I think you ppl are forgetting this...

What I'm about to say is something that a lot of people forget:
So I don't know why so much hate sometimes. I know that a lot of people don't do (thankfully) and I know that every online game will have this kind of people, but now I'm in this forum so I'll talk about this game.
Who Cares what perks you use?
Who Cares what killer you use?
Who cares what add-ons you use?
Who cares what offering you use?
You are playing for YOUR enjoyment.
Who cares If you are a Trickster with NOED , good add-ons and pink Mori?
Or if you are a Nea with DH, BT, DS and UB and BnPs and Haddonfield?
Hope you people understand me.
Does that apply to cheaters?
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(Maybe I'm wrong) But I think that they're enjoying the cheats and not the game (this just my humble opinion) So no
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Yes of course but if the game is not fun for many people (balance, bugs, unfun playstyles for someone, etc.) people will not want to play or will be angry/frustraited on the game.
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You aren't forced to play the game, If you don't have fun or someone doesn't have fun, You aren't forced to play It
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I generally don’t care what perks people bring Survivor or Killer. The only thing I really complain about is the bugs and overall game performance. Simply because it becomes hard to enjoy when you tack on the fact that it was a bad map (for that trial) or you were playing against optimal builds. It is then when I take issue with the game.
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It's not about it's just a game or not, it's all about no punishment behind it. If you ban all those toxic chat talker their behaviour will improve. Currently game allows acting like dick without any following responsibilities.
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Amen my friend.
People sweating more on this game then when working out IRL.
Get your cardio on, then play the game for fun.
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I agree that this is a game and should be enjoyed, but people are allowed to criticize it, and critized it should be. The game is breaking every other patch, unnecessary balance patches are getting pushed out, game breaking, overpowered stuff is getting added that isn't getting reworked until 1 year later. The devs are getting greedy and lazy aswell. Most people who aren't currently enjoying the game are the people who love it. They shouldn't stop playing something they love because of the bad stuff getting added almost every single patch
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I know that the game is breaking each patch and that you can criticise the game, but that isn't what I was saying, what I meant is that people shouldn't "tell themselves" things like:
>>I shouldn't use Trickster because ppl don't like facing him<<
What I'm trying to say is that you should think how do you want to have fun instead of playing how people want.
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Well then I agree, people should play however they want (unless they're cheating ofc lol)
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You Think this Is a game..?
offended, reported for Haxs, and being cute. Have a nice day you lil cute bish..
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It never did matter what anyone ran or what killer was played in game the problem comes with salty people who make excuses and want the game to cater to them instead of using different strategies, it must be boring to be those people that run the same build every game and complain about everything under the sun and refuse to adapt
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I hate it when people say this crap. Losing isn't fun, period. Losing when you never had a chance is even less fun. That BS cope 'hurr hurr it's just a game' doesn't change the fact that games should be fun and DbD isn't.
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Fun is subjective. 4king and 4 man outs is not the only definition of fun.
Plus, why tag me just to say you dislike what I said? I didn't quote you. And I was in agreement with OP.
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But the flip side to this is also true: if you're a ruin undying tinkerer spirit and I'm on Midwich, then I'm sure as hell not going to stay in that game. I play DBD to have fun, and I only have a couple hours between work and sleep to play. If I know the game isn't going to be fun, then first hook death hook babyyy.
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Imagine getting stunned right after a Nurse blink and the millisecond your power recharges it bugs out spamming an infinite amount of Nurse breathing while trying to activate her power. Yes this game can be very fun sometimes.