dead hard protection hit?

i’ve had this issue in every game as a killer, there wasn’t annoyed of it so it’s clearly a bug, and idk if ANYONE else has this issue. but i will have a clean, no desync hit on an injured survivor, whether it be in a normal space or at a pallet, i smack them, i get the blood splatter, the wipe, the scream and all. yet they don’t go down and they keep running all because they used dead hard AFTER the hit. i kept thinking it was mettle of man. it wasn’t. just dead hard. i’ve gotten cheated out of so many kills because of this. coming from a survivor main POV, i think it’s bullshit, yes dead hard should protect as a SPEED boost, not as a protective hit overall. maybe if it was a patch i’d not care but like cmon. fix this #########.
They didn't use Dead Hard after the hit, they used Dead Hard before the hit.
Server latency meant you didn't see Dead Hard until after the hit.
That's what server validation does, those split second differences between players apparent realities get judged by the server in the middle of them.
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Explain why survivors with 100 ping are able to deadhard my 20 ping. It is decided by the server, but there is also a HUGE margin of error granted towards the survivor while screwing over the killer.
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Your 20 ping is enough of a gap to result in hit validation.
Survivor DHs.......................You attack...server receives survivor packet..then your packet.
Any delay between you and the server, provides a gap in which other players actions can be received by the server before yours.
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Because it's not purely dependent on ping.
A survivor could have 100 ping, the killer could have 20 ping...but if the survivor did the action first and early enough then it would count first - it's what information the server receives those circumstances if the survivor did the action the same time as the killer, then the killers action would count first due to lower ping.
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This is why forced pennance = gud
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They dead harder 81 ms before you swung. Idk. Makes since in my head.
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I get why it happens, but are there any plans or possibilities to clean this up from a player perspective? Both on pallets and DH, seeing a hit reaction but not getting the hit feels like trash, takes you out of the game to have to double check the player icons to see what happened.
There must surley be a better solution to validating hits than this, it should be game design 101 to not give players false feedback.
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I mean other then pallet validation you get the missed hit cool down so that is something you can always do as a sanity check before you look for them on the ground or check the hud.
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Any plans on addressing Dead Hard eating Pig Dash and Billy Dash (there are other powers eaten, but these are the most damaging imo as you used to be able to reposition with Pig for a potential hit with the same dash or an M1 after cooldown/continue saw or change direction for better positioning and map pressure as Billy)?
Any plans on checking into it eating other powers?
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The only solution is to give you no feedback until the server validates it. That could make the game feel very laggy depending on your ping.
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How is that fair to me? They are the ones with the trash tier wifi connection causing me to get incorrect information. I didn't chose to play against "Brad" from mars dragged into my lobby by their SWF buddies.
I have been in so many situations where i am bumping against a survivor as they run towards a window or pallet and they just refuse to use Dead hard but are magically able to react to an instant swing. I have even had moments where i will just swing through them and their character will pause.... and then jolt forward.
I guess auto dead hard cheat is way more prevalent then i thought if it isn't the server allowing some wriggle room.
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Dead hard is working as intended now is the issue, it says in the description you can take a beating and it mentions an invincibility frame, it never worked right before and everyone would be exhausted on the ground, the devs were supposed to rework dead hard into a completely different perk and even mentioned it in a stream before but it seems that plan was scrapped, it wouldn't be as bad if they would make it to where the killer doesn't get stuck in the wiping animation/ or having the cool down be less after they used dead hard on you
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You're still not understanding it. It doesn't matter what their ping is, it could be 10, or could be 310, your 20 ping is the factor that allows for your attacks to be validated by the server.
The fact that their Dead Hard hit the servers before your attack, despite them having bad ping, just indicates that they used Dead Hard early, probably because they have bad ping.
They are not gaining an advantage by having bad ping, they just got lucky on the timing, or they compensated for their bad ping by playing safe and reading your actions far enough in advance, which is not easy to do.
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This means i can't read their actions and the info i am being fed is wrong. This perk offers instant information and that delay can be the difference between me clicking to attack and not.
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I understand it perfectly. They clicked 20 minutes ago and the server already decided i will miss even though what i am seeing on my screen doesn't reflect reality.
That's the problem. This update was made because survivors were crying that they were being hit after using dead hard or dropping a pallet because what they see isn't correct. This has inherently flipped the problem to the killers side. Survivors always have the choice to drop the pallet early or dead hard early. the killer does NOT have this choice and is forced to react based on what they see
These updates may be more fair on paper and in some mystical fantasy world. In reality they are not due to the gameplay mechanics.
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nah, it happens, even you hit through pallet, blood, scream, but survivor not downed. it started after 5.2.0 defore this everything was fine and now this s**t really confuses.
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most stupid is dead hard eating Nemesis power at pallet. you "hit" survivor, get dead hard validated (so, you miss), but you didn't break the pallet (because you "didn't" miss)
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How about removing the perk that works so bad on other side, since you can't fix it?
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May be just remove the perk that is so broke in game and wait for days when you find conclusion to make it work?
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I understand this.
But the problem is that this often provides a 'fake hit', which gives the killer false information and often results in you losing chase.
If this can't be fixed, then this quirk of DH needs to be considered a mechanic and you are going to have to balance around it. Ditto it seeming to eat certain killer powers.
The previous incarnation of DH, with it's possibility of failing, was already one of the most meta perks in the game. Now it can be outright oppressive.