I'm at my wit's end.
I'm just... so tired of playing killer right now. I know most will tell me to take a break or flame me or whatever, but I just can't deal with playing killer right now. Every game it's a boon totem at the beginning of the game going off, not being able to find said totem due to myself either being in chase or trying to defend gens while generators on the other side of the map are going off, hit validation giving me feedback that I never hit a survivor but also hearing the cry of a survivor being hit dampening my drive even further, making me feel like I was cheated out of a hit despite the server saying otherwise.
It also doesn't help that uncapped healing further demotivates me, making me feel like every move I make is the incorrect one since it's corrected by a perk or another survivor doing a generator.
I know most folks will say "Play to have fun" and while I am appreciative of the sentiment, I'm just so tired that I don't even think I can make my own fun. I don't think I even know how. I can't even play as survivor because I'm terrible at it, despite seeing it as casual and trying to have fun and I can't play Killer since I'm apparently terrible at that and can't even manage a kill. Maybe I'm not in a good mental state to be playing this game, maybe I'm just a terrible player and person.
Should I uninstall?
If you can't deal with it, and obviously you can't, then quit playing for a while. The hit validation is bugging me as well. I just ignore the boon totems unless I'm on top of one. They aren't worth looking for.
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Sometimes taking a break and waiting on the BS to get balanced is the best option. I have done it in the past. Maybe you will be able to return in the future and have more fun with the game. Or you could wait on VHS to go into open beta.
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If it's better for your mental health, then don't feel obligated to keep playing. You clearly aren't having fun and having a good time.
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The problem is I feel like I am obligated with the rift. I feel like I'm going to miss out since it's only available for a limited time, otherwise I'll have to buy stuff. I just feel this obligation to play because of these limited time things. I want to stop but I just... can't. I don't know why. Am I insane? Stupid? Both?
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Lack of willpower. Mentally weak. Not insane or stupid.
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Switch roles and see how it goes. Personally I find survivor more tolerable with sbmm.
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Neither insane or stupid, the rift is basically doing exactly what it is supposed to, and creating a sense of false urgency in you to play the game.
Food for thought, I think other rift pass content ended up on the store previously. So maybe that stuff you are worried about missing will end up on the store anyway.
Take a break maybe
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Also paid track stuff ends up being buyable with shards later.
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the "games as a service" model was designed by literal sociopaths for this reason, so you feel obligated to play no matter how burnt out you get because you're "missing out". so it's funny for Cote to have disingenuously said stuff like "go play Civ!" while his game is advertising exclusive content you'll miss out on forever if you don't play enough.
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>The mentality this game and community seems to promote is something i very much dislike. It's an asymmetrical game. It's factually unbalanced and im tired of people trying to prove or assume it is balanced. There are too many perks and killers to make the game balanced now, i think the director said this in an interview how the game's balance is chaotic. For this reason, i've felt this way since the start, that i should just try to have fun and see what happens when i play this game.
i'd be fine with it if this cut both ways but it doesn't, everything about the game is completely slanted in favor of the survivors now and killers have to deal with the "chaos" of their 800 health states and free healing and free unbreakable and there's nothing you can do about it. killers don't get to impart any chaos on survivors because now they have an answer for anything you can possibly do and so much of the game is controlled by survivors. even the game's brand new hex perk is reliant on survivors doing something (cleansing) they don't do anymore because boons are so much better and killers can't stop them from being put up every 5 seconds.
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He just said what he dislikes and you come back with a reply that he originally said is part of what he dislikes. You proved his point for him.
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Agreed, it’s virtually impossible to perfectly balance with all the perks and killers.
To be honest, i don’t think majority of the playerbase actually cares about real balance. They preach wanting balance but anything that they deem “unfun”, which is purely subjective warrants a nerf in their eyes.
Survivor perk that changes the way games are played and threatens their 4k every game? Nerf.
Hexes or killers that threatens their comfort and forces them to think out of the box? Nerf.
It’s almost as if either side is fine with the other being completely garbage as long as “my fun” isn’t touched.