Killer is insufferable

As a killer main, I have never wanted to give up on this game until now. I wont, but I really want to.

Killer is not fun anymore, survivors have their wins almost given to them on a silver platter. Currently every game I play now is so dull and boring, it's pre drop after pre drop after pre drop with no mind games, no looping, nothing. Just pre drop and hold w. And considering the killer I main is Billy, who already isn't the strongest, this hurts him even more.

At this point for a killer to win, ie get a 3 or 4k, you have to play in scummy ways, by either tunneling someone out of the game, camping, or slugging everyone. Which isn't fun. The worst part is even the scummy strategies aren't even that viable anymore with the release of boons and new perks. You know how hard it is to slug when COH is up? COH almost eliminates all snowball potential by itself. Holding W is already the strongest thing you can do, so now the devs are making it worse by releasing overcome, which gives you 40s of pure free distance. If you commit to that chase, unless you're Nurse or Blight, you will lose the game then and there.

Not to mention the terrible map design, big maps are bad maps, and the devs seem to want to releases big map after big map, the new map is huge, which isn't what the game needs.

Accompany this with the meta of dead hard, bt, ds, coh, the killer has so little to utilize in their favor.

I've only actively gotten mad at this game today, I have never gotten this angry in my 4 years of playing this game.

This game needs some changes, fast, we need

  • Better map design
  • A boon change (For example, make it where if you snuff a boon you destroy the totem, limiting the use of a boon to 5 times and making players try to utilize them less frequently but more impactfully)
  • A overhaul to the overcome perk entirely
  • Making holding W not as strong and/or give us killers who aren't effected as strongly by it


  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    Yeah, don't expect anything to change. The devs seem keen on going in the exact opposite direction of what people want. Look at how they've released non-stop strong in the 1v1 killers that invalidate looping despite survivors hating that. They just don't listen.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I sympathize, especially with map design. I don't get how people can say 'there are no infinites left lul' when you have stuff like the basement house on Haddonfield, which is so close to an infinite that it may as well be. RPD and Badham are also awful.

    This does at times feel like a game designed to make you rage, especially as a killer, especially especially with how BM some survivors are.

    What I like to do in these cases is either play a few games as survivor (it' much more relaxing) or find a killer that I'm quite good at, throw on some addons and go break some heads.

    It doesn't help that some evenings SBMM feels entirely broken, with me getting constant insta-queues into nutty 3000 hour premades.

    Boons...yeah. Otz just had a stream where his streak with Cenobite was lost mostly because of boons. The healing stacks too well with medkits and other perks, and it's almost pointless to get rid of them if you are already behind.

    That said...

    It's tricky, considering BHVR have gone on record to say that they want to eliminate 'facecamping' completely, and as it stands camping (or even being led on chases around hooks by canny survivors) destroys your BP gain.

    It also gets tedious having to slug and camp people out game after game, and probably isn't much fun on the receiving end either. It's just sometimes that, or get looped for 5 minutes by a survivor abusing a pseudo-infinite on a map offering.

  • Jplanas98
    Jplanas98 Member Posts: 532

    A win now is basically determined on whether or not you get positive RP. For survivors to get positive RP they have to escape, which means that's a win. For killers to get positive RP they have to get a 3k or 4k, which means that's a win. A 2k is a tie, and anything is negative RP, meaning it's a loss. Whether we agree that it's a good way to determine a win doesn't matter because that's exactly how it works.

  • fixdeadhard
    fixdeadhard Member Posts: 134

    thats what happens when so much killers have strong anti loop powers, its safer to just hold w since vaulting a pallet or window is just giving a free hit to the killer

    survivors are forced more and more into this playstyle,

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    If a 2k or 1k is a win, why is it virtually impossible to up your grade at Iridescent with 1 or 2k? 1k will likely depip you. 2k will safety. It's very strange the devs consider 1k's a win but the game punishes you for it.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    And killers are forced to play certain ways because of that same playstyle, and no I'm not blaming survivors for playing like that, I blame bhvr for making really oppressive killers that the best way to play against them is holding w.

    But I also disagree, even if the killer isn't an oppressive killer people still play like that, in my experience it doesn't matter who, I only see predroppers and hold W players.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    Yep I play both killer and survivor,killer now is frustrating to the point I don’t play killer much any more and survivor is becoming boring as the game is tilted towards us,there are very few decent killers out there playing anymore,I put the blame firmly in the court of the BHVR,they care more about players buying new skins for the dress up dolls than fixing the balancing and playability of this game they have to fix it very soon as people will get bored and simply stop playing,I have posted similar thoughts on other threads and have had the well stop playing,,that is narrow minded and moronic,simply put I did really enjoy playing this game in the past when it was fairly balanced and challenging, but it is broken

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Assuming all the MMR is equal, a 2k is a tie, kinda.

    As we have seen, the first kill gives the killer the most mmr, the final kill the least. Meaning that even with a 2k, you would gain mmr, albeit a tiny amount.

    But if you have 1 god tier survivor and 3 potatoes, you could kill that god tier survivor and gain mmr even if the 3 potatoes escape.

    So no, a 3k or a 4k isnt a win, and while a 2k is as close to a tie as you can get, in reality, it's not.

    Not even counting the fact that 3 survivors escaping isnt considered a win if you died. If a 1k is truly a loss, a dead survivor would gain mmr. If a 3k is truly a win, the 4th survivor wouldnt gain mmr by escaping through the gate.

    So yeah, made up rules.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I mean, you could lose a pip as a survivor, even though you escaped. You could gain a double pip as a survivor, even if you died.

    So your argument doesnt really hold up there.

  • nfochairman
    nfochairman Member Posts: 50

    The game is so much easier for survivors. It's like chess & checkers. And adding these boon totems have given the killer one more thing to worry about and endless med kits for survivors

  • my_name_jeff_69
    my_name_jeff_69 Member Posts: 95

    So the holding W meta and pre dropping isn't a problem? Boon totems aren't a problem? Map design is not a problem?

    These problems aren't subjective dude.

  • dallasmedicbag
    dallasmedicbag Member Posts: 571
  • IWFreak
    IWFreak Member Posts: 252

    To comment on your points given:

    Better map design is very broad... Let alone subjective...

    What is in your eyes better map design? In my eyes it is: weaker individual loops, smaller maps, less deadzones.

    With weaker individual loops I mean something like the TL Wall. Or the Z walls on some maps! place those individual walls around the map. Split the 2 walls from jungle gyms apart and place them individually around the map. My idea here is constant mind-gaming between the killer and survivor, with little to no downtime because of ultra-safe pallets like those on The Game.

    Imagine the unsafe pallet loops on Ormond or MacMillan, but killer can't break those pallets. This way there won't be deadzones, keeping gameplay.

    On totems, I'm right there with you. Either Boons don't remove curses, but just override them, OR as you said, breaking a boon breaks the totem, which would allow the new HEX coming with The Artist to be used against Boon users...

    Overcome I think is fine, since it is an exhaustion perk. This means no Dead Hard.

    As for Shift W, I think making the maps smaller as in my first point would fix the problem with Shift W gamers...

    The problem now is that using Shift W wastes time of the killer, away from other survivors. Making maps smaller, like Saloon small, would provide the killer more opportunity for breaking chase to find other survivors, while also giving survivors more incentive to actually stay at a loop, since that will be the best option then.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Wait, where did you hear that the first kill gives the most MMR?