Do most people know what they're talking about when it comes to Blight?

I see this more and more, people saying a Blight is exploiting when they have no idea what they're doing is just game mechanics?
For example, people who say the hug tech is an exploit, I see it a lot surprisingly, this is just abusing collision in the game, it's not an exploit. This is like saying a Billy who can curve and not bump into a wall is exploiting for okaying around the collision of an object.
S flicks, Z flicks, moon rushes, and all these, are no exploits.
The only real exploit a Blight can do currently, is a lag flick.
If Console players can't do it, it's not an intended feature thus making it an exploit.
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A console players can literally do every single one of the things mentioned, since it's apart of the base game and its mechanics.
It's just unreasonably hard since you're playing Blight with a controller.
Explain to me how any of the things I mentioned other than the lag flick is an exploit.
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Can't take this post serious.
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You obviously have never played console if you think we can flick. Our DPI isn't high enough to swing around we do an Arc not a U-turn. We can't do these fancy smancy moves y'all do. You have to raise your DPI to do these things and since you would have to use third party software on your mouse to do that. IT IS AN EXPLOIT. Am I saying it should be fixed? No, doesn't change what it is.
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You can flick on console, base game mechanics allow you to do so, and you can hug tech, like I said however, it's unreasonably hard since you're on controller, its next to impossible but since you can do it by the base game mechanics, it's not an exploits. I also haven't changed my dpi to do a z flick or a s flick lol, higher dpi helps, but it's not needed to preform these.
Is moon walking as survivor a exploit since console survivors can't do it?
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Disagree, I don't use a third party program to raise my DPI, in fact I used to only play in a very high dpi which is different but I have played blight on a controller, you can do most things on it and I have played against cracked console blights, how do I know? Because once I did searched their name through playstation and they had an account there with dbd.
But I guess for this community having high dpi = exploit, that is not an exploit, exploit is how breakdown took hooks from the killer or the old vigil exploit that got people banned also the wake up exploit and stuff.
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Survivors can moonwalk on controller, they can also do the ayrun moonwalk, seen it a couple of times.
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really? well ill be damned
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“what they're doing is just game mechanic” kind of you would teach me to use this 180 lag flick tech on console?
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Blight goes fast
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Must be an exploit if their aim assist can't help them in their flicks :^).
No but seriously I played Apex legends and Overwatch competitively(not pro just took it way too seriously) on console and they're usually foreign on stuff you can learn with a lot of practice. They just blame their platform's limitation. There's even moonwalk tutorials on controllers lmao.
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can you read or no?
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You cant do any of the flicks on console, but hug tech for sure is not an exploit
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a s flick can be done with base dpi, same with a z flick, these can be done on console, it's just unreasonably hard to do so.
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You can do hug tech on console lol. Since last blight update, his collision was updated, Jflick patched and only actual exploit is that lagswitch flick or whatever it is where you use 3rd party program to drop your FPS during rush to make you lag and get a hit.
Its the same principle as stretched res so I dont think they can do anything about that one
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Maybe next time, read the post before commenting? The OP literally agreed in their post that the lag flick is an exploit. Why did you try and act like what you've said is some kind of rebuttal?
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They're using game mechanics.
Game mechanics
Which is exploiting is
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If they were unintended why have they been left in the game for as long as they have been, when they've been know about for months.
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Because McLean gone and they don't know how to fix him. Let's be real this is BHVR
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Uhm... so because I have an adventage with different hardware, its an exploit?
Walking mid-speed isn't possible on pc (moving left stick only 50%) so its am exploit. Damn you exploiter.
Being limited in cross-play was always a thing. Racing games are always better in controller (vs keyboard, not other peripherals) as you can control the speed better.
Ego shooter (multiplayer) are better on mouse
Blight is easier to master with insane tactics on mouse and keyboard.
Idk how old you are, but playing certain games with certain peripherals always gave an advantage, one way or another
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Mclean actively thinks the Blight hug techs and flicks is fine LOL
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But the last blight update was done when McLean was still there and they knew about every tech, maybe except that lagflick tech which is fairly new and shouldnt even exist. But how would you fix that when its done by 3rd party software?
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They knew? doubt it
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Mclean knew, he was actively up to date on everything regarding blight.
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I don't think that is an exploit, that is just how collison works for him and yeah higher DPI makes it easier to reach maximum limit easier, no #########.
PC has advantages over console, nothing new. That doesn't make it an exploit.
