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Why do you think The Cenobite is overperforming



  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Then the answer is to punish people more harshly for deliberately sandbagging games or DCing.

    'I'll DC when I'm not having fun' always means 'I'll DC when I don't think I'll get an easy win'.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    No, it doesn't. Some killers are not strong but yet annoying as hell.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    I find a lot of things annoying as hell.

    That doesn't mean I get to ruin everyone else's fun.

    Everyone finds different things annoying. I've literally been cussed out and DCed on for playing Pyramid Head, new Freddy, Hag, Doctor, Pig, Nemesis, Wraith and of course Pinhead.

    It's not that any one killer is more 'annoying' than another (with the possible exception of camping Bubba, hook Twins or Trickster).

    It's that survivors don't like losing.

    NAERUUU Member Posts: 501

    Wait … pinhead … op … ?

    I don’t think so … I mean this power is not that good …

    just really powerful addons … but now …

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974
    edited November 2021

    Maybe for the same reason I get half my Freddy kills. People realize and throw the game then who wants to sit through 4-5 gens to let 2 maybe 3 people escape in pity for the 12th time so you kill em anyway to move on.

    No drawback to doing that as survivor since actually it helps get an easier game for them.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    Survivors complain about the Lament Configuration all the time because they now can not just hold M1 at the objective and have do be a bit more coordinated.

    When I play Pinhead I get all kind of bad player trying to mess around with the box. I once had a guy who tried to pick it up mid chase, another who tried to solve it while I ran past his hiding spot and my favourite: Summoning me in an open field while injured, running back to pick up the med-kit and eating my chain to the face.

    And all the time I get players who run into the direction of my box while I chase them just because they can. Looping at Shack? Nope. Running for the box? Yes, Yes! I do not understand why this happens even with players who have more than a hundred houres of playtime...some even more...

    These kind of survivors complain about Pinhead and DC against him. Why? Because they now have to adapt. Not to say that all survivor are like this. I had SoloQ lobbies who did extremly well and all it takes is one descent player who takes care of the box, hunting it and solving it at the right time on a safe tile or in a way that screws up my teleport.

    Pinhead is fine as he is. His passive his good, his active is a bit weak, the "nerfs" to his add-ons are just there and I do not care.

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990

    Because solo players suck

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    I agree, only the fang needed to be touched.

    Some of those, like opening the box 1 sec slower than 2 is DUMB AS HECK. Why do they insist on making so many addons useless/near useless?!

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    As I said to Obscurity, you dont run Chatterer for the stealth. It's just free bloat. But now it might actually get me grab once in a blue moon I guess.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    The Box HANDS him FREE CHASES! Then add on NO COMMS/NO SWF, and some Bad looping skills/hex totems with a few rage quitters. Oh yea he is S/A Tier YOU BETCHA!

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    I mean, if people used the strong addons, is because they are good, and almost needed ofr certain killer

    But its ridiculous to see the game being balanced around the addons and perk rather then the core game

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,723

    because he has a really strong passive ability that you can get some value out of without even needing to do anything, bonus points that it affects solos much more than it does SWF

  • Wraff
    Wraff Member Posts: 162

    He isnt. Barely anyone plays him so he has the Hag affect. The only people who are playing him are the people who love him and Survivors are not familar with his strats.

  • BadLooperQ
    BadLooperQ Member Posts: 277
    edited November 2021

    I'm loving that this thread became basically a rant about the mess that is solo q.

    I literally can't escape a single game anymore cause I'm at low mmr and things are rough there

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    All killers are overperforming (way over 2K), he was just overperforming the most. His power is way too punishing, the box spawns too fast.

    The box itself is like a survivor that has to go for a save. Survivors can't do the objective fast enough because not only is this killer constantly downing survivors with little effort, but now survivor has to find a box and rescue someone. That kind of pressure is very unfair.

  • BadLooperQ
    BadLooperQ Member Posts: 277

    And of course, console suffers extra because the jump over pallet and release chains commands have the same input. I can't count how manu times I slow vault a pallet directly into his arms

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    He is a solo queue bully killer, and can also handle SWFS if the pinhead is good.

    Also he is a new killer and new killers always have higher stats at release.

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074

    Probably because the majority are at low rank and killing low rank players every time. I don't see Pinhead at my MMR at all.

