Should iron will be nerfed

Every time spirit is mentioned or meta perks Iron Will is always mentioned as a perk that needs to be nerfed. I ask why? Yes it’s strong as ######### against spirit but you can easily find them by looking at the floor to follow the marks and blood. Yes then there’s shadow step but that’s kinda situational to run into that. If I were to nerf Iron will here’s how it would be nerfed

Version 1

While injured grunts of pain are reduced by 100% for 100/110/120 seconds. When the timer runs out the perk is deactivated permanently. When healed back the timer resets back.

Version 2

While injured Iron Will suppress’s grunts of pain by

  • 50/75/100% while standing still
  • 25/50/75% while walking
  • 0/25/50% while running

Tell me what version of the nerf you prefer Version 1 or Version 2 even though this isn’t a poll give me your votes

