Cant wait for the new killer to get nerfed

A good killer since blight chapter are we crazy Behaviour? Nerf hammer is pending from a string on new PTB killer head.
A pity cuz this game need good killers characters.
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I'm betting a 110 ms and they cut her damage range.
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I hope they don't touch Artist. It's also not a good idea for them to make a decision about balancing from people who've only tested something for not even 6 hours yet and that's only if you somehow managed to start your first ptb match when the ptb dropped immediately. People haven't had proper time to figure out counters and really gauge how the killer truly is. (Also the ptb is probably the worst thing to actually make game changing decisions on unless it's a glaring issue with something and I don't think Artist has all that many issues)
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I can’t wait for it too.
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I bet crows wont be able to pass structures!
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I didn't want to go that far but yeah its a possibility.
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Yeah I think is a strong killer and he need to stay.We need more A rank killers.
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Must . . . not . . . play her too much. Must . . . not get used . . . to getting fun to play strong killer.
Gosh I want her to go to live as she is but she'll get changed because we can't have nice things.
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I really do think she should be 110ms. She does quite a lot.
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Lmao no. We don't need anymore 110 killers, especially with the survivor meta being to run away instead of lopping.
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Yeah, because every killer gets nerfed when they hit live right?
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Yeah so survs can keep bullying killers! Thats the plan!
Only one tier S killer each 3 years that the deal.
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I'm not spending actual cash on her because you know they're going to nerf the hell out of her so she's more fun for survivors to bully
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Yeah shes probably going to get nerf no way they can release a killer that strong survivor will complain for days
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They gutted pinhead so they will probably delete this one.
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I don't think her power is supposed to go through ALL objects and proceed through the entire map until it either hits someone or goes out of bounds.
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I think survivors shouldn't be injured by idle crows, but that is all.
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Just make sure that when they do "nerf" her, that you aren't claiming survivors asked for it, when you yourself are making a thread about how you can't "wait".
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behaviour nerfed pinhed, and accused the wraith(pre nerf) to be too Op, imagine what they will do on the new killer....probably gut her and hammer-nerf her to the ground, calling it!.
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oh god for a second i thought you mean Afk crows. You didnt mean AFK crows, right?
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I don't think she will be. She seems pretty balanced, minus the fact shes just better pyramid head
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They should just let her go live so everyone can test her out the way she is.
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idk remember when pyramid head was in PTB everyone said he would be nerfed he wasn’t even touched and he had the most game breaking power of his ranged attack and being able to kill without hooks
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Artist? S tier?
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I'm not sure why I should even bother learning this killer, who has a high skill ceiling, when behavior does not give me faith they won't gut the killer in two months. Pinhead was a high skill ceiling killer and look where we are in two short months. Constant undeserving nerfs makes me afraid to devote my time to high skillcap killers. At least when a low skillcap killer gets gutted, I don't lose tons upon tons of hours I spent learning them. And they seem to be lightning fast with those killer nerfs now, so I can't even think "Well, I'll get a good half year with them." Again, Pinhead. 2 months.
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If they nerf her then they have to nerf boon totems, if killers aren’t allowed to be strong than survivor can’t have strong perks either
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Lmao no. That would be a funny bug though.
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Are you new here because thats not how bhvr works
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I mean lets be honest here... this is a killer we are talking about of course she will get nerfed and im 100% sure nothing is done to the ridiculous boons. She's a direct counter to the boons so survivors wont like that.
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You're kidding, right? Pyramid Head went through four different waves of nerfs, one after another, in rapid succession.
Pyramid Head is the most over-hyped killer in the game. His power straight up, flat-out sucks. It is only usable against completely new players or when survivors are lock in animation. It has more slow down and warning alerts for survivors to evade it than any other move in the game. The cages are a complete joke.
That being said: there is a 100% chance this new killer will be nerfed. This is just the state of the current development team. If killers aren't "fun" for survivors (whatever that means), they automatically become "oppressive." Because heaven forbid anybody learn any juking or use teamwork or do anything other than run loop de loop for 10 minutes. Clearly, they want 1 survivor to be able to go toe to toe with a killer, despite the fact that there are 4 survivors on a team.
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Yeah, because this game needs more "holding W" killers who are able to block any loop. That's some good design, right?
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canada people loving pc there should be least one female killer similar function as hellraiser
problem is theres only man characters killing without reasons
all female killers having situations and own reasons from it
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Downing survivors who have 0 options in the loops is ... fun right?
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Totally boon totems were essentially brought out so they could cash cow on that stupid witch character.BHVR is after all a one trick pony and they have to go where the money is,this new killer will be op to begin with,again for sales,then they will bring out a survivor to counter it again sales,and so the merry go round spins,but only if we buy into it…….
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Note the pattern.
Usually (not always) - killer is good on the PTB, and decent in live. For a few months.
Then the killer is either nerfed to mediocre/bad levels (Pinhead, Twins) or slightly buffed to mediocre/bad levels (Trickster).
The only 'new' killer that actually stayed good is Blight...and his time is coming.
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Shhhh i don't think they have noticed him yet
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No. She's good as she is
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Wait … did you read lore :U ?
I mean… we don’t play at dbd for history …. And licences killer have their own lore …
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and lot of female killer are made by BHVR himself … so yeah this is pretty normal … wait for an licensed female killer
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likewise looking forward to it
or rather looking forward to holding forward harder by destroying the killers that can contest it
engaging gameplay
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So.... "in theory". If everyone playing the new killer in test "just happens" to get zero kills and 4 escapes (ooopsy), there would be no reason to nerf....... right? Just ya know, in theory.
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After gutting Slinger and nerfing Wraith for being "a wee bit OP" I don't expect anything.
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The sad thing is they use ptb data to balance a killer. An environment that has zero reason to win and has no mmr is taken seriously.
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Yeah becuz killers have options in loops and surv actually need to use his brain instead of just do the same.
Hold W jump window hold W drop pallet reach next structure jump hold W drop pallet.
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with so many new killers being specifically anti-looping, can you blame them?
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Her skill cap is too high for nerfs imo. You basically got a female version of doctor with a global distance shock....except people can still function....which is...for the most part kinda trash....unless you can hit a slow moving projectile from an equally long distance and then hope they aren't moving to hit them. Her add ons are strong.....but other than that gotta really be some kinda sevant to land those second crows....either that or the survivors have to be brain dead and standing still and refusing to cleanse birds...
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Oh no, nerfing a killer that has wall hacks, can hit 3 survivors simultaneously without moving and can place crows infront of windows and pallets to deny/get free hits on survivors and shut down gyms ridiculously fast… Sounds fair…
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Dead ass just hold W
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Anti loop killer so it’s the same boring counter as every anti loop killer. Hold W. Especially with the new survivor exhaustion perk. If we can have powers that are actually fun to play against but strong then the meta would most likely disappear
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wait, what?