  • BadLooperQ
    BadLooperQ Member Posts: 277

    ^ .... 🙄"

  • willoftheboss
    willoftheboss Member Posts: 59

    feel like if you're gonna nerf a killer i bought into the ground i should be entitled to some kind of refund. i'd be fine with auric cells even.

  • MedicSpirit7
    MedicSpirit7 Member Posts: 689

    He’s so weak his passive is the only thing that gave him value. They needed to buff his chain power to compensate because that just feels worthless

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Yeah, I firmly believe that this is why people complain about him. You can't just unga bunga gens and hide.

    What is surprising to me is survivors that know how to use the box to their advantage. Either by dropping me into a jungle gym or by...somehow (still now sure how it works) - solving it very quickly, but in tiny bursts so I can't teleport to them.

    I'll probably try it, but honestly it feels like it's basically going to be a wash with an empty slot. A minute of undetectable...that would feel about right for a purple.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055

    "In my opinion the only addon wich needed a nerf was the fang. the rest is completely fine."

    Dude, this is literally Hill Billy, and you saw what they did to him

    Tread carefully my friend :(

  • SpaghettiYOLO
    SpaghettiYOLO Member Posts: 235

    Except these nerfs do kill the synergy between Hoarder/Franklin's and the box. Only morons never caught on to what someone with that build was doing. Once they catch on, they run the box as far as possible to solve. 6 seconds isn't enough time to get across a map or even halfway across a map. Chain hunts will no longer affect the box holder while solving, a max of 3 seconds can only be applied to solving it, they killed the build with this move.

    Look, I understand that it may not be 'fun' to go against. But I also find that most people that say that also don't try to learn how to play against a killer more than one way. Each killer has a particular counter, but everybody wants to just loop and run and that's just not possible with every killer. At least not until a bunch of unnecessary nerfs. Deatbslinger was unnecessary, Wraith nerfs were unnecessary (just needed to adjust his Windstorm addons to account for his cloaked speed buff), Twins nerfs to Victor was unnecessary (somebody that was way out of position shouldn't be able to run across a room or a wide open space and crush Victor because he missed or had a successful down), Ghostface recharge addon nerfs unnecessary, and I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this.

    But the nerfs that have been thrown survivor side have also been headscratching as well. Keys did need to be nerfed, but I feel what we got was just way over compensating and lacking any real thought. I like the hatch getting an animation to open. I don't like that it only spawns when there's one person left no matter what. I don't think it should spawn before last gen is completed unless there's only one person left. But if gens are completed, it should spawn for sure. A purple key should be good for one person only no matter what as long as it has full charges. A pink key could get all 4 out if all 4 are alive, but opening animation should also be longer if there's more than one survivor.

    I'm just going to stop here because I'm sure I've more than made my point and I'm probably already annoying enough in my few sporadic posts here. I just feel that much better decisions could have been made balance wise if the community as a whole was listened to and not just reacting to a portion that just criess for nerfs.

  • yougotexposed
    yougotexposed Member Posts: 53

    Cenobite with add-ons and franklins/hoarder were a nightmare to deal with even for SWF’s. That translated to a guaranteed 4k for solo q’s. Add that to the annoyance of his ability that most players flat out refused to interact with by dc-ing when they see pinhead.

  • Unicorn_scarecrow
    Unicorn_scarecrow Member Posts: 63

    The only thing I found challenging about him was the chains while doing the puzzle. It was maddening trying to do it while being attacked by the chains but I assumed it was punishment for everyone letting the chains activate to begin with. It is shocking to me how many people refuse to do the box and I would usually end up having to be the one to go solve it. That sucks.

    Playing him was so fun. It took me time to get his aim right but once I did I would do well with him. It’s like the Huntress, it’s fun to try to get off those impossible shots.

    I knew he would get a nerf though because he posed a challenge to some survivors and I guess he was so oppressively OP that they wanted the nerf.

    It’s disappointing to me that he was nerfed, both from a killer and survivor standpoint. It was fun going against a good Pinhead.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,697

    Hoarder was never an issue on Pinhead. The only time Hoarder gave Pinhead information that he didn't already know was if the survivor picks up the box within the hoarder range and then tried to move somewhere else to solve the box. And knowing a survivor picked up the box doesn't mean pinhead was even capable of doing anything about it if the survivor was far enough way since the survivor could always go into a locker when pinhead drops his chase to find the survivor who picked up the box. Chains don't spawn while a survivor is in a locker and pinhead isn't going to have the time to search every locker for the survivor who grabbed the box.