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They are (apart from lag flicks ofc)
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The console argument ain’t even valid here too ! Console can do the exact same ######### as pc and hit crazy curves, just not as quickly as pc, but that ain’t a problem. The only thing that’s a blatant exploit here is the lag flick, which aren’t even op at all since you’re most likely just throwing for style points, unlike securing a maximum of hits with regular blight. A hug tech is way stronger than a lag flick. And believe me when i say this: an exploiting blight is 10 times more fun and counterable than a regular one, and while I may seem mega biased since I’m a pc blight main, I can confirm I never used lag flicks and consider them cheating since it requires a 3rd party software lmao. I just know these types of blight are more fun to face and can be countered, unlike a regular one.
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And attempted to fix his flicks.
And then just left
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"abusing collision in the game, not an exploit"
Abusing collision is the pure definition of exploiting 😂
"In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, speed or level design etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers"
So with Blight and Billy, high level players clearly abuse wall hitboxes to get speed and slide through most tiles. It's an exploit and don't tell me it was intended by the devs, don't forget that they buffed the nurse and will nerf Pinhead...
Exactly as 360 are exploits, it was clearly not intended and triggers the aim assist as during left/right fast movements but more as it is a complete turn.
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So huntress is exploiting too by using truck resized hit boxes ? Or survivors do while revealing ghost face behind walls by abusing the reveal mechanic ? Tell me if oni’s abusing the game when sliding off objects or tiles ?
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He did fix the jflicks, which is what the community asked for
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Omg my bad, apologies
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I've made similar mistakes in the past so don't worry! Just be more careful next time. Have a nice day.
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He means abusing how the collision works, not abusing the mechanic.
The hitboxes are intended how they are. Ok, sometimes they are a little... but yes.
You can also abuse the animations for example when you hit while you fall as killer, you can recover faster.
As a Survivor you can abuse CJ-tag. a
What abuse means in this context is abusing game-mechanics, not exploits.
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No as it is designed like this and it's mainly due to ping, hatchet is never where you see it.
Revealing ghost face behind walls is broken yes and it's exploited with stretched screen. And same for Oni of course. Every techs are exploits.
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and made flicks basically easier to do in this attempt
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"this is just abusing collision in the game, it's not an exploit."
'Officer, I didnt kill that man, I just pulled the trigger and the bullet went straight for that man's head.'
An exploit is abusing a mechanic in a way that isnt intended. Avoiding collision by curving isnt abusing collision.
Doesnt matter if they knew, it would take quite a bit of time to address hugging the wall. It's similar to fixing some issues that Trapper had. Like traps snapping onto survivors after the reset mechanic was introduced, where trapper still had to pick up his traps to place them back.
Just because the devs know, doesnt mean they can solve it in a short time, especially not when they effectively have to change the collision system. The current solution would be to disable Blight untill its fixed. Blight also is still colliding with the hatch, which has been known since his introduction on the PTB, so why havent they fixed that yet?
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So in the end using any tech, whether it’s a window tech, a blight hug, a heal tech or anything like that is just exploiting and abusing the game right ? And people learned to play around it right ? Well same should apply for blight hugs. If you know he’s hug tech’ing you can easily dodge it
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But the only thing people cared about was about the one frame exploit, and since blight could already do 150s in more than one frame he pretty much removed throwing from pc blight’s kit, I guess it was the right thing to do then, since the community only asked for jflicks to be removed
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Actually no, console players can most definitely do all the base flicks same as PC, it is just harder to do, but not impossible. We just can't do 180 flicks.
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Even then, you can do 150s, but I agree it should be way more responsive
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Oh yeah you are right, people act like us console players suck but we can nearly do everything the same, just takes a tad more practice and muscle memory.
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"Do most people know what they are talking about (when it comes to blight)?
No, no they don't.
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Yea, I already went against insane console blights and I was just happy to go against them
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Console does not get aim assist in this game, in fact the "aim dressing" screws them more than us on m&k.
But yeah people usually just blame the lack of practice on "this is impossible on console"
Yeah, but again they just blame their platform instead of practicing, I was playing with a meg like 2 weeks ago that moonwalked more than me and also was on PS.
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You don't say lol
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Yet they’ve been confirmed by devs as bugs that just haven’t been fixed. It doesn’t matter if you think it’s not an exploit.
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Issue with this argument is that while they're being used unintended, the devs have decided to balance around these mechanics which mean they think they're fine.
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If it was an exploit, explain to me why the devs balance around these exploits?
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There is crossplay in this game. PC players are playing against console which means all should be equal. You can't balance around PC only