easiest way to decentivate hacking for good.

what this game needs is BHVR adding a system to record matches from all perspectives, SO EVERYONE without needing exra software AND at the same time being able to see what the others did during the match will give us the exact info we need to know if others were cheating, of course sutile hacking is getting real but with this even sutile hacking will get noticed by experienced players... this for example exists in Rocket Leage, this is exactly what we need and should get. easily we will be able to notice hackers and make them lose their hacked accounts regularly and potentially they will stop doing it (At least lots of them would, i dont think is profitable losing 50dls every week + the account game)
this shouldnt be expensive and shouldnt require much work, if BHVR is not adding this is just lazyness, OH well sorry its bhvr, they are lazy always been, but the shop its always working tho, in fact this lazy thing of them having to watch many videos could be the reason why they dont do it (the worst part is that are we the ones doing all the work as always and always will but still they cant do the bare minimum) we get what we deserve.
Agree, I have been a lot of times in situations when the whole team has searched Hex or Hatch and no one found it, just curious where it was. And of course I also want to see the killer's perspective inside the recording, I think it's not so hard to do it in the game.
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I mean, there should be this and a better anti-cheat/report system overall. Even something where the system knows more about what goes on in the game overall (with or without a replay system) mixed with an in-game report system that actually does something would be amazing for the game. (And of course, fixing the awful DDOS issue.)
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It took them 2 years to implement the Escape Based Matchmaking. With this kind of proficiency in software development it will take them a century to do something like what you are suggesting.
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replay system would be cool. But you know what else would be cool ? A functioning anti-cheat system smiley face :)
oh didn't i mention that people exploited against me as survivors and i used shadow play to record last 30seconds, upload it , added to a ticket. And they told me that i didn't provide enough evidence ? and the person was black on white exploiting and bming and they said "not enough evidence" XD . when you submit a ticket they ask for a steam_user_id OR just a cloud id that u can only get from "steam" (lets pretend that there isn't crossplay ) or a cloud id that you can only get if the person is in ur friend list. i think taming your expectations for what this dying company can do should also be taken in to account. replay system maybe in dbd 2.
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This is fairly standard for anti cheat systems in the gaming industry.
They usually don't do full recordings but just data point recording such as XYZ positions to see if a player is in an impossible area. Such as staying 50+ meters off of the ground. Or are moving too fast such as having a permanent 2-5% bonus speed without the proper status to make that possible.
Or are doing an impossible action such as rapidly changing heal/hook states at an impossible rate and whom is doing the impossible healing. Aka if someone has a 1000% healing speed they'd be the one caught not the person being healed. Also if they are doing impossible actions such as healing from a long distance.
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Rainbow Six Siege's replay system makes it so easy to spot hackers and cheaters.
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Someone needed a kindergarten education to come up with it too. Streamers are the only people playing this now and that's because it pays their bills or they wouldn't even touch this game.
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No System like that is perfect, but it can help with a lot for sure. Even just for training or to make cool youtube videos it would be cool to have something like that. When league had a third party tool (or the implemented) it was always nice to analyze or just rewatch funny situations from another perspective.
Even if it is as ######### as the league on i would be fine. Great idea, will not be made. It doesn't make them enough money.
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"this shouldnt be expensive and shouldnt require much work, if BHVR is not adding this is just lazyness"
Oh, so you are a DBD developer, how else could you know that it wouldn't require much work?
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I think it's a good idea to have a system like that in place but to say it's not expensive or shouldn't require much work is wrong. I know it's not even on their roadmap, and to develop a replay system can take years-- especially with their small programming team. If they were going to implement it, they should have announced it years ago.. and really, I don't think DBD has many solid years left in it. 2-3 maybe? So I don't see why they'd want to dedicate the manpower to see that endeavor through when they can pick smaller projects that more players can enjoy, like a better bloodweb or way of earning bloodpoints, a decent ranking and leaderboard system, a practice or better KYF mode with map seeds, etc.
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Only 2 to 3? For a game that just peaked recently and doesn't have Jason in it yet? I am spamming x for doubt.
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i see that most people agree with the idea of having one ( as if were any reason to not have it unless you dont want to get spoted haking) how expensive can be adding a rec button for the match? so hard and expensive that is?. (as if they werent milking us enough already with the shop + rifts + massive amount of dlcs)
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The problem is that it needs to be implemented in a smart way. you can't just record raw movement data (or input data overall) you also need to verify the data with the server.
If you don't have a very defined replay system, it will cause people to be accused of hacking. And even if the system would be "perfect" it still would take many months to fix the problems. and they have way bigger problems at the moment
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Hackers need to be put up against bots, without them ever knowing it. Otherwise when you ban them, they'll be back with a new account in a day or two.
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just put them in a lobby with other hackers. I think Battlefield did that(?) and some other game that was known for this.
It's always funny :)
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You mean like replays on the killer end of things to make reporting easier? That's a good idea.
I'm not sure if it being on BHVR's end of things would be viable though. You'd be talking reviewing thousands of hours of footage on a daily basis.
So long as I get to spectate, I'm down for this.
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You can spam x all you like but I don't see many multiplayer game this popular staying this popular more than a couple more years. The runaway exceptions for lastability being WoW and PoE, and that's because there's a lot more depth to them. The next few years will probably be solid years for DBD but then, like most other multiplayer games, popularity will wane and players will move on to something else. I'll follow the odds of gaming history.
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so people think as i do, it would be helpfull, a lot. but sadly BHVR is in charge of the game, idk if we will get an actual good and helpfull feature.
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Just killswitch it.
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This would be a great idea, but knowing BHVR it's not gonna happen. Or at least it wouldn't happen for another 8 years or so. I've been noticing a lot more subtle speed hacks lately from people who will stun me with pallets and gain impossibly far distance without having that perk that gives you a speed boost when you stun a killer with a pallet (can't remember the name at the moment).
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Smash Hit