What do you think about the new Perk "Overcome"?

Its the new exhaustion perk that gives you a 2 seconds longer Hit burst.
I already made myself a own opinion about that perk but I would like to know what the majority thinks about it, let me know!
It exacerbates an existing issue, which would be holding W.
Seems right up BHVR's alley.
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It will break the game (even more) if survivors use it correctly. Trickster will be deleted by it.
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It's a counter for Nemesis mainly, but I dont think it will become more popular than Dead Hard or Sprint Burst.
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Completely rework the perk. It’s not healthy for the game in what it promotes.
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I didn't even think about that.
Does it activate when he infects Survivors?
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I don't know, I suppose, haha.
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Sprint Burst is better.
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Extremely unhealthy design. Rewards failure as its activation requirement is getting hit and promotes hold-W gameplay thus further punishing killers that don't have:
- an instadown.
- mobility to close distance quickly.
- a real ranged attack to ignore distance (i.e. Huntress).
How are you supposed to have fun playing non-mobility M1 killers?
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how would you rework it just out of curiosity?
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Honestly not sure but it needs to do something completely different. Don’t nerf or buff it.
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Delete it and make a new perk that doesn't do that.
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I think Scott proved that Sprint Burst gives you way less distance.
Overcome gives you an extra 8 seconds over SB...and you don't have to walk everywhere.
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I like it. It is better sprint boost (you don't have to waste time managing it and it always comes handy).
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If you play top-tier Killers, then this perk isn't that big of a deal. Dead Hard is probably stronger still.
If you enjoy weak Killers, then Overcome will be a nightmare. Catching up to the Survivor will take forever, but if you let them go, they just run to the Boon totem and heal super fast. You're screwed either way.
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Factually false. It has been proven that you gain less distance with Sb compared to overcome
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Not even close either.
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I'll have to watch videos of overcome cause I haven't seen it be used. I was judging based off of it's description.
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it kind of strikes me as the more fair version of Dead Hard.
it has a clear activation requirement on it and comes with the downside that you gotta go heal up after you got it to work, otherwise its a dead perk for you (unlike DH that can be used whenever you like with no downside to it whatsoever).
it strikes me as incredibly overpowered in combination with perks such as Circle of Healing, as it basically just buffs the already way too strong playstyle of CoH, that being putting the boon up in an area with no gens left to defend for the Killer and then beelining said area during chases, creating a lose-lose scenario for the Killer where they either have to drop the chase alltogether and have you heal up and return to gens in no time (just for the next person to repeat this exact same thing), or commit to the chase and drop all their gen pressure allowing everyone else to get the gens done.
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I mean... They said Sprint Burst was better. They weren't necessarily talking about distance.
Better can refer to the fact that:
- Sprint Burst can be used while injured unlike Overcome.
- Sprint Burst can be used against instadown killers or exposed perks.
- Sprint Burst can be used to quickly get to a hooked teammate after popping a generator before they hit struggle.
Or to keep it short: Sprint Burst can be used when you want to whereas Overcome depends entirely on the killer hitting you.
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Yep agree
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Description wise not, it says when you get "injured" but who knows, I also didnt try it in the ptb yet
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Devs again not knowing how to design perks. I thought we were heading in a good direction when I saw Smash Hit, an exhaustion perk that actually rewards the survivor for playing well, and then they come with this one "hey have this extra distance after you got outplayed by the killer".
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I agree that the perk is unhealthy, however it is not really a failure that is getting rewarded.
Getting hit does not mean you failed, getting hit on purpose is a strategy sometimes to gain extra distance in ceratin situations, think about the Chainsaw bros for example, you want to eat the hammer of them.
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Hold W....then hold W more.
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Where do you see that "they dont know how to design Perks"? In the past few chapters they have created impressively good perks over and over for every single character. They are all very fun and overall balanced, overcome is the only exception here ofc.
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Yeah and with the current meta of boons where everyone gets infinite heals this would be devastating on a Good team. Probably would destroy 3 gen strats too with run away heal then do it all over again but this time survivor can just stay on the generator ignoring the killer until they actually got hit one by one. IMO is a dumb scenario I can just see happening.
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Yeah, I was kind of salty there. Last chapters had quite interesting perks. It's just that this specific one and the Boons mechanic get on my nerves.
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It’s a perk that encourages bad gameplay. I don’t like it and am worried for future brainless perks like this
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yup same here
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I like it. I think it’s only going to be useful in specific scenarios. (I.E. boost to an exit gate, or against a camping killer)
Sprint Burst is far better, because you don’t have to wait to get hit.
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Step 1. Use this perk with Circle of Healing/Purple medkit+botany (just healing stuff to summarize)
Step 2. Get hit, run to the other side of the map, heal yourself
Step 3. Repeat
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I think it's a fair perk to have as long as we have killers who are basically impossible to loop. The new killer is like... kind of toxic to loop if they're actually good, so leaving is the best strategy half the time.