    And if a survivor picks up the box and immediately tries to solve it then hoarder did nothing since pinhead knows where the survivor is while solving the box.

    Hoarder simply was never that good on Pinhead outside of a very specific use case where a survivor already near pinhead (like within TR) picks up the box and tries to run it elsewhere where Pinhead would be able to engage in a chase with very quickly.

    As for Franklin's, it's alright. It's not a great perk and there's not a huge advantage in knocking the box out of a survivor's hand and picking it up manually compared to downing the survivor and getting the box automatically.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    I can see how he can be powerful against beginners, especially the chain hunt, kinda like Wraith or old Freddy.

    And devs hates noob-stompers killers.

  • madradfox
    madradfox Member Posts: 190

    After 3k solo survivors, Pinhead is the first killer that makes solo play an absolute nightmare. It is not his power alone that causes it but the complete lack of communication that currently exists between solo survivors.

    You can have 3 survivors near a box, and there is no way to guess or even indicate to each other who should get the box, who could also help cover/divert killer's attention etc. You typically either get more than one person gunning for the box as if it was a fumble, or more often nobody that is actually free to do so actually goes for it, and the chain hunt begins while you are 80% done with your gen, and you still find yourself forced to make a blind run for it.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,076

    He didn't need a single nerf, except for the thing where the chains would hit the survivor trying to do the box. Literally, you need Engineer's Fang and Hoarder for him to be viable, and now they made Engineer's Fang worse. If he is overperforming, as usual it's because of bad survivors. You can just break the chains instantly on an obstacle, or hold the box hostage.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    To counter Cenobite survivors need coordination and game sense to deal with the box.

    Babies and average players do not have enough skill to be effective against ceno.

    It's not an usual killer, there is a tool on the map that needs to be dealt with.

  • LordSturm
    LordSturm Member Posts: 493

    He doesn't down people "with little effort" unless those survivors are really bad, if you're solving his box he's just an M1 killer like trapper without traps.

    "If he's fighting really bad survivors, he's really strong!"

    This is true for literally every killer.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Every killer "over performs" in the first month of their release. Survivors don't understand their power and don't do the very obvious, easy thing needed to completely stop it. Then, the stats come back and the killer gets a nerf (or, in some cases, several nerfs) and by the time most survivors understand the killer, they've been gutted so hard they're not fun to play anymore.

    And repeat.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    People won't do the box, won't learn to do the box, and then chain hunt starts. Even then, on a large map they still have a good chance of shutting it down just by dint of getting to the box way before Pinhead can. Sure, he can teleport, but it takes minimal effort to then have an LOS blocker in the way, and it's just another chase.

    So instead, make as many of the add-ons as useless as possible! Now there's no way to buy enough time to interrupt the solving; "at least have to look for the box rather than immediately see it" has a range nerf; and the engineer's fang nerf means his chance of getting a follow-up hit to take advantage of the injury is even worse.

    It doesn't help that the turn rate/chain distance add-ons are almost actively harmful, since the aim is super twitchy at the beginning even before it's increased, and the longer the chain is before it stops = longer you're stuck in an anim if you didn't aim at an object/the floor.

    It seems people want a killer nerfed into having a hard-to-aim anti-loop power that doesn't even work on any moderately sized loop and easily loses you chases if missed, because learning "do the box" after more than one or two games is too much thought.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    Oh you mean one of the only good add ons he has? Because the box one isnt that great

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    Another bad choice by BHVR, seemingly not even going off of in game experience. "Over performing" whata joke

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,323

    I would think newer players can't comprehend anything other then hold m1 on gens so they get snowballed easy. Also a few smart/skilled pinheads can infinitely chain the chain hunts by predicting where the cube will spawn.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    He’s annoying AF to play against in solo q. Either everyone is trying to get the cube and nobody does gens, or nobody gets the cube and it’s endless chain hunt for the whole match. But against coordinated SWF he’s an M1 killer with a pretty crappy ranged attack. Kind of sucks that his viability depends so heavily on whether survivors are using comms on not