Iron will, fix it or change perk description.

after years of this perk implementation they have yet to fix the fact survivors dont breath while injured or have reffused to add it to the perk description, until it is, its just a 5 years old bug they cant or wont fix.


  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    Its time they change it, out datted and it aint healthy for the game

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    Iron Will+Overcome = another busted Survivor combination. Just break the line of sight with this combination and run to that CoH Boon. Free reset!

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    IW needs changes, especially after Spirits nerf.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I think if they just tune down that 100% sound reduction a bit to maybe 90-95% it would be ok. It would still be really hard to hear, but possible, and it also would allow Stridor to amplify the noises like it should be able to. (Currently because sound modifiers are multiplicative Iron Will at 100% completely negates Stridor.) At 90-95%.

    I don’t think Iron Will is fundamentally broken, it just needs a numerical tweak.

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758

    I hope no grunt sounds while running and while not running into 2 perks.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I didn’t say “remove its core function”, I said tweak it from 100% to 90-95%. Note that this is still significantly better than the 50% in rank 1 of the perk and 75% of rank 2 of the perk so it’s hardly removing the core function of making the survivor significantly quieter.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    It shouldn't work while the survivor is running.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    IW is fine. i guess someone rolled reamed in a game.

    what they should do is cut shadowsteps range in half

  • TMNoThumbs
    TMNoThumbs Member Posts: 120

    Baby survivor troll to killer main? Unheard of. Iron will needs a nerf, its busted on its own. Thats without considering its interaction with shadow step.

  • Onykron
    Onykron Member Posts: 62

    Honestly the only change i would like to see for iron will is to not make the wounded sound but still do the defaut running/breathing sound as if you were healthy, it will still grant you protaction from tracking as basically wont give out your position but no being super strong in chase wich is the main reason why people run it due to LoS plays wich are still possible with regular healthy survivor sounds.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976
  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I mean, Stridor boosting Iron Will is pretty broken due to the fact of Spirit existing. Even with her nerf, sound is her ally.

    Besides, if you can hear 5% or 10% grunts of pain, you can hear footsteps and environmental rustling too. Making the 5-10% really ######### useless.

    Iron Will is fine as it is, there are plenty of sounds to capture survivors up close. Heck, if a survivor crouches with 10% iron will, its basically 0% anyway, making that tweak only useful if survivors are standing still in a corner of a loop, rather than crouching(which is less visible), you'd change nothing.

    If anything, killers who really struggle with the existance of Iron Will should have an addon that gives them a 50% increase in sound, like Nurse and Freddy, rather than changing the perks so they would have to be careful not to create anything like Spirit ever again.

  • Onykron
    Onykron Member Posts: 62

    there are some addons wich will increase the sound on wounded targets, but the last IW change made it so its no longer possible, i used to run the huntress addon wich pretty much gave you stridor on targets hit with hatchets but then the dev said that the 50% of 0% is still 0%.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Its not a bug, its a feature.

    As for other features you might not be aware off:

    If you drop a survivor for 1.5 minutes, their wiggle bar regresses to 0.

    If you slug a survivor in the endgame and wait for them to bleed out, you gain MMR as a killer(even though it is literally easier than finding hatch, which is a tie).

    If you have 100% wiggle as a survivor, but the killer can press "hook survivor", the killer still gets priority, even tho it takes 5 million years to get 100% wiggle progress.

    If you drop off the side of Thompson House stairs as a survivor, it counts as stagger even though it's knee length, while if you drop off the side of the lowest point of a cliff, it wont count as stagger, even though it's almost full body size difference.

    If you have perks with the same effects in a different order, they might be applied slightly differently than you'd expect(as an example, before it got fixed, having Soul Guard before or after Unbreakable made a massive difference. If you had Unbreakable in slot 3 and Soul Guard in slot 4, you would use your Unbreakable even if there is a hex. If you had Soul Guard in slot 2 and Unbreakable in slot 3, Unbreakable wouldnt be used untill there was no longer a hex active)

    All of these are not bugs and intended features(except maybe the bleedout one, yes, even the soul guard one was an intended feature at the time due to perks in the early days working that way, they changed it for the sake of fairness).

  • Onykron
    Onykron Member Posts: 62

    Stridor was not nerfed , IW was changed to trump all stridor like effect, i used to run the huntress addon wich increase 50% sound on targets hit with hatchets , so addon wont help vs IW. People always bring sprit into the conversation when IW is mentioned but remember that spirit now has directional phase, so its no longer a strong on loops , and be honest, stridor was run on spirit because of the popularity of IW, you could even say stridor was a disadvantage vs survivors with no IW since the increased volume can me missleading.

  • Onykron
    Onykron Member Posts: 62

    so you bring up a perk interaction wich by you account was already fixed because...? are you trying to make a point here? because all i see is a very textbook case of whataboutism, no one is talking about this other topics you brought lol.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Stridor was nerfed. It went from an additive effect to a multiplicative effect. Meaning unless you had more than 100% sound(at which point, do you really need Stridor to hear survivors?), it's gonna be worse. So unless you play Nurse with Metal Spoon or Freddy with Jump Rope, Stridor was gonna be nerfed either way. Iron Will 2+Stridor before? 100%, After Stridor changes? 75%. Stridor has objectively been nerfed.

    And as for Stridor being ran on Spirit due to IW, Spirit didnt need Stridor to counterplay Iron Will. She has Scratchmarks, 175% movementspeed, footsteps, environmental sounds and movements. She literally had all the tools to counterplay people with Iron Will. Iron Will wasnt the problem, Stridor was(well, actually Spirit was, but a lot of people claimed Spirit was completely fine as she was, it's actually Spirit mains who got Stridor nerfed rather than Spirit being deafened during phase).

