MMR trolling like crazy tho

yes im good at making titles :)
anyways going against bad killers and bad survivors EVERY SINGLE GAME, yes i win most of them but half the games are trolls and sweaty killers tryharding when 2 or 1 survivors disconnect at the start because they go down "to fast". Have had a few games against hook campers. now u mught think yea ez win for u they are doing gens...
NO my teammates are watching me behind a hayball or a wall and trading hook stages instead of doing gens... they drop god pallets like they are filler pallets... I am FAR from perfect i make some mistrakesdont get me wrong. but im outclassing the mmr im in rn and even tho i win 90% of my matches i never get to play against better killers / survivors. isnt the point with mmr to match you up against players with the same skill level.
and yes im typing this a little pissed off :) how could you tell
when we had rank 20 - 1 and the old matchmaking system it was fair matches they were hard and rough now its either slaughter or troll matches where they trade hooks unhook infront of killers without BT etc... no one is running team perks at all. but at the end of the day im soloQ so what should i expect.
OBS! dont comment about spelling errors i believe yall are competent enough to read with some minor spelling mistakes
Yeah, matchmaking in general is borked. I've been matched with far better survivors and flat-out noobs. It just doesn't work currently.
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I think the problem is the SBMM awards too many points for the escape on survivor side. So yeah, potatoes can escape b/c of hatch or just dumb luck after hiding all game and then they move up and screw the better players out of a what should be a good team. On the other side, if i'm on a solo Q team of crap players and die to a good killer, well it becomes a spiral.
And additionally the SBMM seems to match based on average scores sometimes. So you'll get one or two top players with 2-3 potatoes. And it's worse than the previous system b/c it is basically escape based match making not skill based.
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MMR can't really account for when players decide to play seriously or not. Maybe I sweat it out for 1-2 hours, I reach a given higher rank, but I'm mentally tapped out by then and decide to just focus on completing a challenge instead of kills/escapes. So yeah I'm up there in the ranks, but I'm taking a breather. That applies to playing as survivor or killer.
Now, maybe if DbD had a real ranked mode (with worthwhile incentives)...
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I wish mmr would factor average gen completion per map, would get some of us out of mmr that we don’t belong in.
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I'd love to know what is going on myself.
I haven't been winning or losing any more than normal, but all of my games this afternoon have been against crazily sweaty survivor groups, two of them streamer premades.
Have had to play crazily sweaty myself to get 2-outs, which I don't enjoy. I'm fine with 2-outs, but we're talking 4000 hour whales with legacy skins here.
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I said this in another thread but for MMR to work, you would need a larger Killer Population than a Survivor one. So it will never work in DBD unless they make the killer role more fun/easy to play tomorrow. With Survivor overabundance of 2nd chance perks, it will never happen. That's one of the over hundred reasons why I quit.
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feel you some games i do 4 gens just had a game where i used we will make it so a 8 sec heal from the hook and the claudette uses her sprint burst runs in a corner and starts self caring instead of letting me heal her she gets insta downed... thats basically one surivor gone...
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yea i mean some games i can do 4 gens and die and then the dude who was hiding the whole match escapes... still ends up getting more blood points etc. than me
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Last night MMR seemed to just be entirely busted. Had multiple games where 2-3 of the 5 players in the game were experienced with hundreds of hours, but without fail there was always at least 1 or 2 that were literally brand new. Like, no perks, no idea how the game worked, less than 5 hours in DBD new. And that happened like 5 or 6 games in a row.
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When MMR came out, if I was playing as a survivor, my experience was that both the teammates that I was paired with and the killers I was facing, were way worse than before. They all honestly seemed like people that had played for maybe max 5-10h.
I mean, sure, I was able to escape almost every game, eventhough my teammates all went down in 5-10 second chases and died, while I did 3-5 gens, most of the unhooks (with bt), cleared hexes, healed people, took protection hits and tried to get the killer to chase me instead etc. It was not uncommon for me to have 30k+ bp at the end of every game, cause I basically did everything. It wasn't much fun though.
On the killer side, it was the opposite. I was facing much tougher games on average, got steamrolled quite often, and it wasn't much fun.
I honestly believe that I am a much better survivor than a killer, and I do play more survivor, but it feels like my MMR was switched between the two roles, so I just got the worst of both worlds.
With that being said, while I do still get terrible teammates sometimes, and face hard swfs as killer, the games I'm getting now is much more fair and even for both roles, so while it took some time for it to balance out, I think my MMR is fairly close to where it should be right now.
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I do get a few of these matches - 1-2 excellent survivors way better than me and 2-3 potatoes without even a full line of perks.
It's probably people waiting in queues for ages and the system instead trying to futz together an 'average' team MMR close to mine.
That said, I had a genuinely heartwarming game where a clearly very experienced Nancy was using gestures to lead a trio of obvious newbies around.
I ended up giving 3 of them the gates on 2 hooks a piece.
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Just had one like you're describing.
Played I think 10-12 matches today, escaped all but the last one.
Was against a Demo on Forest, and 2 teammates literally were crouch/slow walking as Demo got closer, both went down in the first 20-40s of the match starting. IDK why I'm getting teammates like this who can't even run a Demo 30 seconds but hey. The MMR system sucks, so it is what it is. Its actually worse than the rank system we had. No way I should be escaping over 95% of my matches to be matched with total noobs who have no sense of urgency or efficiency.
