Killer tier list based off how fun they are to play (with the Artist)

Haven’t done one of these in a while and since a new killer came out and some killers received updates, I figured why not make a tier list of how fun I find each killer to play currently.
Here’s the link to the tier list so you can make one:
Watchu got against executioner
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He’s kind of janky and just don’t find his gameplay fun. He’s not horrible to play as just not someone I enjoy.
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True, but once you get good at him you realize that the artist exists :(
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Heres my objectively subjective opinion.
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The Artist is a babe.
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Using roughly your criteria, though all the way down I don't personally find any killer "unfun" to play - I just don't like the wrist motion for optimal Billy/Blight play, and I dislike the feel of what Twins' design wants me to do. I make my own fun when playing those.
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Oh man you gotta play as the Artist. She is just incredible.
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Yeah I just can’t find myself to enjoy the Twins for the same reason as you.
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Ill be sure to check her out this weekend.
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Looking at my own playstyle I noticed I prefer to play with M1 killers, doctor, trapper, legion, hag, and with killers who have fast and responsive powers that don't rely on predictions or charging. I used to main Slinger but ever since his nerf meh, I'm not into him anymore cause It feels like I'm aiming a bazooka now.
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Her gameplay just feels, stale, if you want to slug, play oni
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Oh I actually didn’t make the template but no problem!
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im gonna go make one for survivors, dont see any up to whatever the new survs name is
..nevermind i dont have a spare 23 hours on hand
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Sure, I'll give this a whirl
- Nurse is the only killer I actively really hate playing. So much so that I keep her daily mission on my log just so I never get it ever again. It's not that she's not effective, it's that staring at the ground 1/3 of the match is easily the most annoying game mechanic in DbD. The few times I do play her I intentionally use her terrible add-ons that turn off her teleport after a successful and make her move 105% speed normally with only one blink just I can play as a pseudo normal basic killer with no ability rather than her. (Just my opinion.)
- The ones I labelled "dislike" is maybe a bit strong even. I enjoy playing the game with them well enough, but relative to everybody above them I just like the other people's playstyles better. (Or in the case of a couple of Neutrals I just haven't played them yet.)
- Neutrals are the ones that feel "ok", or that I just haven't played to get an opinion on in the case of Artist, Trickster and Nemesis.
- Normally I just log in, do a daily mission, and log out for the night. It takes a game or two basically. The ones I Like Playing are ones I might squeeze in another game or two sometimes after I do their mission, just because they're fun to play.
- Doctor and Freddy are my favorite killers currently. I love Freddy's mobility and aesthetic, and I love that the Doctor's tracking keeps him in chases non-stop as well as just having a cool theme for an ability.
I don't keep track of my stats by killer or anything, so I'm not sure how that list matches up exactly, but there's probably correlation. I'm a terrible shot with Deathslinger and Huntress, but I do pretty well with Doctor, Freddy and most of the Likes. And since I have no desire to play Nurse I'm obviously really terrible with her. Of killers that might not line up, I used to be decent with Clown a year ago before I took a break for a while but I'm definitely rusty and not quite used to that new two-color bottle system so I don't think my stats with him currently are great. And on the other end I've usually done not too bad with Trapper, I just don't like playing him as much because I find picking up traps from the map kind of tedious sometimes.
This is clearly NOT correlated with lists of "Best Killers in the Game" either. I like playing some killers that I totally realize aren't the best, and dislike some that I know overall are pretty good or great (there's no denying Nurse is awesome for people who master her!)
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It’s not what you think.
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Interesting. We have...very different tastes.
My take:
Artist looks fun as hell. Really looking forward to her. Her perks sound...meh, but I'll stockpile BP in advance. Already got a nasty build in mind for her.
Spirit - Eh. Didn't love the killer before, don't love her now. I find that I waste a lot of time on her.
Bubba - Yes...but he does get old fast. The ultimate 'you BMed me, now I unga bunga camp you' killer.
Huntress - I just don't like ranged killers for the most part, and never got the hang of her hatchets.
Plague - Really need to learn her. I play her, enjoy her, then realize I've got a 3 out.