    Calling Iron Will the disease when it has literally been a balanced perk since it's beginning, and calling Stridor the cure, while that perk was balanced untill the existance of a killer like Spirit is dishonest at best. You, as a killer, do not need grunts of pain to find survivors. Survivors can get away with more if they have IW equipped, sure, but you can say that about every single perk in existance. Even Monstrous Shrine helps killers getting away with more than if they didnt have the perk equipped.

    Especially with Stridor increasing breathing too(making it easier to find people who arent injured or who are on the floor, so now there is a balance where you can get more free hits when survivors are uninjured and less free hits when they are injured, which is actually quite fair). There now is a power dynamic between Stridor and Iron Will, prior to the change, Stridor trumped Iron Will.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    That's not necessarily true about "you can hear footsteps and rustling". You only hear those things if they're in the right kind of environment and if they're running. You can't hear footsteps when they're crouching or walking slowly but you can hear injured noises normally. With Iron Will though you can't hear crouching survivors at all.

    And no, "10% isn't basically 0%". There's a big difference between literally 0% and small.

    Finally Spirit isn't the only killer who benefits from Stridor, so why are you so worried about trying to balance Spirit? Balance Iron Will and Stridor for the wider spectrum of killers, then on the off-chance Spirit+Stridor is overpowered tune Spirit so it doesn't affect the other killers using that perk. In reality, though, giving Spirit + Stridor the ability to slightly hear an Iron Will 3 survivor is in no way anything like the old Spirit. (For one thing, survivors can now hear exactly where Spirit is when she's phased. That's a huge difference!)

  • ClumsyTrapper
    ClumsyTrapper Member Posts: 544

    Kills: iron will is used and abused by good survivors to make amazing plays that are impossible for killers to deal with

    My hold w while in chase self: I just equip it on my loud asf characters so I can hear myself think

    Looking at you Adam

  • Onykron
    Onykron Member Posts: 62

    I guess it boils down to wether or not IW is considered a stealth perk, a chase perk ,or both, what i personally think is that is should not be both, IW is good in chase because it forces the killer to not try and mind game around LoS, you just risk too much trying to do so, you either lose distance, the survivor repositions or leaves while you try to do something fancy, and we all know the game turns into pallet breaking simulator when you just run straight after scratchmarks without trying some kind of mind game. If spirit is such an outliner, y suggestion of keeping regular breathing sound is fair for both sides, if stridor is a problem, that can be changed or reworked too, the perk was useful to exactly one killer wich is being adressed.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    It is true tho. You can hear footsteps even if survivors are crouching. It's never silent(as you said, there is a big difference between literally 0% and small, iron will at 10% would be as loud as people's footsteps while crouching). If you have problem hearing sounds, here is the solution: up the game volume to 100% and lower the PC sound settings.

    And I didnt say Stridor is the only killer who benefits from Stridor, nor did I say other killers do not benefit from sounds. I said that sound is her ally.

    And changing spirit to fit Stridor would basically mean to make Stridor visible while she is phasing.

    Also, as for survivors hearing where Spirit is, its not exact. Spirit still has exact sound. Besides, you're pretty much arguing exactly why Spirit needed a nerf, because she had 0 information given. Except that analogy would work if survivors actually had 0 information given. Survivors dont have anything in their kit to remove all information, as they have only 4 perk slots(the best they can do is Iron Will, Quick and Quiet, Lucky Break and Technician. There will always be information to gain from survivors even if they dont have grunts of pain: crows(whether they fly away or return, a returning crow means a survivor was nearby recently), footsteps, rustling, blood(better tracker for injured survivors than grunts of pain, I even find survivors more often through blood, grunts of pain make it only slightly easier to pinpoint), generator sounds, vaulting sounds have been added(which used to be completely silent, fyi, as a killer, you can now easily catch a survivor slow vaulting a window to avoid you), locker sounds. A survivor would need to stand still to not leave any traces, at which point, their idle crow timer starts.

    In short, plenty of sources of information to counterplay iron will as vanilla mechanics, no perks needed. Yet, there is no vanilla mechanics to counterplay Stridor, the only arguable vanilla mechanic is hiding in lockers and crouching, and even then you can hear survivors breathing. You literally need Iron Will to counter Stridor, you dont need Stridor to counter Iron Will.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    "iron will at 10% would be as loud as people's footsteps while crouching" is misleading - running would like crouching, crouching would be 90% softer.

    And I'm not having problems hearing sounds or looking for advice on it, I play with good headphones. No problems on that front.

    Also none of what you said regarding Spirit means having Iron Will at 90% versus 100% would make her overpowered in the slightest, which seems to be the whole basis for why you think putting Iron Will at 90% is a bad idea. You're trying to argue on the one hand that 90% Iron Will versus 100% will make Spirit overpowered, but at the same time arguing in the previous post that 10% sound is "useless", and also arguing that there are other sounds you can hear which are just as loud, even if you're playing Spirit. So which is it, a negligible sound difference or game breaking? It can't be both.

    And I have no idea what you mean when you say "Changing Spirit to fit Stridor would basically mean to make Stridor visible while she's phasing". That sentence makes no sense at all, what are you "making visible" exactly and why is that a thing you need to do to balance out Spirit if she hears grunts at 10% volume from survivors using Iron Will 3?

    And by the way, are you saying Iron Will is useless then at Rank 1 and Rank 2 and only useful at Rank 3 when it completely eliminates the sounds? Because I'm pretty sure there are probably people who use it at the lower ranks because they haven't unlocked rank 3 yet and get some benefit out of it.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    Don't forget about Lucky Break! No tracking, let's go!

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    The fact that Iron Will just removes the breathing when injured has always bugged me. Just make grunts of pain and breathing different sound files or whatever and you're good to go.