We aint surprised tho.
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What would that do?
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Sometimes I have bad rounds and sometimes I have really good rounds. Maybe they should rework the MMR for survivors.
Yesterday I had 7 escapes in a raw. But after that, the other rounds were all bad.
The MMR should rate a survivor for how effective they are. So take advantage of the emblem system. This will weed out lazy survivors.
Just imagine, just bush and urban invasion survivors in one Lobby. Gens will fly away after 40 minutes 👌😂
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for us that do 4 gens a match AND LOOP...
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yea sometimes i play against killer with 3 level 1 perks or kilers with only one perk while the survivors are running 4 tier 3s sometimes its reverse. one thign with giving hatch sometimes when i carry a game lets say its me and one survivor left i had this yesterday aswell i was on a gen the last guy was waiting and hiding so the hag would find me and kill me so he could look for the hatch instead of working on a gen... its so annoying when the killer gives those players the hatch at the end.
some games that looks very promising for us survivors can be thrown out the window by one mistake a survivor does like UNHOOKING INFRONT OF A HOOK CAMPER WITHOUT BT!!!!!!!!!!!... i dont get it it's not that hard to sit on a gen while someone is being hook camped i mean you should be able to do almost 4 and a half gen while ur friend is being camped
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yea idk if it is because its late and there isnt so many players playing but some games i get teammates with 70 hours that ar better than players with 1k.
when i play killer i can be matched up against 1k hour survivors (im little above average on killer) and i can clap them while some survivors got 200 hours and can loop me much longer
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I do not believe it is mathematically possible to hide in a corner all game and get more blood than someone that did 4 gens. That is, at best, 5K blood plus time spent in trial and that is assuming that Survivor escaped. 4 gens is a lot of Objective points.
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I do feel like the mmr system is too crude, it really needs to award points based on contributions to the match. Not entirely like the emblem system though, which seems to want you to do a bit of everything, I think stealthy survivors who complete gens should be rewarded as should those who can waste alot of the killers time. But more than that the mmr awarded should be based upon your opponents mmr and the amount should be smaller too, so going up and down is more incremental. For example a top level killer who thrashs a group of newbie survs should get get barely any mmr increase and vice versa, also if an experienced surv runs the killer well and makes saves but gets caught out at the egc and dies they should still get some mmr awarded. They played well and dropping them into a lower mmr bracket does them and potential opponents for them a disservice.
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I think MMR should utilize looping and chase times as the biggest factor. Anyone can sit there and do gens.
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Would keep the people who are allergic to gens out of my mmr bracket.
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It's not either-or it's a combination of CHASE TIME+RESOURCES USED and TOTAL GEN/TOTEM time. The only other numbers would be time spent IDLE/HIDING/AFK/ON HOOK. That would work far better than what it is now.
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what i mean is one guy loops how can i do 4 gens then? what are the other 2 doing?????? if i dont get the chance to loop the killer doesnt loop me there is no reason for me to loop him unless people are on 2nd hook
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Yeah, it still happens to me too, just no where near as much as it did when permanent MMR was introduced.
For those of you saying that you're having some easy games where you escape, and then face some hard games where you can't, that's just MMR working as intended. Escape and your MMR goes up, eventually you face harder killers where you're almost guaranteed to lose and your MMR goes down again. You'll always bounce a little bit up and down.
I do agree with what a lot of people are saying about how more things than escaping should factor into your MMR gain/loss though. The fact that someone could technically go all the way from 0 MMR to be amongst the ppl with highest MMR in the game, without touching a single gen or totem and without doing a single unhook or heal on someone else or be chased at all, is just beyond dumb. Escaping should never be the only deciding factor on if you gain MMR or not. It promotes hiding and avoiding getting caught by the killer at all costs, while you're free to be completely useless for your team. Just do your best to never get caught, do gens only when you know the killer is on the other side of the map, only unhook when you know the killer is nowhere close, and if all your teammates dies because gens doesn't get done quickly enough, just get hatch or try to escape through the gate, just make sure to live as long as possible and never get caught, and you can raise your MMR quite quickly. And for those games where you are caught super early? Well, just DC or suicide on first hook like most other blendettes.
On the survivor side, doing other things should factor into it, just like the old system worked. That person that did 4 gens, 5 unhooks, 3 heals, 2 hex totems and ran the killer for 5 minutes while the rest were completely useless? Yeah, that person shouldn't lose MMR while the other 3 finally manages to do one gen, open the gate and just run out straight away instead of trying to unhook them and they all gain MMR. That blendette that spent a total of 20 seconds on a gen and did 1 unhook, who manages to hide well enough to be the last survivor standing, they shouldn't gain MMR just because they managed to open a gate in time and run out.
The current system promotes survivors that are mostly useless for the team, which is bad. As a survivor, you want teammates that helps you do objectives and increases the chance of one or more survivors being able to escape. As a killer, it sucks dealing with survivors that are very good at hiding the whole game, it gets tiresome running around for 10 minutes when there's 2 survivors left that aren't even trying to do gens at all, they're just waiting for the other person to get caught so that they can try to escape.
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Definitely time to revert SBMM. It's just ruined games for me on both the killer and solo queue survivor sides since they introduced it.