In any case, I don't personally care for the perk. And I probably WILL find it annoying when I play a killer who can't deal with it well, but hey. If BHVR wants to go the route of "we make killers who give you lose/lose looping situations", then it feels like tit for tat. I'll probably wish I was running it whenever I go up against a good Nurse.
The whole situation is fairly annoying when it comes to the direction they're going with chases. But I honestly don't really see the perk becoming meta, as other exhaustion perks are still just as good or better. Idk if yall are referencing Scott's video for how "Overcome is better than Sprint Burst", but the reality is that nobody is going to use Sprint burst that way. Most people take off running with SB once they see the killer approaching, thus discouraging a chase. And if the killer commits before they injure them, they STILL have to catch up to them again after they injure them. Some players even waste a little bit more time by baiting the killer into missing a swing before they sprint burst out of range of the hit, too, which is slightly more chase time, as silly as it seems to factor in. And Dead Hard still just has so much utility- Overcome won't help you avoid bear traps, dodge projectiles, etc.
I just don't think it's going to be the crazy game killing perk that so many people seem to think it will be, lmao
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Sprintburst has the requirement of 99ing it to use in situations outside of running away when you are doing a gen. I don't think it's fair to say it can be just used when you want when you have to work towards it. Overcome might be worse than sprintbust by itself, that i agree with, but paired with healing items/perks i think it's much better (except against instakill effects) since overcome gives you considerably more distance and when you get hit you pretty much lose the killer with the amount of distance you make.
This is just my theory though, i haven't played the PTB, i've just seen the comparison of distance.
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I think it should work based on how you play, and not being rewarded for being outplayed, i thought of something like:
" After getting the first strike, you know how to beat a stronger oponent"
" When you stun the killer with a pallet during a chase, Overcome will activate, when you get injured from a basic attack or a special attack, the speed bonus will stay for 1.5 seconds longer"
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The new perk is ok.
But there is a problem with Nemesis. When he infects you, you gain the sprint.
Imagine you have recover from exhaustion and still infected. When he injures you, you gain the sprint again !
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90% of the cast straight up counters it directly with their power. It affects a few killers who will just forget about it in a week from release, because survivors will realize that they're 200% better off taking SB or DH every single time.
It's almost as bad as Smash Hit. Almost.
You're all having a knee-jerk reaction. Same drama with Counterforce which was supposed to kill the hex system.
All this only because a streamer hates survivors running away from the killer and thinks that every chase gets the 1st hit in a corner of Mother's Dwelling and ends up on the opposite side with no chance of cutting off whatsoever.
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The problem with Scott's video is, you get a mini SB when hit. Otherwise, it would be the same distance if you 99'd, got hit then stopped for a split second and activated SB. Since it's hard to do that, he counted a hit and SB at the same time. One is 1 second longer, so, of course one will give more distance.
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she is as good as dead hard if not stronger wich say A LOT
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I'd have to try it out first but on paper it sounds like a poor man's Sprint Burst.
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Overcome+Dead Hard+Decisive Strike+ Boon. LOL this game is broken. Oh yeah 20 PALLETS a map haha. Survivors be like why I get tunneled?
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Overcome is the same distance as SB if you got hit then activated SB a second later. Might even be better than Overcome. It's funny to watch people go from DH OP to Boons OP to Overcome OP. Choose one and stick with it. You can't run DH and Overcome together. They're making an exhaustion perk that fits with each play style. There should be one for getting unhooked too. That would make an exhaustion perk for every type.
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Too strong. I mean I do very well with Iron Will and Lucky break + green medkit already, now add this one and the killer have no chance that is 2 free escapes unless it's Bubba.
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It's easy mode SB/DH. Not as good as either but has a similar effect.
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survivors already using better perks in live server
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Killer needs a perk after they hit a survivor they sprint burst after them for 2 seconds. This game is dumb in design.
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Sprint burst is weaker you get more distance out off overcome. The perk is easier to use too
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I think it's fine given you can't even loop against this killer. You pretty much have to hold W but i don't see people talking about that, it's always the survivors' perks that are a problem and not the prevalence of anti-loop kit killers who are so oppressive at loops trying to actually play a tile result in you going down regardless of what you do.
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I think it's a niche perk and aside from the initial period of people trying it everyone will fall back on Sprint Burst or Dead Hard.
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Not sure why they made a perk that will make the game incredibly unfun for both sides. I get that holding W is the best way to counter The Artist because she shuts down any loop, so they wanted to give a perk to help counter her. But why not just make her not as oppressive in 1v1 and give her better 4v1, like more sniping potential?
Like usual, it will probably be OK in solo queue. If a SWF group decide to all run Overcome with CoH? Not sure what a killer is supposed to do against that.
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I like it. It will be annoying against Nemesis but overall a decent exhaust for sloppy loopers.