How do I use head on?
I've been getting tired of running dead hard and sprint burst so i started playing around with head-on to mix things up but I haven't been able to use it constantly. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or what. When the killer gets close and i see head-on is charged I press the ability button and Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
Do you mean by ability button you are jumping out of the locker?
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Obligatory joke: apply directly to the forehead.
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If their not in range it won't work.
So if the killer walks by and you're a second to late and their out of range your
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The killer needs to be in range and then it should work, in theory. Like I_am_Negan says, if the timing is not accurate, it won't work. I'd suggest maybe getting into a kyf with a friend and getting the feel of how Head On works!
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Alright i think that what i was doing wrong. I didn't realize it based on killer distance. Thank for the help!
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When they in front of the locker, you stun them, and pray they don’t have Iron Maiden