Why am I crying at this picture :( Bye Demo

I know he is just a digital monster but majority of Demo players were good bois. I will continue Demogorgon’s Legacy by playing him a lot more.
He is so ######### cute. He will be missed <3
So sad. 🥺
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omg you've genuinely brought me to tears with that one
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But it's just the map that's leaving o-o
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Whilst yes that's true, that it's only effectively the map that we won't see again - it's also sad because it means that new players won't be able to play as Demo - which is why to many of us, it feels as if Demo is going to.
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I know but he is already a rare killer to see. New players won’t be able to enjoy any of the Stranger Things content. It is a big deal since it is the first chapter being removed.
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I'm not crying you're crying
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I genuinely remember the day the DLC released. I was being driven home from my part time job really excited to use the ten quid I'd just earned to purchase it.
I even got Nancy to P350 all perks and play her semi frequently thanks to @Respectfulnancymain daring me to.
It honestly does feel like the end of an era. One of the best chapters in DBD history, and now it'll be gone forever (almost, as far as we know).
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Goodbye, Stranger Things.
It was a good journey.
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I will admit. I hate Stranger Things and I will always dislike how it came to dbd...
But, it made a huge impact on everyone and we'll all be sad to see it go. Even me.
I wish Netflix didn't pull the plug on this chapter
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Hugs to Demo 😔
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In remembrance of demo pupper. All killer mains who have the chapter are encouraged to play 1 round as demo pupper every time the game is turned on.
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It's a sad day for sure
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By who? I don't think so.
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Tbh, as someone who doesnt care about ST in the slightest....this is a bad day for dbd. ST chapter is the best chapter if you ask me. What a great value :(
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Honestly, the map wasn't all that good
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Whilst we each have our personal opinion on the map, it's still sad when something is removed. And some people did like the map.
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I'm not gonna lie, I agree there. I miss Freddy before all them hard nerfs every day. Billy way on only p3 and I haven't played him since he was sent to Atlantis.
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Why are people acting like these characters are leaving? Most people already own them by now, so you should see them no more / less.
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I'm feeling such a Surge of anger over this that I'm ready to start Hawkin' loogies at anyone responsible for this - they'll be crying for their Babysitter when I'm done with them. What are these Cruel Limits the player-base is being forced to endure!?
Sorry lost control for a moment because this situation is such a Mindbreaker.
But don't worry, I've caught my Second Wind now.
It's hard times like this that I should be showing some Camaraderie for those also saddened by the loss, instead of getting so Fixated on the negatives. After all, these emotions can be endured Better Together.
And who knows, maybe this content will come back to DBD one day.
Stranger Things have happened, right?
Just have to have some Inner Strength until then.
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Because new players will never experience playing as them, and as the game is growing that's going to be a large chunk of the player base in the future - older players stop playing at some point then it's the newer players that are left, so there'll be less and less times to see these characters.
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Sad noises
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F for hawkins
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All hope is not lost, for Nancy Wheeler shall live on through my bad monetary decisions
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Genuinely crying rn
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me too
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Weird. I can still view/purchase the Stranger Things stuff? Just me?
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Can you just see them in the store or are they purchasable?
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Both. And even if I exit the Store and come back through the menus they are accessible...
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Both, strangely.
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It is sad to see that new players won't be able to have access to him.
IMO that demo pupper in the pic represents all those new demos that could have played with us and now they can't.
Demogorgon mains, just know you have something special and how lucky you are.
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Nah, I haven't. Actually that would make more sense, I don't get why they didn't just do a hard reset when they updated though, especially if they are legally forced to remove it by a certain time.
Now I'm debating buying stuff while I still can...
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Bye Bye!
At least we can continue playing Demo :p
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I don't think the sale would actually go through, not 100% certain though tbh. My understanding of the situation is that they wouldn't be purchasable.
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It still won’t even be the same going against him. I miss Demo already.
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Sucks for them I guess. But I still own the chapter so I’m not really that bothered by it.
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OK are you putting that gif there every single post?
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Is that a request?
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I'll miss Hawkins. I already bought all the cosmetics when they were on sale for the ST characters and the ST Edition for PC in case I ever switch to there.
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Don't worry guys
Demo has transcended the rules of the game
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How does your perks look so cool?