City much, mainly because I've been shafted trying to get to hooks multiple times on that map. Then again I'm a lot less familiar with that map compared to the others so maybe once I know the layout better it won't bother me as much.
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My #1 favorite map is Coal Tower, easily. It's fun, has resources for survivors and also isn't huge.
I also like Chapel and Dead Dawg, most of the other macmillan maps (not shelter woods), most of the autohaven maps besides blood lodge, and pretty much all the indoor maps besides RPD and The Game.
My most hated maps? Haddonfield, RPD, and preschool.