Blight - Gives me violent motion sickness but strongish.
Pinhead and Demo - Yes. Really sad about the daft Pinhead nerfs, was my favorite killer for a while. Will go back to Hag and Demo I guess.
Wraith - Can't play anymore. He's just...ugh. Nerfed, then nerfed again, then an indirect nerf in the form of boons.
Pig - Love playing her, but frustrating sometimes. People will DC *every time* rather than die to a beartrap. She needs a smaller terror radius.
Oni - Really struggle to play him.
Nemesis - Fun, when the zombies work and DH doesn't bug your tentacle out.
Doctor - One of my favorite killers. Eternally underrated. Held back by the lack of validation on his shocks.
Meyers - Eh.
Billy - Yeah, meh.
Nurse - Can be fun on some maps.
Ghostface - See Meyers.
PH - Love him, really need to play him more.
Clown - Can't play him. Just don't understand how he works.
Slinger - Was fun prenerf. Now is DOA. He's basically a worse PH or Nemesis.
Legion - Fun, but weak on a lot of maps. Looking forward to his rework.
Freddy - Boring and lame now. Terrible addons.
Hag - My all time favorite killer. How dare you!
Trickster - Yeah. Not my favorite.
Twins - Really fun aside from the endless and likely never-to-be-fixed bugs, like the frozen Victor. Crazily high skillcap. Oddly, along with Doctor and Pinhead, one of the most common killers to make survivors DC the second they see me. No idea why.
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I’m sorry I just hate Hag :( I will say that I am starting to hate her less than Twins and Trickster.
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She is the rarest killer if I recall, and I can see why. She has a totally different style and requires a lot of map/pathing knowledge, a fair bit of foresight and more than a little luck.
She is also tooth-grindingly annoying on larger maps at times, especially against the ultra-immersed 'you'll never even get a chase until we have 4 gens done' stealth SWFs.
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For me, Billy and Twins are the most rare. I feel sad for Billy but not for Twins. Hag is up there though. I respect good Hag players that don't constantly camp with her power though unless it's the correct thing to do in a specific scenario.
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I see a fair few Plagues now. I think in my maybe 50 hours playing survivor (I mostly play killer), I've seen one Hag and she was clearly very new.
One of the big reasons I love Hag is that she's the one killer that can reliably scare the pants off survivors. I wish there was a reliable way to get Undetectable on her, she has fantastic natural camouflage too :)
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Eh...there's camping and there's camping.
A bad Hag will put a trap under the hook, teleport to it and hit you. You'll then lose her in chase and unhook. Often she'll even whiff the first hit.
A good Hag will set up several traps on approaches to the hook and gank you on your way in.
A great Hag will set up traps exactly where you and the unhooked survivor will run to heal.
Twins are also rare, I think a lot of that comes down to the bugs.
Billy is rare now, but now ultra rare.
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Christ I wish I played in the early days.
Ok what are your thoughts going against him?
Yea that does make sense, plague buffs + hard counter to COH and a potential healing meta (I think the new exhaustion is supposed to cycle into that)
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Billy used to be pretty solid. About on par with Bubba - harder to make plays with but more rewarding to master. They nerfed the everloving hell out of him though, despite him being 'A' to 'B' tier at best (sort of a pattern, see: Pinhead, Wraith, Slinger).
PH is another killer that BHVR ended up nerfing pretty hard and making him much less fun. I just like playing him because he's so strong against a lot of loops and so many survivors underestimate him.
Yeah, Plague is the hardest counter to ridiculous CoH teams there is.
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Here's mine.
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Aye I love to see more people are going to main the Artist <3
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Ok new Tier list
Im am loving artist, you could say shes a masterpiece.
Still gonna play mostly executioner, theres no way shes making out the PTB like that
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Oh wait you played her?
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Yep! I'm super excited about her. Shooting crows everywhere is so fun. Also I need a new ranged killer main after what happened to Deathslinger.
