Boon Totems turned me into a Plague Main

Lets get some things out of the way:

I play killer/survivor at about 60/40.

Since boons came out I've been playing survivor more than killer and in games I play my boon, most people escape. SoloQ. Ive found Survivor to be way easier than killer lately

"Just do Bones" doesn't really work when you cant do the bones

All of this is simply based on my experiences and what I've seen from streams and youtube. Keep it Civil

If you're playing an M1 killer with boons your game just got infinitely harder. If you don't have an insta down you're pretty screwed. Yes, it only takes 2 seconds to disable, but that is a very disingenuous argument. All you have to do is place your boon away from gens or the killer's patrol path and your boon won't ever be destroyed creating a triage center for the whole team to reset. Leaving the gens to cross the map to break a totem is too much of a time sink when the killer is already juggling chases and defending objectives. And if you do break it, it'll be re-lit by the time you get back to defending gens. No killer is gonna leave their 3-5 gen to go break a totem on the other side of the map unless they don't care about throwing. People act like the killer is only losing a handful of seconds to clear the totem when in reality it's gonna cost them half a gen, or if in chase giving the survivor a 3-4 second lead. If you just happen upon it great, otherwise the timesink is massive.

Enter Plague. Plague sees your boon and laughs as she pukes on it. The amount of DCs I've gotten playing plague these last few days has been absolutely nuts, and it's always the person with CoH. If you're struggling against Boon Totems give Plague a go, you might have a much better time. The ToFu build where your puke lasts on objects for a massive amount of time is pretty fun to play and it keeps survivors constantly infected.
