RPD is the worst thing ever added to DBD

I just had a group of 4 survivors say GGEZ and that I'm terrible cause they 4 outed on RPD.
Apparently I needed to "get faster downs, apply pressure"
And that "the map isn't the problem, you are"
I was going to DC upon loading in, and in hindsight I should have, but I thought I'd just play it out this once...
Map sucks. Vent over.
Yep, map is trash.
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No your right RPD is a horrible map to keep gen pressure my advise let them have one side of the map. Patrol a section of gens where you can 3 gen effectively.
Range killers are at a big disadvantage on that map, as well as killers with no travel power. Even the jumpscare queen The Hag is at a disadvantage because of the sheer size of it.
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I am fully aware of only patrolling and protecting 1 half of the map. I do that on every killer on RPD. But I was Huntress. It didn't matter. You can't pull up a hatchet anywhere on that map, so you're left being a 110 killer against 4 survivors who hold W and cut off LOS every second. On a map the size of Red Forest with 3 different levels.
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It's pointless to play killer on that map. I just get my chasing points and call it a day.
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I do the exact same. I can't pressure good on RPD.
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IMO the worst thing ever added to DBD is a tie between Twins and Ashley J Williams. Not RPD.
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I get Twins even if I strongly disagree, but why was adding Ash the worst thing to be added to DBD?
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Worst? Well, wait for NFTs and then we can review that statement.
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Because he is no different than Jeff as far as raw in-game anything goes, who was already in the game, and all 3 of his perks are just bad.
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For a brief moment of time, flashlight saves and pallet stuns required no timing.
Thats a very high threshold to surpass. Don't think RPD is quite there.
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Huh. Interesting take, thanks for the answer.
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It makes it even worse when the game keeps giving me the map.
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Definitely my top 5 in most hated maps
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If survivors know the the map and spawn places of the gens it is very survivor sided, if the survivor don't know the map and gen spawn places is killer sided.
PS: The semi-infinite of the interrogation rooms should be removed.
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I kinda have to agree on this one. THE RCPD is really bad map. The worst there is. I know the designers probably really tried their best on this one and I feel sorry for them, but the end result is really atrocious. Too narrow and too complex. A complete mess.
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this is the main problem, the map has been out long enough that most survivors know the gen spawns, and at the very least a rough layout of the map and where loops are. it was doable upon release since survs had no idea of anything, but it's changed now.
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Anyone else here from Samination's video??
Just me?
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Love the map references but I'm not here to tour the rpd map.
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,,Indoor maps,, ,we need more.
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Delete RPD
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Now that Sam might be reviewing our posts to make fun of them I'll be monitoring what I say for the first time lol.
Anyone one else REALLY hope he does a Sluzzy post? XD
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Nah, hit validation was worse.
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I’ve gotten used to it as survivor. Gen spawns aren’t to bad totems are easy after you know the usual spots, and the small rooms are easy to navigate after you know them since they’re all different. Middle of the is a bit of a choke point. Now lerys institute I think is truly the worst map, most rooms look the same you can’t tell what side of the map your on gens are hard to find at times and totems just give up if you don’t have a perk to find them
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Old MoM says hi
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I 100% agree. Had a game on that map the other day as Clown. They sent me there with an offering. I got lost like 4-5 times, the place is a god damn maze.
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SWF are gonna wreck people on any map. RPD isn't that much of a problem. The people who care will just keep on enjoying it.
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Oh I hope there will be a Sluzzy special with Wraith only reading Sluzzy threads.
also a Tony one.
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I don't mind it too much, but then I already knew the layout well from watching some let's plays of Res 2 Remake when it released. I feel like it's harder for survivor than killer, can be very annoying to find a gen to work on once you get down to just 3 or 4 gens left on the map, or to find a hex totem. I think every killer match I've played on it since I came back to the game after a 1 year break about a month ago has been at least a 2 sacrifice match for me.
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all indoor maps + dead saloon sucks and I who mostly play survivor says this.
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That's the only loop that really works, so no, not unless the map is reworked to have more loops.
1:1 maps can work in DBD, but they need to be very carefully balanced when transitioning to DBD. RPD could be good now if they were willing to add more holes in walls for vaults, and change some things in the map to allow for stealth. Add more lockers, changing the courtyard where one of the exit gates are to be better for looping, etc.
It's like how characters from other games should be adjusted accordingly when being put into Smash Ultimate. If the character is too faithful, it can come off as bad. There is typically artistic liberties taken to make the character work, and it's almost always worth it.
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Saloon is surprisingly okay for Survivor if you know how to run the main building and the other tiles. You don't need any breakable walls open to run that map as Survivor.
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As far as maps goes, yes RPD is the worst thing to ever be implemented, I cant believe im saying this but that thing is even worse than Midwich, I tought it was physically impossible, as in the laws of the universe could not allow for a map worse than Midwich, but alas same as science, brave and inquisitve people manage to break the barriers of what we take for granted and released a new bane upon the game.
