I just got cheated so hard...

R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731
edited November 2021 in General Discussions

It was on Midwich, this guy went down after unhooking himself with Deliverance. I managed to help him up, and we ran together away from Bubba. He ended up targeting me, I ran him upstairs, he eventually caught me up there. Two Survivors left, one stayed. I got hooked, but the other guy who stayed had BT and sacrificed himself to save me, unhooking me right in front of Bubba, going down in the process.

I proceed to run towards the window that drops down into the gate area, I vault it, fall, then run towards the gate. I was about to escape, when I was suddenly teleported backwards, to where I landed from the vault. This caused Bubba to nearly hit me, and as he was blocking the path to that gate, I attempted to flee to the other gate instead, but ended up dying to the endgame collapse.

I have never been so baffled in DBD until today. This made me shout so loud and I sat there for minutes with my jaw dropped in shock. I have never had anything remotely similar to this happen to me before. Good job BHVR, you denied my easy escape with your bullshit.

"I think we did a pretty good job so far" - Mathieu Cote