One thing I don't really get is people on here saying she's not going to have a 1v4 game... like... you realize the crows have infinite range and Survivors on gens are stationary targets that you can basically see... right? Spending 1 crow per volley to harass gens is 100% something a good Artist player will be able to do.
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Over the past couple hours I did, her power feels like a work of art.
Also im gonna make art jokes for the remainder of the PTB.
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Still early to say with the Artist, but I love playing strategic Killers. Hag and Twins are the two I play the most, Nemesis being a close third because I LOVE RE (otherwise probably B Tier).
A Tier is all Killer I think are fun or viable, even if I'm not super good with them I still enjoy myself.
B Tier goes either way, honestly depends on my mood and rank at the time.
C is boring IMO simply because most of them are boring to play as or against OR they're easily bullied OR both.
D is for two reasons: Pinhead was B Tier but dropped to D cause I hate global warming; Myers was always the most boring Killer for me because his power is so dull and uninteractive. You just stare at Survivor and get your power, at least GF has to stealth as well. Not even his fun addons are enough to get me to play him.
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I wouldn't hold your breath.
There is no way a killer as fun and powerful as her will go live as is. Not after how dirty they've done...well, every new killer that isn't Blight. Well, Nemesis too when his zombies decide to work properly.
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ohohohoho I cant put artist cause am a console so idk about her abilities so she is not in it. I am basing mine off going against them a survivor, ofc if I play killer then trickster is the only one I play.
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Carmina, my love, will sit proudly at the top of the list indefinitely even if she does get nerfed.
After that, I primarily enjoy map-control and 1v4 killers who have to multitask to perform well rather than strictly 1v1.
Killers in the "Don't Play Much Anymore" category aren't necessary boring to me, but they're killers I either avoided for personal reasons or just simply focused too much on 1v1 that my 1v4 itch wasn't scratched enough. I'd probably enjoy many of them if I played them again though.
Then there's Meyers and Clown, which I just can't seem to get into (unless it's scratched mirror, but haven't tried that since before boons).
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Eh, the most obvious way to nerf her to be less oppressive is to make her Dire Crows not function like Freddy Snares, so she can only mark/injure with her power if the flocks of birds are in flight. If they do go with that nerf... I'm perfectly OK with that and it won't dampen my enthusiasm at all.
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My first tier list ever.
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Here is my latest one:
I really enjoy playing as the Artist. Her base-kit is unique and strong, and her playstyle is very strategic. She plays similar to Clown, and as a Clown main I really like having another killer with a playstyle slightly similar to my main.
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Mah list.
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I enjoy Trickster and Legion... ######### you
How can Freddie be higher...
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Here’s the 100% factually correct one
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Finally someone who isn't slandering The Twins
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its so sad to see Hillbilly and Deathslinger dropping from some of the most fun to play killers down to "ill play em if i have to, but would rather not" after their "rebalances" :c
also, and i dont want to spoil the mood here, but you should probaply not get too accustomed to her gameplay just yet.
I do believe she is going to receive the Deathslinger treatment as well - maybe not right away uppon her release, but a bit further down the line i can definitely see her being nerfed in a similar way to her chase "more fun and interactive (for the Survivor side)". (that is if she even makes it out of the PTB in her current state)
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this is a personal Tiermaker, it's NOT Objective!
-clown: it's basic, it's fun, i throw
bombsbottles of tonic at survivors or at myself and i go brrrr-bubba: simple and efficent, you get rewarded if you play well, quick at destroying things, basement build go brrr
-nemesis: the power is fun to use, is useful and having zombies makes me feel i'm not alone against 4 monsters :)
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Here's mine, I hope I didnt forget anyone
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I’m really crossing my fingers that they won’t nerf her hard. All I want is some mobility and some more counterplay in chase. She’s fine other than that, I like it that she has the control at loops.
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Have you tried Spirit out post nerf?
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Here's min. I basically only play Huntress
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The Artist is 1 day out, why dont you give it more time and decide then how fun this Killer is? Why do ppl keep doing the same mistake over and over with every Killer? xD
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No I haven’t. While she is definitely more fair and I wouldn’t feel bad for using her I never found her too fun to begin with