As for all content, including perks, mechanics, maps, etc, Twins is by far the worst atrocity to ever walk the fog, I fear the day they actually manage to surpass the "experience" of playing as and against Twins, if I had to chose to delete either Twins or RPD from the game I would pick the first any day of the week.
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I like RPD but only because I think the map looks cool. Does it suck? As killer sure but I've had a decent jason game on there. It seems certain killers work better on that map then others. Mostly the two who take advantage of cover.
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Killers like billy/blight /wraith/nurse on indoor maps is an absolute nightmare, vs facing them outdoors where its far more easier to loop em.
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I always disconnect whenever I see an offering to this RCPD. If randomly I get there I try to play the best I can and learn a little... But it´s not a funny experience... Since I play to have fun this map is a trash and such an unwelcome thing to me.
Really hope BHVR notice the big amount of discs in this map and rip it off or change it.
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I wish we would've gotten Spencer Mansion instead. I feel like RE 1 is constantly ignored and overlooked.
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RPD is a nightmare for any killer that relies on ranged.
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Please.. just watch this video and stop with the complaining, jesus…
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Without any shame, I'll AFK out RPD offerings. If I get it by (bad) luck, I'll chalk it up as a bad bounce and play the game out, but...well, it takes a lot to make me miss Haddonfield. I'll say that much.
The real reason I dread RPD is that there is at least 1 pseudo-infinite (the office room near the main hub) that is both really easy to reach and impossible to deal with if your killer doesn't have anti-loop.
That and yes, all the freebie gens.
You still didn't answer my question in the other thread where you were defending RPD.
How do you deal with the office pseudo infinite as someone without an anti-loop?
And no, there is a reason why Badham/Haddonfield/RPD are considered miserable maps to play killer on. SWFs are SWFs, but there shouldn't be maps that hard-counter specific killers this hard.
Even the best killers out there despise this map.
Sluzzy seems to have switched to an alt account now. You'll spot it around.
I sort of miss him. Either a top-tier troll or a gloriously insane person, and either way he made me laugh a lot.
If I'm playing an M1 killer without an anti-loop ability, a survivor abusing this is the one and only time I'll suffer spontaneous internet connections. There is literally nothing you can do about a player that just runs here, and even at BL3 you simply won't catch them.
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Well I do just fine on the map with a variety of killers. Not saying that in a bragging way. It's just the truth. I've spent so much time with it. I just know how to play it. It's fun.
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Playing any ranged killer on that map is a miserable experience, exponentially more so than the other indoor maps. You're basically forced to play M1 barring a few killers.
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You didn't answer my question.
How do you handle the office infinite on an M1 killer? Be as specific as you can.
You cannot play an M1 killer on that map unless you have an anti-loop. Nemesis and PH do pretty okay there and Doctor/Hag can be okay if you prepare for the infinite. Wraith, Pig and co. get shattered the second survivors realize that all they need to do is make a beeline for the hub, run into the office and if they make it, there is literally no way to catch them even at BL3. It's as bad as the fence loop on Badham or the basement house on Haddonfield, but without any opportunity for counterplay or mindgames.
You've got a vault into a small room and a vault out, without an entrance on one side. These vaults are separated by a barrier and lead to another vault, meaning that if you don't mess up, it's an infinite.
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Which office? There is a bunch.
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I was not aware there was an infinite on that map. I've never seen anyone run it while playing either role, but good to know. Thanks for the heads up!
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The office close to the main hub. I'd have to play it again to be more specific. I think someone earlier mentioned it as the 'interrogation room'. It's been a while since I played the RE2-make.
Essentially, it relies on a closed 'cubicle' with two vaults separated by a long barrier of desks, into a potential pallet and another vault. You vault into the room then to the cubicle. Whichever way the killer comes, you vault onto the other side watch the killer. If he goes around the barrier, you vault out of the cubicle and leave the room through the door. If he climbs back in, leave via the second vault.
Then you wait for the killer to pursue again, reenter the room via either door or window and start the cycle again.
Hence, pseudo-infinite.
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I’m definitely not going insane :D
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It's not a 'true' infinite, as eventually stuff will probably start getting blocked (although smart survivors will postpone this until you've hit a silly level of bloodlust, or more likely just walked away).
I play at what is probably a high-intermediate MMR (it's really impossible to tell) and I see it pretty frequently. If I'm up against a RPD offering, I sort of expect it.
It's also why I'm avoiding playing Wraith, Pig and Ghosty right now (although Demo also struggles with this loop). Hag, Doctor, Nemesis, PH and even Pinhead (to a degree) can counter it. I'm not sure about ranged killers, but honestly, RPD counters them hard as is.
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In regards to characters/maps/perks.
Yes. RPD is by far the worst.
Badly designed, frustrating crap.
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The Interrogation room is the room with the giant glass. Probably not the right one. I think you mean the one right below the library correct? The 1 looong desk with "Welcome Leon" above it?