Do you guys think tinkerer is op?
I personally think it needs nerfed for reasons already mentioned. I wish I had your games. I see tinkerer almost every game, not even joking. Lol
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On its own it isn't overpowered. It's about the same strength of a perk like Dark Devotion on its own, but with certain styles of play and builds it is consistently effective. Survivors want to say this consistency is in itself overpowered because they don't have a direct counter to it outside of actively maintaining awareness of their surroundings. Just because it is consistently effectively doesn't mean it should be nerfed. I get that it makes the 3 gen situation really hard to win, but that is hard to win no matter what. It's why one of the things we're supposed to learn as survivors is to not push all the gens to one side of the map.
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Hang on - didn't I just see you in your other thread talking about how you play killer at a god-tier level and the most fun you have in the game is playing against tourney-level SWFs on a 2-perk Trapper or something?
I'm legitimately confused. Something doesn't quite gel here.
Also - no. It's not oppressive.
Hell, it's not even part of the current meta.
The current meta is either Ruin+Pop (old meta, some people are still comfy with it though), unga-bunga chasedown builds, Starstruck+Agitation, NOED+NWO or weird stuff like Plaything+Retribution. At least from what I'm seeing on high level streams.
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ok again like ive said like 7 times here i probably worded the original post not so good but i was just asking specifically about tinkerer im not saying tinkerer is massively op unbeatable crazy to oppressive that equipping it literally insta moris all 4 survivors im just asking whether people would like to see a cooldown or something on it, it really isnt that deep
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yeah i think i worded the original post kinda bad i think ruin is the main problem but tink on top is just pretty yucky especially against solo
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Disagree. Already mentioned why it's too strong, so I'm not gonna repeat myself.
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Tinkerer is fine.
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You do realize one survivor meta perk is equal to the whole combination of 3 perks?
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yeah definitely not my guy
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I'd give it a small cooldown between procs on individual gens, say it can only proc on the same gen every 15 seconds? 20?
I'd hate to make it an underwhelming perk on its own but honestly I'd rather it didn't have such gross synergy so maybe 20.
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thats basically all im saying but damn people take stuff so serious on this forum damn
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Because you want to nerf a perk because it has good synergy more perks should be like that not less. If its not OP then why nerf?
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Tinkerer is a good perk but if you know to have a good map control, you don't need it, i mean it doesn't bring any bonus then.
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It's what survivors do now. They complain that anything remotely good on the killer side is OP and then want to get it nerfed so they have easier games. It's too much to ask that survivors pay attention to their surroundings when they realize tinkerer is in play.
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On killers like Blight it's super frustrating. But no not OP by any stretch of the imagination.
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I don't think it's OP at all. Can it be annoying? Yes. Does it catch me off guard at times? Yes. Are there times when it's useless for the killer due to their position and not being able to get to the gen on time? Absolutely. Half the time whenever a tinkerer goes off shortly after another gen or two are ready to pop as well so by the time the killer walks to one gen the others are done. Then someone will run in and just complete the gen that the killer ran to anyways making the perk not that powerful.
I can see people at lower skill level having issues with it at first but once you learn from it I think it's totally fine, especially once you know if a killer is using it. Once I know a killer has tinkerer I'm ready for it every time.
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Really though I play solo and once I know they have Tinkerer i pay attention and stay split up when there's one gen left and it hasn't been a problem for me really.
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I don't think your joking....Regardless I find you hard to believe.
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Honestly I see tinkerer as inferior to surveillance when paired with ruin+undying. Especially at high MMR as one of the first things skilled survivors do is check for ruin which immediately shows you which gens they started on for a miniature Lethal Pursuer. It also helps with the broken sound occlusion.
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I can't express this enough. Tinkerer is a perk that is completely on control of survivors, you literally decide what time it activates. Do a gen until 70%, walk for 10 seconds and wait until the killer searches the area and leaves. If he continues doing that he'll lose all other gens.
The problem is that survivors KNOW the killer has Tinkerer, but still glue to gens like bots, so then you deserve to get screwed over.
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What, do you have a little piece of tape on your monitor at the 70% marker? Because there's no express way to see 70% otherwise.
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It does need changes. Not joking.
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You can easily have an idea of what 70% is lmao.
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It's super easy to figure out where the 70% mark is and once you figure it out once you just know forever.
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Each generator has 4 pistons on it. Each one represents 25% of the generator progression. When the 4th piston starts moving that means you hit 75% progress.
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No. And don't strawman.
There are many aspects of killers that need buffs right now, and only a tiny amount that need adjusting. Tinkerer is fine.
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Tinkerer is one of the few perks that genuinely scares me when I play as Survivor and it's unexpected. It reminds me that this is a horror game.
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It's a very badly designed perk and at the same time grossly overpowered for how it works. It basically punishes survivors for doing the objective and rewards the killer massively for doing nothing at all. It's broken on killers like Blight. When only 2-3 survivors left, there is no way to do the objective. It needs changed.
Why is other perks like Eruption and Surge require effort on the killer has a cooldown and tinkerer doesn't?
Tinkerer needs a nerf.
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It was only a matter of time...
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ok i dont believe all that its not that bad its just a little bad with ruin and could maybe have a 15 sec cooldown
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I know, but that's 75%, not 70.
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Make it only activate once per gen
This way you relieve solo q a bit more but you barely change SWF
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With how ridiculously quick the gens can fly, you’re seriously still complaining about Tinkerer?
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its only a bit too powerful on blight and nurse, but other than that, nah not really
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I could of swore you had to go chase them off the gens yourself I didn't know tinker did that for you.
(Press e after the killer did his job)
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No leave it as it is. It's fine not only that but when two or three tinkerer are going off at once you are screwed. It needs buffed so when a gens at 50% the effects happen and each time the killer gets within a certain radius of the gen it becomes up to 5/6% harder for the gen to be completed. Because when I run tinkerer I get two going off at once and by time I get to one of the gens it's already completed anyway so it's actually rather crap
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No it shouldn't get nerfed
All it does is give the Killer information on which Gen is close to popping and Undetectable for 12 seconds... which averages out to be around 48m give or take
And that isn't the only perk that Synergizes well with Ruin/Undying... and that being Surveillance
But you don't hear about Surveillance all that much do you?
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I wouldnt say it punishes survivors per say, more helps the killer, but I do agree - it is way to strong, I think a simple cooldown would work because, like as you mentioned, Blight can push people off gens easily.
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It blows my minds how people still complain about Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer when the combo has already been nerfed and boons made Hex perks even more risky...
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And why don’t you hear about Surveillance? Because it’s different, time-limited, has no audio cue, and not as consistent information as Tinkerer. Neither does it provide free undetectable for survivors doing their job.
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Fair enough... And again that's only for 16 seconds (or 64m give or take)... and when a Gen gets up to 70%
And let's not get into what's free for either side... OK???
But Surveillance goes off when a Gen is regressing and when touched for 16 seconds (yea no sound cue)... And hearing a Gen being worked on from farther away does have it pluses